The War on Bush....

The War on Bush is not making us safer! This is a fact we can no longer ignore. All pinheads are doing, is further inflaming the right, and creating more neocons. This unjust war needs to stop! It has become a quagmire, countless casualties... Joe Lieberman... Zell Miller... Chris Wallace... day after day, another potential democratic voice is silenced and we are drawn deeper and deeper into the Clintonista's war for revenge for Al Gore and John Kerry! Everyone knows the Bush family is big in oil, so this is an obvious attempt to control the oil owned by the Bush's, don't let pinhead's tell you differently!

Did you know there is a picture of Hillary Clinton shaking hands with Bush? Yes! It's true! The Clintons even went to Kennybunkport for a weekend of fishing and retreat with the Bush's! Clinton was even making deals with the Neocons when he was president, welfare reform, tax cuts... the evidence is clear, this war on Bush is not about what they are leading you to believe! The truth needs to be told! You people need to wake up and smell the Starbucks, because you are being duped... lied to.... deceived by the very people you support!

This War on Bush didn't have to happen, it was not provoked... Bush was contained, he posed no threat to the Democratic party, he couldn't have even run for office again.... and he never had any Weapons of Intellectual Construction, all they found was an old degraded copy of My Pet Goat! He didn't warrant all this mud and treasure being spent on taking him out. Pre-emptive war should never be the first option, and despite Bush trying to cooperate with liberals and UN inspectors, we were misled into this disasterous and incompetent war on nothing but lies!

Your illustrious leaders have intentionally cherry-picked intelligence information to make their case for War on Bush, and even caused the outing of a CIA operative in their careless measures to undermine Bush during the elections. They not only manipulated government documents, they outright forged documents and aired them on CBS, to lead us into this unjust War on Bush! They stole documents from the National Archives, so you wouldn't know what they are up to! It's an outrage!

In spite of all of this, Bush poll numbers continue to rise and the economy continues to flourish! This War on Bush was a collosal mistake! All that was needed was a few covert interns in the Oval Office and a digital camera, and we could have gotten Bush impeached, there was no need to go to war!

More Americans voted for Bush than any president in history, and you can't force people into Socialism at finger point! The people were happier under Bush than Democrats, and better off too! This War on Bush has done nothing but damage Democratic credibility around the globe! Oh sure, Micheal Moore still has his dittohead following, but the rest of the world tunes him out, and Democratic pundits are viewed as idiots now, all because of this stupid unjust War on Bush!
Another love letter to George?


Author: Dixie
Subject: I LOVE GEORGE W. BUSH!!!!
Party: Conservative
posted on 7-22-2005


And I don't give a shit what YOU think about it!

I love the way he talks, I love his honesty and integrity... I love the plain-spoken demeanor, and the confident swaggar. I love like hell, the way he always makes the democrats eat dirt, and look like the jackasses they are!

I love to see him working on his ranch like Reagan did,

I love to see him do an interview in blue jeans, I even love when he managels his salybals.

I love his chuckle, and his wit.

I love his jokes, I love to just listen to him talk about his ideas.

I love his wife, I love his accent, I love her accent... I love the way they look at each other like two people genuinely in love! I love the comfort of knowing Dubya ain't cheating on her and getting blowjobs on the side, and I love the lack of rumors that she is a lesbian. I love not having 'bimbo alerts' and an endless stream of women accusing him of sexual misconduct. I love not having to hear about cigars, cloakroom sex, and splooge on blue dresses.


Did I mention I love the way he continually makes fools of the Democrats who underestimate him? I really LOVE that!


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Bush really won by 10 million votes, they just didn't juice those machines enough to overcome the overwhelming support Bush had. You do realize Diebold was a big contributor to the Democrats, and Ohio elections are run by the Democrats!

Oh, and those towers that fell on 9/11... Democrats brought those down! Yep! It's clear as a bell on the video, they fell right in their tracks, like a controlled demolition, because your democrat idiot leaders weren't even smart enough to make it look realistic! Yes, I know they tried to blame it on Bush, that was the whole point in doing it! The same with Iraq, Bush didn't want to go there, the Democrats voted to authorize force, and he had to then! It was all a clever plot by the Democrats to continue this unjust war on Bush! Look at how much his poll numbers fell after that! It's obvious, they concocted this plan at Howard Dean's house before the election of 2000! There was never any real threat from Bush, it wasn't worth invading and occupying a sovereign media, the focus should have been on Newt Gingrich... by the way... Where's Newt? That's right, he's running for president in '08! Your incompetent leaders couldn't even remain focused on the real threat... they drug us off in this senseless War on Bush, and completely ignored Newt, now the neocons are reforming in Iowa! Thanks to this failed political strategy on the part of Democrats!
the fact that anyone would take the time out of their life to write 500+ words of such little content or real import is truly pathetic.

It is clear that Dixie loves to see his words on the screen almost as much as he loves his man in bluejeans.
I seriously think it's time to redeploy the troops in the War on Bush! This failed strategy is not working! We need to be fighting for nationalized healthcare and a living wage, not some unjust war for revenge against a harmless leader! It's the wrong war at the wrong time!
Well I am at a disadvantage since I have Dixie blocked, but I admit to vaging a war on bush. After all I llike my country and will wage war on anything I feel is hurting it and that includes an asshole like Bush and his cronies.
Well I am at a disadvantage since I have Dixie blocked, but I admit to vaging a war on bush. After all I llike my country and will wage war on anything I feel is hurting it and that includes an asshole like Bush and his cronies.

Bush posed no threat! Bush posed no threat! He was contained! You just want to wrap yourself in the flag and call me unpatriotic, while you continue this unjust and illegal war on Bush! Let me ask you this, WHERE'S NEWT? Your incompetent leaders were distracted from the real threat, and have squandered resources on a needless and baseless war against a leader who can't even run for office again, much less control the world. You koolaid drinkers are so stupid!
usc, you have Dix blocked? Why he is great entertainment and a lession on how someone like Bush can get elected President of the United States!
Naw Jarod, I leave that to you and Maine. His replies are too predictable. He is the only one I have blocked now. I actually unblocked toby as he started making a bit more sense lately. Not sure if that will last though ;)
Naw Jarod, I leave that to you and Maine. His replies are too predictable. He is the only one I have blocked now. I actually unblocked toby as he started making a bit more sense lately. Not sure if that will last though ;)

Yay! I'm glad you decided to block me... I encourage more of you pinheads to do the same! The less you see me post, the less you will respond, and the happier I will be, not having to deal with your idiotic shit. If you're not going to block me, just ignore me and don't respond, that'll work for me as well.

I don't mind having an intelligent conversation with a pinhead, like IH8 or Waterhead, they will at least attempt to argue the topic and avoid the petty snipes and diversionary tactics. I don't have any use for people who just want to antagonize and goad, for the fuck of it. I will ignore you after a while, because really, I don't come here to listen to your insults and put downs, I don't mind putting up with a few jabs here and there, but when it becomes your sole purpose in communicating with me, you'll find yourself on my ignore list. Oh, and don't threaten my family members like Maine did, that will get you ignored as well.
Millions of dollars have been wasted on this unjust war! Think of how many school lunches could have been purchased with the money Micheal Moore spent making F-911? Think of how many abortions could have been performed with the money used in attack ads? Howard Dean and Harry Reid need to go! Their incompetence has destroyed all credibility the Democrats had, and they are dragging us further and further into a quagmire that can't be won! Stop this War For Votes! Democrats Lie, Cindy Shehan Cries! Redeploy the troops to San Fransisco and Boston! We need a change of direction here, "Stay the Course" isn't working... Look at Bush's approval ratings!
YOu are right Dixie, it is not making us safer and this is why we need him to resign :D, because our country is in GRAVE DANGER while we have a president that we have "NO CONFIDENCE" in....we don't believe him about anything any more.....which puts us in Danger.

We need a new President and vice president now.... :p we can't wait another 2 years or we all could be hurt by this deceiving, incompetent president....I am not alone in my feelings.

There could be a bomb about ready to blow in NYC that This President notified me about and I would continue to have my planned picnic in Central Park...because why? Because I would not have believed the threat....because why? Because he has exagerated and mislead and deceived to no end on many critical issues, becasue he has shown his incompetence with handling this war and with handling Katrina and with handling illegal immigration and so on and so forth that I and sadly, many others...have NO CONFIDENCE in him, which puts, all of us in bigger danger...
