The Varieties of Bullshit


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In a classic essay entitled “On Bullshit,” the Princeton philosopher Harry Frankfurt argued that the bullshitter is different (maybe worse) than the traditional liar because the bullshitter does not bother keeping an eye on the truth. Frankfurt’s essay has subsequently had uptake in the broader culture and has fueled much contemporary analysis of political discourse and models of propaganda. It has, for example, been applied religiously to analyses of the political discourse of Donald Trump.

Good point. Bullshitting is like propaganda. The purpose is to confuse people and make they wonder if truth is even important.
My father explained to me at a very early age that lying is basically STEALING!

We trust people to tell the truth- Well! Until they are proven to be untrustworthy.

When someone intentionally lies to you- they basically just robbed you for your trust in them.

No Bullshit!

It was my Grandmother that taught me that 1 lie- can be the start of 1,000 more lies just to cover that 1 lie!

This must be the reason why Donald Trump has 886,000 well-known proven lies, based on provable facts, on record during his Administration!

A proven liar and thieve does not deserve anyone's trust- OR VOTE!
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My father explained to me at a very early age that lying is basically STEALING!

We trust people to tell the truth- Well! Until they are proven to be untrustworthy.

When someone intentionally lies to you- they basically just robbed you for your trust in them.

No Bullshit!

It was my Grandmother that taught me that 1 lie- can be the start of 1,000 more lies just to cover that 1 lie!

Good. Trump has always been a thief.
"We bullshit not about the world so much as about our attitudes. Sometimes the bullshit is about the general character of the bullshitter.

Trump is a great example of this case. Contemporary writers have seen Trump as the ideal version of Frankfurt’s bullshitter — totally disinterested in the facts, however they might fall. But Black was onto something deeper. Trump was not merely a bullshitter because he spewed claims with little concern for their veracity. He also had a vice-grip lock on certain propositions which he thought others should believe — principally propositions about himself and how awesome he was.
In a classic essay entitled “On Bullshit,” the Princeton philosopher Harry Frankfurt argued that the bullshitter is different (maybe worse) than the traditional liar because the bullshitter does not bother keeping an eye on the truth. Frankfurt’s essay has subsequently had uptake in the broader culture and has fueled much contemporary analysis of political discourse and models of propaganda. It has, for example, been applied religiously to analyses of the political discourse of Donald Trump.

Good point. Bullshitting is like propaganda. The purpose is to confuse people and make they wonder if truth is even important.

The reason the bullshitter doesn't care about the truth is he knows *ahem*..."some people" will believe obvious lies, such as Joe Biden received 81 million votes. IOW, the bullshitter isn't the problem, the idiots who crave the bullshit are the problem.
My father explained to me at a very early age that lying is basically STEALING!

We trust people to tell the truth- Well! Until they are proven to be untrustworthy.

When someone intentionally lies to you- they basically just robbed you for your trust in them.

No Bullshit!

It was my Grandmother that taught me that 1 lie- can be the start of 1,000 more lies just to cover that 1 lie!

This must be the reason why Donald Trump has 886,000 well-known proven lies, based on provable facts, on record during his Administration!

A proven liar and thieve does not deserve anyone's trust- OR VOTE!

The 10 commandments are all about not stealing.