The TEA PARTY is changing its name.


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South Florida tea parties regroup after election, tax deal losses

JUPITER — Jolted by the re-election of President Barack Obama, the defeat of congressional tea party icon Allen West and the cracking of Republican anti-tax orthodoxy during the recent federal budget showdown, the tea party movement is trying to rebrand and repackage itself in South Florida.

The South Florida Tea Party — the group that helped Marco Rubio launch his Senate bid and that hosted Donald Trump during his last flirtation with a presidential run — is shedding the words “tea party” as it undergoes a name change.

“We felt for branding reasons that we wanted to differentiate ourselves from certain organizations that have the name ‘tea party’ and we can’t control,” said Everett Wilkinson, leader of the organization that will now be called the National Liberty Federation.

Too fucking funny.

Talk about fail.

They are already trying to rebrand themselves.

What a joke!!

postmodernprofit likes to spread peanutbutter on his toes so he can lick it off later when he needs a snack.

See how easy it is to make up stupid shit and pretend it is real.
I wonder if the Koch brothers and the Heritage foundation will continue to fund them if they change their name?

I guess it's like Jim DeMint leaving the senate to work for the Heritage Foundation. He's still got the same boss, he just moved his office.