The vaunted tolerance of the Left

"f there is retributive justice [Sen. Jesse Helms] will get AIDS from a transfusion, or one of his grandchildren will get it." National Public Radio legal affairs correspondent Nina Totenberg

"I hope his wife feeds him lots of eggs and butter and he dies early like many black men do, of heart disease." USA Today syndicated columnist Julianne Malveaux, on Clarence Thomas

[Caption under footage of George W. Bush]: "Snipers Wanted!" Comedian and former talk show host Craig Kilborn

"And then there’s Rumsfeld who said of Iraq 'We have our good days and our bad days.' We should put this S.O.B. up against a wall and say “This is one of our bad days” and pull the trigger." St. Petersburg Fl Democratic Club

"All of us together would go down to Washington and we would stone Henry Hyde to death! We would stone him to death! Wait! Shut up! Shut up! No shut up! I’m not finished. We would stone Henry Hyde to death and we would go to their homes and we’d kill their wives and their children. We would kill their families." Actor (and Father of the Year) Alec Baldwin on the Conan O’Brien TV show

"Shoot him with a .44 caliber Bulldog." Spike Lee, on Charlton Heston

"There is a sound case to be made for dropping a tactical nuclear weapon on the Cuban section of Miami. The move would be applauded heartily by most Americans. Alas, Operation Good Riddance would require the sort of mature political courage sadly lacking in Washington, D.C., these days." Syndicated columnist Alexander Cockburn

"Many of the Jews who owned the homes, the apartments in the black community, we considered them bloodsuckers because they took from our community and built their community but didn’t offer anything back to our community." Obama supporter Louis Farrakhan

"I hate the Republicans and everything they stand for." Howard "Screamin'" Dean

"John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald, John Hinckley Jr. — where are you now that we need you?" British pundit Charlie Brooker

"O Lord, give Dick Cheney’s Heart, Our Sacred Secret Weapon, the strength to try one more time! For greater love hath no heart than that it lay down its life to rid the planet of its Number One Human Tumor." Huffington Post blogger Tony Hendra
"f there is retributive justice [Sen. Jesse Helms] will get AIDS from a transfusion, or one of his grandchildren will get it." National Public Radio legal affairs correspondent Nina Totenberg

"I hope his wife feeds him lots of eggs and butter and he dies early like many black men do, of heart disease." USA Today syndicated columnist Julianne Malveaux, on Clarence Thomas

[Caption under footage of George W. Bush]: "Snipers Wanted!" Comedian and former talk show host Craig Kilborn

"And then there’s Rumsfeld who said of Iraq 'We have our good days and our bad days.' We should put this S.O.B. up against a wall and say “This is one of our bad days” and pull the trigger." St. Petersburg Fl Democratic Club

"All of us together would go down to Washington and we would stone Henry Hyde to death! We would stone him to death! Wait! Shut up! Shut up! No shut up! I’m not finished. We would stone Henry Hyde to death and we would go to their homes and we’d kill their wives and their children. We would kill their families." Actor (and Father of the Year) Alec Baldwin on the Conan O’Brien TV show

"Shoot him with a .44 caliber Bulldog." Spike Lee, on Charlton Heston

"There is a sound case to be made for dropping a tactical nuclear weapon on the Cuban section of Miami. The move would be applauded heartily by most Americans. Alas, Operation Good Riddance would require the sort of mature political courage sadly lacking in Washington, D.C., these days." Syndicated columnist Alexander Cockburn

"Many of the Jews who owned the homes, the apartments in the black community, we considered them bloodsuckers because they took from our community and built their community but didn’t offer anything back to our community." Obama supporter Louis Farrakhan

"I hate the Republicans and everything they stand for." Howard "Screamin'" Dean

"John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald, John Hinckley Jr. — where are you now that we need you?" British pundit Charlie Brooker

"O Lord, give Dick Cheney’s Heart, Our Sacred Secret Weapon, the strength to try one more time! For greater love hath no heart than that it lay down its life to rid the planet of its Number One Human Tumor." Huffington Post blogger Tony Hendra

I don't know, it's sort of different whenever you're just joking about it. But conservatives are famous for their inability to comprehend humor, or much at all.
I bookmarked him, I know nothing about him except that the Guardian is usually left of centre.

Anyway about hating. What's wrong with hating those rightwing nutter bastards anyway? They deserve it :clink:

Hate is good for the soul. Liberals can't win just on staying above the fray, as the past 40 years has clearly demonstrated.

But your liberals over in Australia did pretty well eh?
Hate is good for the soul. Liberals can't win just on staying above the fray, as the past 40 years has clearly demonstrated.

But your liberals over in Australia did pretty well eh?

Yep but this is where we confuse everyone. The "liberal" (ie centre-left) party is in power federally and in every state and territory (although in one state they shouldn't be in power because the government is inept, incompetent and probably corrupt). But yes, we're looking for a renaissance.
Yep but this is where we confuse everyone. The "liberal" (ie centre-left) party is in power federally and in every state and territory (although in one state they shouldn't be in power because the government is inept, incompetent and probably corrupt). But yes, we're looking for a renaissance.

I was just playing on the fact that your conservative party is named the Liberal party.
I was just playing on the fact that your conservative party is named the Liberal party.

That it is - my fault, sorry, I forgot you know how we do things (black swans, conservative liberals, platypuses <--- apparently that's the correct plural reference) in politics here.

Yes, the Liberal Party of Australia was created by Sir Robert Menzies, our longest-serving PM. He created it out of the ashes of the United Australia Party. It really was a "liberal" party in the classic sense of the word, liberal in terms of economics but also (as opposed to its contemporary manifestation) in social policy as well, it would be very mild libertarian in American terms regarding social policy.

I have to admit that as a kid I didn't have much time for Menzies, growing up in a Labor Party family but quite a number of years ago I went to his home town in rural Victoria and to the museum they have for him there. I left with a better appreciation of him. John Howard fancied himself as a bit of a Menzies but fell short in so many ways it's not funny.

I don't know, it's sort of different whenever you're just joking about it. But conservatives are famous for their inability to comprehend humor, or much at all.

Yea did you see Fox news feeble attempt at a spin off of the "Daily Show with John Stewart"? While the attempt was hillarious, the program was not. It was about as funny as euthanasia day at the puppy farm.
Don't you love these rightwing nuts like Indesputable who try to paint everyone who does not agree with their extremist point of view as "Liberal' and then try to marginalize liberals? It's really a sad, sad, pathetic attempt to justify their point of view as mainstream because they cannot except their authoritarian extremism as being outside of civilized margins of political discourse.
It's also pretty damned obvious that their incapable of independent thought as almost all their post are either the parroting of the wingnut hate mongers like Fox News, Limbaugh, Hannity and Savage at el, or just copy and paste from NewsMax or Drudge.
Yep but this is where we confuse everyone. The "liberal" (ie centre-left) party is in power federally and in every state and territory (although in one state they shouldn't be in power because the government is inept, incompetent and probably corrupt). But yes, we're looking for a renaissance.

A government that is inept, incompetent and corrupt? Hmmmmm where have I heard that before......oh yea.....the Bush administration!

I noticed that none of you could refute the basic point of the thread, or provide any examples of alleged "hate speech" by conservatives.

BTW, how are Err America's ratings these days?
That it is - my fault, sorry, I forgot you know how we do things (black swans, conservative liberals, platypuses <--- apparently that's the correct plural reference) in politics here.

Yes, the Liberal Party of Australia was created by Sir Robert Menzies, our longest-serving PM. He created it out of the ashes of the United Australia Party. It really was a "liberal" party in the classic sense of the word, liberal in terms of economics but also (as opposed to its contemporary manifestation) in social policy as well, it would be very mild libertarian in American terms regarding social policy.

I have to admit that as a kid I didn't have much time for Menzies, growing up in a Labor Party family but quite a number of years ago I went to his home town in rural Victoria and to the museum they have for him there. I left with a better appreciation of him. John Howard fancied himself as a bit of a Menzies but fell short in so many ways it's not funny.

In a lot of nations liberal party is either the right-wing party or the moderate party. America and Canada seem to be the only places where it's picked up what "social democrat" or "labour party" means in other places. In fact, it's even more strongly associated with that than "left-wing" is. Your liberal party, however, seems like Republican-lite, socially and economically conservative. Maybe I'm wrong? Or has it shifted over the years? It's odd how the same word went in such different directions.

I kind of wish that we had a moderate libertarian party, but the two party system doesn't really make room for that.
I bookmarked him, I know nothing about him except that the Guardian is usually left of centre.

Anyway about hating. What's wrong with hating those rightwing nutter bastards anyway? They deserve it :clink:


But it was fine for the rightwingers to hate Hillary as soon as her husband was elected president ?

in any case extremists of all varieties are wrong.
I noticed that none of you could refute the basic point of the thread, or provide any examples of alleged "hate speech" by conservatives.

BTW, how are Err America's ratings these days?

Umm does unamerican ring a bell spouted by the right towards anyone woho was against GWB for several years there.

Just google Pat Robertson a bit, plenty of right wing hatred there.

Just nuke em all and let god sort em out. Common right wing rhetoric up till a year ro so ago with regards to Muslims.