the truth about gun banners

Those that want to ban your guns, or as they put it to 'not take away your hunting gun', are in fact cowards. They will not readily admit to this, even though it comes through very clearly in their words and/or actions. Times when they let slip that they don't want to carry a gun themselves, or don't want to worry about defending themselves, and the most obvious sign of them being a coward that they don't even want to see someone else (that isn't an officially badged government protector) carrying a gun because it's a very vivid reminder that they, themselves, are too afraid of guns to carry one themselves.

So, in order to cover this cowardice, they resort to emotional pleas of 'protecting the children' or public safety. The ones who think they are more intelligent than others start using words of the law and court cases to try to bolster their intellectual argument in the hopes that they can make a better case to limit guns, but these fail miserably when factual documentation is provided that shows the founders clearly intended for all the people to be armed. It's at this point that the gun banners get all flustered and are reduced to using euphemisms, ad hominen insults, stereotypes, and penis envy in their attacks, hoping it doesn't show their fears.

Another common tactic of gun banners is to plea for the lives and well being of all, which is quickly exposed as an outright lie when they happily accept that those that don't bow down to their statist agenda will 'be dealt with', which is really just code for 'we'll just have to kill you'. Mind you, it won't actually be THEM doing the killing, but it will be their appointed agents paid to enforce their agenda that they'll send. This is because, yet again, they are too afraid to do this themselves. Of course they'll convince themselves that it's not that they are afraid, it's that it's the cops job, all the while avoiding the fact that they are then sending another human being to do what they can't. A human being that may also have family, kids, etc. that depend on them.

Their cowardice gets projected by their willful ignorance and acceptance that people will act just as they would, which is to meekly submit and surrender as ordered. Their inability to be courageous in the face of any danger is incapable of believing that there are people out in the world today that have courage to stand up for what is right, even to kill if necessary. When faced with the reality of these circumstances, that of other people being killed that enforce their agenda, or that of people actually willing to kill to stand up for freedom, they withdraw and let bigger allies handle the fallout from their cowardice....that is the media.

The media is the cowardly gun banners biggest and bestest friend. It is to them that the job of demonizing courage falls to and they have the largest audience. When tragedies of death occur, whether it's the citizen defending their rights or the badged enforcers suffering for their agenda, the media grabs their standard forms to report about the evil doers with automatic assault weapons of mass destruction designed to kill that fire 6,000 bullets a minute, and of their badged heroes who valiantly gave their lives in apprehending the most dangerous criminal known to man......that day. Facts don't actually matter anymore in these situations as they listen to police spokespersons spin a story of the completely legal and authorized operation that ended in the tragic death of one of societies greatest protectors. Of how the community has suffered a great tragedy because the 'suspect' chose to defy the 'lawful' orders of the government by attacking the police. No mention at all that a 3 am raid by 2 dozen military trained and armed people broke in to the house of a family, making it look like a criminal home invasion, but those aren't the real 'facts' that the media will give them, thus the public gets a great story of how good overcame evil, at great loss to the community.

The media just doesnt' get help from the cowardly people in this endeavor either. They get alot of their statist agenda assistance from the government directly as high profile politicians give sound bites about preserving public safety and praising the brave men and women who wear badges that put their lives on the line every day in order to protect us. Every tactic is used by the government to make the cowards feel better about themselves by helping them believe that fear is ok, that courage is no longer the highest honor, that submitting to any 'lawful' authority is what good honest people are supposed to do. The government doesn't allow the 'suspect' (if still alive) or the family of said suspect to ever step in front of a camera or microphone, at least not until they've been properly cowed and berated to shut up. The government assists by either covering up any wrongdoing by the government, or outright exonerating unconstitutional conduct using newspeak and word twisting, anything they can use to lead the public in to believing that all is well, which isn't tough to do anyway, since most people are quite willing to hide their feelings of shame and cowardice anyway.

congratulations people. you've successfully undone the works that created this country.
Sure, that's it - anyone who doesn't love guns is a coward. Spot on.

The gun culture out in America is so out of control; the rationalizations & platitudes they come up with are beyond me, starting with the spinning of the 2nd amendment.
Sure, that's it - anyone who doesn't love guns is a coward. Spot on.

The gun culture out in America is so out of control; the rationalizations & platitudes they come up with are beyond me, starting with the spinning of the 2nd amendment.
talk about spinning, you're doing a fine job of it. 'doesn't love guns'??? care to tell me where I said that?