The truth about racism in America


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The truth about racism in America is, modern day blacks are the most racist race in America today. The actual number of white racist today is minuscule while the vast majority of blacks harbor racist beliefs and biases toward white people.

There is no Congressional “Caucasian” Caucus, but there is a Congressional “Black” Caucus. There is no United “Caucasian” College Fund, but there is a United “Negro” College Fund. There is no National Association For The Advancement Of “White” People,” but there is a National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People. There is no “White” Lives Matter mob, but there is a “Black” Lives Matter mob. There are few to no “White” people killing black cops, but there is more and more “Black” people killing white cops.

The majority of America’s blacks today are racist, separatist. They’re the majority of prison inmates, because they commit the majority of violent crimes. They get shot by both white and black cops because they attack all cops and disrespect the law.

Blacks are what they are because white leftist, separatist bribe them with taxpayer’s money, paying them to remain in slavery to government handouts and voting for their leftist democrat task masters who reward them when they produce more out of wedlock children with other people’s money producing more future votes for their leftist task master democrats. They keep them in poverty by rewarding them with public housing and thereby creating the modern day slave quarters. They provide them with crummy government schools and teach them just enough to keep them dropping out and selling street drugs and robing their neighbors and creating street gangs. They’re forced by the leftist democrats to be criminals and kill each other. They commit 80% of America’s gun crimes. Democrats govern almost every inner-city ghetto in America and fuck over blacks because they can keep them uneducated and addicted to government bribery.

White Democrats and most blacks are the epitome of RACISM in America!

The truth about racism in America is, modern day blacks are the most racist race in America today.

No....the TRUTH, about racism, is the same it's always been.....from the days it was illegal to teach slaves to read-and-write....up to the present; eliminating the competition for anything & everything!!!!!

If you ignorant, White-trash racists are too-goddamned-LAZY to enhance your personal skills & capabilities, in-order-to COMPETE with everyone-else.....for jobs, political-positions, etc.....why do you automatically assume you've got some Divine Right to move to the front-of-the-line???!!!!

You're an ABERRATION of the American-species....a goddamned anchor, that everyone-else is expected to drag-around, behind we don't have to listen to you continually whining-and-crying about being mistreated!!
No....the truth about racism is the same it's always been.....from the days it was illegal to teach slaves to read-and-write....up to the present;

You mean like the present day government schools in the Democrat’s public housing slave quarters ghettos governed by inner-city black democrats and sometimes white leftist democrat progressives, right Commie?
You mean like the present day government schools in the Democrat’s public housing slave quarters ghettos governed by inner-city black democrats and sometimes white leftist democrat progressives, right Commie? specific, Goober.

There is a lot of bigotry in this country and around the world for that matter. Racism, not so much.

Asians may be the worst at racism as they do seem to believe they are inherently superior.

Back to bigotry, it has regressed thanks to BO since he validated it for non whites while trying to invalidate it for whites. He does not seem to get that to validate one validates all. He never was too bright.
There is a lot of bigotry in this country and around the world for that matter. Racism, not so much.

You Aryans never were all-that-studious about (what's supposed-to-be) your native-language.

bigot / bigotry

: a person who strongly and unfairly dislikes other people, ideas, etc.

: a person who hates or refuses to accept the members of a particular group (such as a racial or religious group)


: poor treatment of or violence against people because of their race

: the belief that some races of people are better than others

Not to worry. You still retain your White-trash status, though.....pretty-much indicative of your English-shortcomings.
You Aryans never were all-that-studious about (what's supposed-to-be) your native-language.

Not to worry. You still retain your White trash status though.....pretty-much indicative of your English shortcomings.

The truth about racism in America is, modern day blacks are the most racist race in America today. The actual number of white racist today is minuscule while the vast majority of blacks harbor racist beliefs and biases toward white people.

There is no Congressional “Caucasian” Caucus, but there is a Congressional “Black” Caucus. There is no United “Caucasian” College Fund, but there is a United “Negro” College Fund. There is no National Association For The Advancement Of “White” People,” but there is a National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People. There is no “White” Lives Matter mob, but there is a “Black” Lives Matter mob. There are few to no “White” people killing black cops, but there is more and more “Black” people killing white cops.

The majority of America’s blacks today are racist, separatist. They’re the majority of prison inmates, because they commit the majority of violent crimes. They get shot by both white and black cops because they attack all cops and disrespect the law.

Blacks are what they are because white leftist, separatist bribe them with taxpayer’s money, paying them to remain in slavery to government handouts and voting for their leftist democrat task masters who reward them when they produce more out of wedlock children with other people’s money producing more future votes for their leftist task master democrats. They keep them in poverty by rewarding them with public housing and thereby creating the modern day slave quarters. They provide them with crummy government schools and teach them just enough to keep them dropping out and selling street drugs and robing their neighbors and creating street gangs. They’re forced by the leftist democrats to be criminals and kill each other. They commit 80% of America’s gun crimes. Democrats govern almost every inner-city ghetto in America and fuck over blacks because they can keep them uneducated and addicted to government bribery.

White Democrats and most blacks are the epitome of RACISM in America!

You poor fucking white, Christian victim. There are ways to change your skin pigment to appear black.
Your Worthless Beliefs Only Have Snob Value


No....the TRUTH, about racism, is the same it's always been.....from the days it was illegal to teach slaves to read-and-write....up to the present; eliminating the competition for anything & everything!!!!!

If you ignorant, White-trash racists are too-goddamned-LAZY to enhance your personal skills & capabilities, in-order-to COMPETE with everyone-else.....for jobs, political-positions, etc.....why do you automatically assume you've got some Divine Right to move to the front-of-the-line???!!!!

You're an ABERRATION of the American-species....a goddamned anchor, that everyone-else is expected to drag-around, behind we don't have to listen to you continually whining-and-crying about being mistreated!!

These anti-majority feralphile fairy tales were created by the illegitimate class that has taken over the country. Brainwashed all the time from every source, its victims refuse to recognize where the illogical and unrealistic fantasies they are forced to obey come from. Whites who were born rich are taught by their conceited fathers that they inherited superior genes and have evolved into a separate and superior race. The spoiled putrid trash, both on the Left and the Right Wings of the aristocratic vulture, are brought up to despise and war on, but most of all to fear all other Whites. They are outnumbered and we could easily take their totalitarian privileges away if we'd only refuse to recognize their arrogant assumption that they deserve to be where they are. At most, we are tricked into supporting "the richkids on our side."

Whites born in the working class are the only real Americans. The Blacks should go back to the undeveloped and violent jungle; their Preppy Progressive sponsors should go back to the crumbling castles of Europe where they belong.
Dhimmis' Doom

You Aryans never were all-that-studious about (what's supposed-to-be) your native-language.

Not to worry. You still retain your White-trash status, though.....pretty-much indicative of your English-shortcomings.
Your clique's time is just about up. All real Americans will soon silence you privileged weakling doormat degenerates. I'll do my part by putting a traitor like you on Ignore. All of us patriots who are proud of the same history you sneer and snort at should do the same. Out of compassion, we want to give you some inkling of what's about to come down on your ilk once we take our society back. We're kindly and gently giving you some time to move to a country you'll appreciate more, such as Somalia or North Korea.
GEE! What a world class response! Betcha ya stayed up all night puttin that genius babble together, huh Mo?:rofl2:

You want to be black to get all those perks, you poor fucking white victim? Go for it!

Fucking racist moron.

Commie? Really? Idiot....
You want to be black to get all those perks, you poor fucking white victim? Go for it!

Fucking racist moron.

Commie? Really? Idiot....

Perks? Like a black Democrat or white progressive Democrat Mayor who doesn't give a flying fuck about blacks murdering each-other and allows the government schools disaster in the Democrats public housing slave quarters ghettos? With perks like that, who needs the ass fucking commie Democrats give the blacks?:dunno::mun::rofl2: