"the ten trillion $ hangover"



By Linda J. Bilmes and Joseph E. Stiglitz

"In the eight years since George W. Bush took office, nearly every component of the U.S. economy has deteriorated. The nation’s budget deficits, trade deficits, and debt have reached record levels. Unemployment and inflation are up, and household savings are down. Nearly 4 million manufacturing jobs have disappeared and, not coincidentally, 5 million more Americans have no health insurance. Consumer debt has almost doubled, and nearly one fifth of American homeowners are likely to owe more in mortgage debt than their homes are actually worth. Meanwhile, as we have reported previously, the final price for the war in Iraq is expected to reach at least $3 trillion.

As bad as things are, though, this is just the beginning. The Bush Administration not only has depressed the economy and racked up unprecedented debt; it also has made expensive new commitments to the Medicare Part D prescription drug program, to disability compensation and education benefits for veterans, to replenishing the military equipment consumed in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and simply to paying interest on the debt itself.

The president is not solely to blame for American profligacy, of course. Congress approved inequitable tax cuts and spending binges, and the Federal Reserve and other regulators, along with the mortgage industry and millions of consumers, share responsibility for the housing collapse. Nonetheless, the outgoing administration has made a series of unwise economic choices that together will add up to a burdensome legacy."



'What 8 years of BushCheney have done to our economy'

"Harry Truman said, "No man should be allowed to be president who doesn't understand hogs." That's never been more true than it will be for the man or woman who walks into the White House on January 20, 2009.

Truman also said "The Buck Stops Here." I think the Bush legacy will be "The Buck Passes Here."

He's never owned up and taken responsibility for his failures. Oh well.....that's a moot point now. :-)

The best thing to come out of this is that it will force the Republican party to reform if they are to remain relevant.

As much as there is to be critical of the new Economic stimulus package it was interesting to see Republicans managed what was for them, politically speaking, a Catch-22 situation.

If they opposed the stimulus plan and the economy got worse, they would be totally trashed in the next election.

If they supported it and it fails then their parties base would be furious with them.

So they took a relative safe course and let a handful of senators support the Bill so the rest can maintain a level of plausible deniability if the plan fails while avoiding a political back lash if the plan either fails or succeeds.

Not an enviable position for them to be in politically. Anyways it goes, if the economy does not take a hard upswing in the next year the public will more than likely blame the Republican party and will take it out on them at the polls.