The un democratic party

hey assholes

the democratic gets to make their primary rules.

that person receives no power

that person then has to get elected you fucking idiots
who is getting more votes you stupid fuck

In Michigan and others, Sanders.
May want to check this stuff before you call people stupid.
And as you are ok with your party ignoring voters in its primary, you need to revisit whining when you think it happens elsewhere.
Rofl butthurt conservatards
So the democrat establishment is getting it done while the republican establishment has a hissy fit
Yes Desh. You make the rules to keep insurgents like Bernie out. Democracy hater.

It's like Rush Limbaugh said: Wall Street is a HUGE supporter and financier of the Democrat Party. The LAST thing that party is going to do is allow someone like Bernie, (who wants to go after Wall Street) anywhere near the Oval Office. The Democrats can't afford to lose their hedge fund manager donations.
It's like Rush Limbaugh said: Wall Street is a HUGE supporter and financier of the Democrat Party. The LAST thing that party is going to do is allow someone like Bernie, (who wants to go after Wall Street) anywhere near the Oval Office. The Democrats can't afford to lose their hedge fund manager donations.

About the only thing this hillbilly gets right, the rich are in the democrat party.
hey assholes

the democratic gets to make their primary rules.

And conspire with the Republican party to fix ballot access, own the media and the national debate, bribe all of the Wall Street and other special interest money and fleece the taxpayers into paying for their crooked primary elections and elaborate conventions and in that process hold closed primary elections and deny every taxpayer who doesn't belong to their crooked parties the right to vote every ballot they pay for and thereby violate the 14th amendment's "equal protection" clause.
Rofl butthurt conservatards
So the democrat establishment is getting it done while the republican establishment has a hissy fit

If it weren't for the Obama crooked (IN-)Justice Department, the Democrat's primary leader would be indicted, convicted and jailed for the felony of indifference and incompetent handling of America's classified information.
If it weren't for the Obama crooked (IN-)Justice Department, the Democrat's primary leader would be indicted, convicted and jailed for the felony of indifference and incompetent handling of America's classified information.

If it were a kangaroo klan court
You fucking grand wizard