The Ticking Clock


Does anyone have any ideas on how hot this is going to get? Looks like Gonzales' deputy is guilty of lying under oath; he's resigned. Of course Gonzales is in to it up to his neck, leaving us to wonder; is the President's personal lawyer and all around lackey going to have to finally resign the office he has made a joke of?

Rove's finger prints are on this too. But we can guess he's going to skate. Dont' worry, not forever. They all believe themselves to be invincible...right until the moment they go down.

Gonzales Says ‘Mistakes Were Made’ in Firing of Prosecutors
WASHINGTON, March 13 — Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales said this afternoon that " I accept that mistakes were made" in the decision to replace some United States attorneys, but he vowed to stay on the job and fix the system.

Speaking at a news conference at the Justice Department, Mr. Gonzales said he did not have personal knowledge of the discussions involving individual United States attorneys, but he accepted responsibility for the errors that were made. He said he rejected an earlier White House proposal to replace all the United States attorneys at once as "too disruptive."

His statement came as Senate Democrats vowed to get explanations, with or without subpoenas, from high Bush administration officials as revelations about the dismissal of federal prosecutors put renewed pressure on the White House.

Full Story:
he's not going to resign, is the latest.... the award will be next....

i just despise these cronies.... nuff said.
"You're doing a heck of a job Brownie!"

Care's right. Cronyism will once again be displayed.
"You're doing a heck of a job Brownie!"

Care's right. Cronyism will once again be displayed.

Yes, but it remains to be seen if it stands.

If the dems ever wake up and ask the question a lot of us have been asking, which is; what did the prosecuters who did not lose their jobs do in order to keep those jobs?...then we might really see some interesting things begin to happen.

Paul Krugman believes they should start by looking in New Jersey. Of course they're busy covering their asses from any expousure on the Iraq war. Also keeping them busy is their caving to AIPAC, the Republicans, and so-called blue-dog dems on Iran. So they might not get around to it.
Nothings gonna happen. I'm surprised any of you still believe in justice. The past six years serve as a great primer of nihilism.
Look IHG...although I don't think this would be "justice" exactly, as there needs to be a full investigation into who did what, and who prosecuted whom, in order to keep their jobs, things are heating up. If Republicans are going to get on the bandwagon, I don't believe Gonzalez can stay.

First GOP senator calls for Gonzales firing
Bush ‘not happy’ about handling of attorney firings, but stands by AG
The Associated Press
Updated: 5:29 p.m. ET March 14, 2007
WASHINGTON - Sen. John Sununu of New Hampshire on Wednesday became the first Republican in Congress to call for Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' dismissal, hours after President Bush expressed confidence in his embattled Cabinet officer.

"I think the president should replace him," Sununu said in an interview with The Associated Press.

Gonzales has been fending off Democratic calls for his firing in the wake of disclosures surrounding the ousters of eight U.S. attorneys.

Sununu said the firings, together with a report last Friday by the Justice Department's inspector general criticizing the administration's use of secret national security letters to obtain personal records in terrorism probes, shattered his confidence in Gonzales.

"We need to have a strong, credible attorney general that has the confidence of Congress and the American people," said Sununu, who faces a tough re-election campaign next year. "Alberto Gonzales can't fill that role."

"I think the attorney general should be fired," Sununu said.
Darla I have been made very cynical about the government even more so than even before when I could be described as faithless. It does not list my spirits to see a GOP member criticize the President. Specter has consistently criticized. Does anything happen? No. So do Hagel and McCain.

Even if Gonzales is replaced. Nothing will change about the culture of this admin. I was happy when they got rid of Ashcroft who was up to the same thing. They merely put on a better face by appointing a minority who wasn't afraid of an exposed breast.

This admin is rotten to its very core and cutting off any of these heads like Gonzales, Rumsfeld, Libby, or Ashcroft is just the cutting of a head from a Hydra.

I would not be pleased until I saw this entire admin sacked.

It doesn't even give me solace in 08 when a new admin will be elected because many of the old bureaucrats will remain who are also a big source of the problem. The bureaucracy has been strenghthening itself since well before this admin and like any ambitious body it seeks power.
Darla I have been made very cynical about the government even more so than even before when I could be described as faithless. It does not list my spirits to see a GOP member criticize the President. Specter has consistently criticized. Does anything happen? No. So do Hagel and McCain.

Even if Gonzales is replaced. Nothing will change about the culture of this admin. I was happy when they got rid of Ashcroft who was up to the same thing. They merely put on a better face by appointing a minority who wasn't afraid of an exposed breast.

This admin is rotten to its very core and cutting off any of these heads like Gonzales, Rumsfeld, Libby, or Ashcroft is just the cutting of a head from a Hydra.

I would not be pleased until I saw this entire admin sacked.

It doesn't even give me solace in 08 when a new admin will be elected because many of the old bureaucrats will remain who are also a big source of the problem. The bureaucracy has been strenghthening itself since well before this admin and like any ambitious body it seeks power.

I can't dispute one word of this. I agree. I also understand that once power is attained, it is not given up without a great struggle. So I expect a lot of these issues to reemerge in a new admistration as well.