The Two Most Vicious Cartoons of the Campaign...So Far

The Bare Knuckled Pundit

Grand Inquisitor

Dana Summers, Orlando Sentinel


Michael Ramirez,

As the ripples from Senator Obama’s cannonball into the international pool continue to reverberate across the political waters, Ramirez’s depiction of him using a wounded American soldier as a springboard in his political slam dunk and Summer's portrayal of Obama's tour bus running over a wounded vet may well create an emotional tsunami.

With conflicting stories floating about as to why the junior Senator from Illinois cancelled a previously scheduled visit to wounded American soldiers while in Germany last week, the episode quickly became a black cloud over what was otherwise considered a resounding public relations success.

Ramirez astutely visualizes what many believe is at the heart of the Senator’s cancelled visit; his desire to use America’s wounded warriors as political props to propel the momentum of his world tour even higher. Meanwhile, Summers taps into the belief that confronted with a ban on bringing the media with him to visit our wounded heroes, he summarily tossed them under the proverbial bus as it were.

Hmmmmm.....I wonder what Michael Jordan thinks about the one? Hello, Nike Legal?

While I fervently hope that neither is the case, my fear is it is yet another indication that despite his protestations and assertions to the contrary, Senator Obama is, in fact, just another politician. A highly gifted and articulate one, granted. But in the end, still just another politician.
The cartoons won't matter. Unless Obama does something incredibly stupid, he is going to win.

A large part of that is the fact that the republican party is going up in flames. They have no idea how to campaign against an actual candidate.

Most of the '04 democrats ran on the "I am not Bush" strategy and it failed miserably.

Dana Summers, Orlando Sentinel


Michael Ramirez,

As the ripples from Senator Obama’s cannonball into the international pool continue to reverberate across the political waters, Ramirez’s depiction of him using a wounded American soldier as a springboard in his political slam dunk and Summer's portrayal of Obama's tour bus running over a wounded vet may well create an emotional tsunami.

With conflicting stories floating about as to why the junior Senator from Illinois cancelled a previously scheduled visit to wounded American soldiers while in Germany last week, the episode quickly became a black cloud over what was otherwise considered a resounding public relations success.

Ramirez astutely visualizes what many believe is at the heart of the Senator’s cancelled visit; his desire to use America’s wounded warriors as political props to propel the momentum of his world tour even higher. Meanwhile, Summers taps into the belief that confronted with a ban on bringing the media with him to visit our wounded heroes, he summarily tossed them under the proverbial bus as it were.

Hmmmmm.....I wonder what Michael Jordan thinks about the one? Hello, Nike Legal?

While I fervently hope that neither is the case, my fear is it is yet another indication that despite his protestations and assertions to the contrary, Senator Obama is, in fact, just another politician. A highly gifted and articulate one, granted. But in the end, still just another politician.

I think there's no doubt Obama has shown himself to be another politician. Reminds me of Arnold in California claiming to be 'post-partisan'. Ok Arnold. However you are correct, Obama is very talented and very gifted. And anyone can play hoops deserves props as well.