The troll card


Whenever someone posts something you can't refute, simply call them a troll, and you need to post nothing more, and you'll be a hero to your fellow believers.

Mottleydude can serve as a perfect example in global warming threads. I posted a newsletter from NASA scientist James Hansen, a global warming alarmist often quoted as the godfather of AGW. In the post I quoted Hansen. For this, Mottleydude called me a troll. It's no wonder alarmists are able to fool believers. They are intellectually lazy.

Good job Mottleydude!
He did the same thing when I completely debunked the ice core study that he kept posting again & again...he bailed.
Whenever someone posts something you can't refute, simply call them a troll

You can't just call someone a troll if you can't disprove something they say. It doesn't make you a hero. It makes you look like a little bitch who got out smarted by some Hannity douche. If you have a debate and you can't counter an argument, you lose. If you call that person a troll and run away, you look like a bitch that lost. There's an easy way to avoid these situations.....make good arguments! Do your research! Come prepared because no one thinks you win the war if you get your ass handed to you while running away.
Then you ignored it?

no, it was pointless to argue with you. The IPCC clearly states the understanding of clouds is minimal at best. in fact they call it poorly understood. So stfu dumbass
What they include is a general estimate of cloud cover based on temp.
I don't mind the troll card, it is actually easier to take than the racist card or fascist card. None of them ever play well with me, because I understand they are cards of someone who can't play the game without them. People wonder if it bothers me to be called all kinds of names and have all kinds of negative comments made about me, and it actually has the opposite effect for me, I feel as though I have been effective at making someone look foolish, thus forcing them to resort to the joker cards. I have made my point to which they have no other response, and it is indeed priceless, and I relish it.
Whenever someone posts something you can't refute, simply call them a troll, and you need to post nothing more, and you'll be a hero to your fellow believers.

Mottleydude can serve as a perfect example in global warming threads. I posted a newsletter from NASA scientist James Hansen, a global warming alarmist often quoted as the godfather of AGW. In the post I quoted Hansen. For this, Mottleydude called me a troll. It's no wonder alarmists are able to fool believers. They are intellectually lazy.

Good job Mottleydude!

You idiot! I was calling irreputable a troll, not you! You were the one I was asking to stop feeding the troll.
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