The Truth Shall Set You Free


Verified User
The problem with Atheist is they, just like the radical religionist, they just have to try to jam their beliefs down everybody else’s throat.

The problem with Democrats and Republicans is they both think their lying rotten bastard politicians are more pure and less rotten than the other’s rotten bastard politicians.

“The problem with humans is occasionally they stumble across the truth, but then they quickly pick themselves up, brush themselves off and scurry off as though nothing had happened.” (Sr. Winston Churchill paraphrased and revised)

“If you think healthcare is fucked up now, just wait till it’s free.” (P. J. O’Rourke)

“Don’t vote it just encourages the rotten bastards.”{P. J. O’Rourke, revised)

Hillary Vs. Christi. Then we wonder why we’re always staring down into the fucking abyss.

Humanoids are the stupidest fucking animals on planet earth.
“My personal stupidity is perfectly apparent. I visit this place often just to argue with other idiots like you.” (Confirmed Moron)
True, almost every human doesn't seen to have a chance to be properly free of any outside influences but that doesn't make us stupid. It means we are a web and our concepts and ideals and memes know just how we dangle.
If humans aren’t stupid, how come they always build nations that bankrupt themselves or start wars that leave them defeated and impoverished?

If humans ain’t stupid, how come they murder each other over property that never last and or the opposite sex they thought they loved then decided later they hated the bastard?

If humans ain’t stupid how come they abort their babies on purpose, kill off their youth in absurd unnecessary wars and run around claiming they’re free when they have to ask government how much water they can have in their toilets and what light bulbs they have to use?

If humans ain’t stupid, how come so fucking many think government is the very best constructor and decider of morals?

If humans ain’t stupid, how come both the right and left think that the BIGGER the fucking government the lesser the corruption of government yet reality dictates the BIGGER the government the BIGGER the corruption? How come so many think BIG government is BIG freedom?

If humans ain’t stupid, why do religious fanatics always try to jam their religion down everybody else’s throat and Atheist fanatics always try to jam Atheism up everybody’s ass?

If humans ain’t stupid how come there’s so many fucking Democrat loyalist partisan morons and so many Republican loyalist partisan morons, when in reality the Duopoly politicians are all the same doing the same shit, like involving us in undeclared unconstitutional wars, deciding our morals for us with a failed violent fucking stupid Drug War, flexing American muscle all over the world, conducting a World Police Force, meddling in other countries politics and wars, operating a Military Industrial Complex soooo fucking redundant, the rest of the world combined spends less on so called “National Defense?”

Hey! Maybe “stupid” ain’t the right word, maybe we’re beyond fucking stupid, huh?
Yes we as a species like to be idiots and make lots of bad ideas but that is how humans think we all have hundreds of ideas everyday and amongst them there are some good ones. But as there are so many a load of them are bad ideas but being traditional we like bad ideas best and make up for it later.

Also no-one decides our morals for us except our family so if your Dad is Obama I'm really sorry for you and all but if you don't want to buy a gun and run down the street shooting Russians then don't.
The problem with Atheist is they, just like the radical religionist, they just have to try to jam their beliefs down everybody else’s throat.

Atheists come in all shapes, sizes, and styles. Some are loud and obnoxious, some are not. The same thing can be said of skateboarders, teenage girls, old men, and Cleveland Browns fans. What is your point?
If humans aren’t stupid, how come they always build nations that bankrupt themselves or start wars that leave them defeated and impoverished?

If humans ain’t stupid, how come they murder each other over property that never last and or the opposite sex they thought they loved then decided later they hated the bastard?

If humans ain’t stupid how come they abort their babies on purpose, kill off their youth in absurd unnecessary wars and run around claiming they’re free when they have to ask government how much water they can have in their toilets and what light bulbs they have to use?

If humans ain’t stupid, how come so fucking many think government is the very best constructor and decider of morals?

If humans ain’t stupid, how come both the right and left think that the BIGGER the fucking government the lesser the corruption of government yet reality dictates the BIGGER the government the BIGGER the corruption? How come so many think BIG government is BIG freedom?

If humans ain’t stupid, why do religious fanatics always try to jam their religion down everybody else’s throat and Atheist fanatics always try to jam Atheism up everybody’s ass?

If humans ain’t stupid how come there’s so many fucking Democrat loyalist partisan morons and so many Republican loyalist partisan morons, when in reality the Duopoly politicians are all the same doing the same shit, like involving us in undeclared unconstitutional wars, deciding our morals for us with a failed violent fucking stupid Drug War, flexing American muscle all over the world, conducting a World Police Force, meddling in other countries politics and wars, operating a Military Industrial Complex soooo fucking redundant, the rest of the world combined spends less on so called “National Defense?”

Hey! Maybe “stupid” ain’t the right word, maybe we’re beyond fucking stupid, huh?

This lacks some of the usual clarity, thoughtfulness and clarity of what you usually post. Are you posting while stoned, perhaps?
Also no-one decides our morals for us except our family so if your Dad is Obama I'm really sorry for you and all but if you don't want to buy a gun and run down the street shooting Russians then don't.

Well then I suppose you’re so accustomed by now to your BIG Mommy/Daddy government that you’ve dismissed all correlation of what you may and may not put into your own body by government decree, who and how many agreeable adults you may or may not make a marriage contracts with, by government decree and under what circumstances you may or may not own and protect yourself with a gun by government decree as irrelevant association with ”deciding morals for ya,” huh?

That’s what I mean about “stupid.”
Your a fucking moron!

In case you missed it Dud, that's the point of this thread. I don't eliminate "ME" from the rolls of human stupidity. As a matter of fact, just wasting time with this response to a fucking idiot like you proves I'm an idiot.
Atheists come in all shapes, sizes, and styles. Some are loud and obnoxious, some are not. The same thing can be said of skateboarders, teenage girls, old men, and Cleveland Browns fans. What is your point?

Have you read the thread? And you still don’t know what the fucking point is?

Your living evidence of human stupidity, huh moron?
This lacks some of the usual clarity, thoughtfulness and clarity of what you usually post. Are you posting while stoned, perhaps?

What makes you think humans need to get stoned to get even more stupid than they are normally? The fact that you think that proves you're stupidity!
You actually don't need this place at all. A mirror and a tape recorder would work just fine!

But birds of a fucking feather like to flock together, that's why this moron is here with y'all morons. Political forums are proof positive of the stupidity of humans. In nearly every thread somebody identifies somebody else as a fucking moron.
If you think humans ain't stupid, the Dodgers just signed Clayton Kershaw to a near 31 million dollar a year 7 year contract totaling $231 million dollars. MLB contracts are guaranteed. If Kershaw's arm falls off tomorrow or at any point during the next 7 fucking years, Oh well!!!!!