“The U.S. Catholic Church Is Going Broke”

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
That’s a direct quote from an article over at the Catholic News Agency, written by editor-in-chief JD Flynn, that talks about the United States Catholic Church going broke. Flynn doesn’t say the Church might or may or could.

Is going broke.

The Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate estimates that Catholic families registered in a parish give an average of $10 each week in offertory. By most estimates, that amount has been on the decline since the 2018 sexual abuse scandal, which has prompted widespread frustration with bishops among active Catholics.

Flynn touched ever-so-briefly on “the 2018 sexual abuse scandal.” Absent from his article, though, is any mention of the colossal sums that the Church has had to pay to the victims of child sexual abuse. That, and the related bankruptcy proceedings for diocese after diocese, can’t have make the financial picture any rosier.

Because I’m all about helping my fellow man, I have a solution for the beleaguered Church — but it lies with the Vatican, not with churchgoing families and their doubtful willingness to open their wallets wider.

It’s simple. The Mother Church can have a global fire sale. Sell the marble sculptures, the precious paintings, and the medieval tapestries. Sell the illuminated manuscripts, the secret papal account books, and the rest of the Vatican’s historic papers. Sell the jewel-encrusted altars, thuribles, and crucifixes. Sell the gold-clad cathedrals. Sell the cavernous convents and the monasteries. Cash out the stock and bond portfolios.

Start there. If that doesn’t yield enough to accommodate Catholic clergymen around the world at the level to which they’ve become accustomed, here’s my second suggestion. The Pope can encourage priests to live like itinerant preachers, much like the god-man they all claim to follow. Perhaps they can go around with an alms bowl like some of their Buddhist counterparts, and crash on Samaritans’ couches. That I could respect. How many of them would choose such a life? Three percent? Five? Those who decline and those who accept will reveal exactly how serious they are about their faith and their professed calling.

Bet the multimillion dollar lawsuits weren't any part of it. sarcasm. weaponized law on the civil side were things are inverted from the criminal side, also weaponized against the general public so passive aggressives can rule all the time ancestries have reproductions timed apart now.
Bet the multimillion dollar lawsuits weren't any part of it. sarcasm. weaponized law on the civil side were things are inverted from the criminal side, also weaponized against the general public so passive aggressives can rule all the time ancestries have reproductions timed apart now.

It's the Church's own fault for protecting child molesters.
4 Nassau catholic schools to close

The closings are part of a Long Island-wide and nationwide trend. According to Sean Dolan, a spokesman for the diocese, enrollment in its grammar schools has dropped 34 percent in the past decade — from 28,709 during the 2000-01 school year to 19,261 in 2010-11. According to Diocese of Rockville Centre Education Department enrollment reports, the number of students in Catholic schools in Nassau and Suffolk counties dropped by 4,000 from 2004 to 2010.

In June, the Blessed Sacrament School in Valley Stream closed, and in 1994, the St. Vincent de Paul and St. Boniface schools in Elmont closed.

I live in a small town,the one Catholic Church is vibrant,but they did close the HS and grade school.
But when I lived in the city,parishes were closing right and left