The UK Civil War & a message


I knew, I knew, I knew. I am beside myself with glee.

Not only has the truth come out about the Hillsborough tragedy and the police cover-ups but now the truth is coming out about the Thatcher bitch's 1980s. Brilliant! Fantastic.

All the cops I saw wielding batons at innocent heads, all the families we knew and helped with food and collections, all the lies told by the Yorkshire police and the Tory politicians and press.

I knew that if I lived long enough these bastards would answer to the people of Britain. I thought I would have to live longer so joy and rapture is heightened and here's one in the eye for everyone who refused to believe the truth.

Keep fighting. Never let the bastards off the hook. Chase Bush and Cheney and the rest till the end of their days. You can win.
I knew, I knew, I knew. I am beside myself with glee.

Not only has the truth come out about the Hillsborough tragedy and the police cover-ups but now the truth is coming out about the Thatcher bitch's 1980s. Brilliant! Fantastic.

All the cops I saw wielding batons at innocent heads, all the families we knew and helped with food and collections, all the lies told by the Yorkshire police and the Tory politicians and press.

I knew that if I lived long enough these bastards would answer to the people of Britain. I thought I would have to live longer so joy and rapture is heightened and here's one in the eye for everyone who refused to believe the truth.

Keep fighting. Never let the bastards off the hook. Chase Bush and Cheney and the rest till the end of their days. You can win.

Tell me what would have been the difference ultimately? The mines being closed by the Dash for Gas or by Greenpeace and the eco-warriors? It was Labour that kept caving in to the miners that brought matters to a head, no group of workers can be allowed to hold the country to ransom.
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Tell me what would have been the difference ultimately? The mines being closed by the Dash for Gas or by Greenpeace and the eco-warriors? It was Labour that kept caving in to the miners that brought matters to a head, no group of workers can be allowed to hold the country to ransom.

Britain being held hostage by a group of workers? Maybe it's just a justice thing, Aox? Sounds like it to me but I'm not a limey.
Britain being held hostage by a group of workers? Maybe it's just a justice thing, Aox? Sounds like it to me but I'm not a limey.

Not you are not, I live in Yorkshire which probably means nothing to you either. If you can tell me who Arthur Scargill is I might listen to you? One more thing, in 1990 just 1.09% of all gas consumed in the UK was used in electricity generation. It is now nearly 40%. Surprising that as you told me that turbines are very unreliable!!
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Tell me what would have been the difference ultimately? The mines being closed by the Dash for Gas or by Greenpeace and the eco-warriors? It was Labour that kept caving in to the miners that brought matters to a head, no group of workers can be allowed to hold the country to ransom.

Wrong question Tom.
The whole point of this and of Hillsborough is the tacit agreement of the Tory government to allow abuses by the police. False arrests, unprovoked violence (yes, I know not all was unprovoked) and false reports.
The police lied. Their reports contained lies, as at Hillsborough.
There is NO EXCUSE and should be no mitigating circumstances in which the police force of a nation, should be encouraged to lie for the sake of a political war being fought by the PM. Any PM.
The police behaved abominably, one known to 'er indoors, actually paid off his mortgage and bought a substantially larger house in South Manchester purely on the bonuses he received for beating up miners.
The argument about whether or not the mines should have been saved is a completely different one.

Incidentally, at about the same time or a year or so before, the police were identifying members of Greenpeace and harrassing the ladies of Greenham Common where MY OWN car was photographed when we went up to show our support.
This stuff is not confined to China or N. Korea, it happens right outside (and too often inside) your front door.
Hence my hoots of derision when Americans, particularly, trumpet their 'freedoms'.
This is what Toryism is in the UK, what Republicanism is in the US and, unfortunately is almost as prevalent with Labour and democrats. No matter who is in power, the fight must continue. It will never be won, there is no 'win', but we can influence our governments and corporations. e.g. Starbucks.
We can demand of our Walmarts and Tescos an account of their taxation and we can be a right royal pain in their corporate arses. We can demand a full account of the various interests, business and other, of our politicians and VOTE THEM OUT if they are caught acting against the best interests of their electorate and the country.

There are many good working Brits who will rejoice at this news and who will throw their hats in the air at the death (I will not soften the word) of Thatcher.
Wrong question Tom.
The whole point of this and of Hillsborough is the tacit agreement of the Tory government to allow abuses by the police. False arrests, unprovoked violence (yes, I know not all was unprovoked) and false reports.
The police lied. Their reports contained lies, as at Hillsborough.
There is NO EXCUSE and should be no mitigating circumstances in which the police force of a nation, should be encouraged to lie for the sake of a political war being fought by the PM. Any PM.
The police behaved abominably, one known to 'er indoors, actually paid off his mortgage and bought a substantially larger house in South Manchester purely on the bonuses he received for beating up miners.
The argument about whether or not the mines should have been saved is a completely different one.

Incidentally, at about the same time or a year or so before, the police were identifying members of Greenpeace and harrassing the ladies of Greenham Common where MY OWN car was photographed when we went up to show our support.
This stuff is not confined to China or N. Korea, it happens right outside (and too often inside) your front door.
Hence my hoots of derision when Americans, particularly, trumpet their 'freedoms'.
This is what Toryism is in the UK, what Republicanism is in the US and, unfortunately is almost as prevalent with Labour and democrats. No matter who is in power, the fight must continue. It will never be won, there is no 'win', but we can influence our governments and corporations. e.g. Starbucks.
We can demand of our Walmarts and Tescos an account of their taxation and we can be a right royal pain in their corporate arses. We can demand a full account of the various interests, business and other, of our politicians and VOTE THEM OUT if they are caught acting against the best interests of their electorate and the country.

There are many good working Brits who will rejoice at this news and who will throw their hats in the air at the death (I will not soften the word) of Thatcher.

It is easy to be a working class hero when you live 7000 miles away in capitalist HK. I notice that there is no mention of good old Arthur Scargill and the way he politicised the miners and used them as cannon fodder for his bullshit ideology. I just wonder what would happen if the power workers in HK went on strike?

As for the police, yes I'm sure that they lied and it is good that they were found out. When I worked for T-Mobile I used to visit the Barnley switch site a lot and I have heard a lot of first hand accounts of those times.