The War on Christmas

Mott the Hoople

Sweet Jane
It's that time of year again where Bill O'Reilly's favorite fake cause is making the rounds again.

That so many people buy into O'Reilly's mythological war on Christmas just amazes me that people can be so gullible and dumb. If one just used one shred of critical thinking or their Christian values to scratch O'Reilly's thin tissue of lies the truth becomes obvious. There is no war on Christmas and O'Reilly is a bloviating propagandist.

I'll give you examples of what I mean.

The first is Christian principle. Obviously O'Reilly and those misguided people who actually believe in the mythological war on Christmas don't understand the true meaning of Christmas. The true meaning of Christmas is the joyous celebration of our savior's birth by a show of good will towards "all".

O'Reilly's mythological "war on Christmas" is a gross violation of Christian principle and values as he does not share good will towards all and is purposefully sowing the seeds of division and hate. There is nothing Christian in his actions at all. If anyone has a war on Christmas it's Bill O'Reilly and his misguided believers. They themselves are violating Christian principles and the true meaning of Christmas by sowing division, fear and hate and bastardizing the true meaning of the Christmas spirit to do so.

Secondly there is simple logic. If a person of good will offers me a blessing such as "Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Seasons Greetings, Happy Hanaka or Joyous Kwanza, etc" my reaction is to respond to the intent of the blessing by saying "Thank you.". To be offended cause that person didn't officially recognize your religious doctrine is simply rude, boorish and, again, clueless about the meaning of Christmas.

So there really is no war on Christmas. What there really is are some blow hards trying to sow division and hate, like O'Reilly, who could learn from Dickens very humble character "Tiny Tim" who sums ups the true meaning of Christmas by saying "A Merry Christmas to us all; God bless us, every one!"

I guess according to O'Reilly Tiny Tim was at war with Christmas as he extended God's blessings to all and not just evangelical Christians who believe exactly as Bill O'Reilly does.
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My little town was in the news a few years back because someone was offended that the local light festival depicted Jesus in the Manger in an amongst Rudolf, Frosty and Santa. It's a pretty big show of Christmas...err sorry lol, holiday lights. Probably a quarter mile long with vast majority of themes being absolutely secular. Actually, it was all but one.

Of course, rather than paying to fight off the predictable, and misguided, separation of church and state fight, the city decided to remove Jesus from the Manger.

The Manger is still there, sans Jesus. Two thousand years ago there was no room at the inn and now Jesus gets kicked out of the Manger. But Mary Joseph and the rest are still there.
My little town was in the news a few years back because someone was offended that the local light festival depicted Jesus in the Manger in an amongst Rudolf, Frosty and Santa. It's a pretty big show of Christmas...err sorry lol, holiday lights. Probably a quarter mile long with vast majority of themes being absolutely secular. Actually, it was all but one.

Of course, rather than paying to fight off the predictable, and misguided, separation of church and state fight, the city decided to remove Jesus from the Manger.

The Manger is still there, sans Jesus. Two thousand years ago there was no room at the inn and now Jesus gets kicked out of the Manger. But Mary Joseph and the rest are still there.

That's really sad I think. I don't understand the point of leaving the manger scene there if they removed Jesus from it. I hope that one day the real meaning of Christmas begins to overshadow Rudolph and Santa instead of the other way around.
That's really sad I think. I don't understand the point of leaving the manger scene there if they removed Jesus from it. I hope that one day the real meaning of Christmas begins to overshadow Rudolph and Santa instead of the other way around.

It was intended as a jab at the offended party. Kind of snarky, I liked it lol.
Oh, the horra, I went to the mall last week and someone wished me Happy Holidays!

Its ruined my entire Christmas season!
Merry Christmas from a confirmed atheist.
The solstice celebration predates Christian festivities by thousands of years.
Christians and particularly Catholics, (O'Reilly) think they own this most human of ancient giving and renewing celebrations just as they erroneously believe they own morality and humanitarian values and behavior...
Nothing could be farther from the truth.
BillO is full of himself and that self aggrandizing clown is completely full of shit.

His next book should be titled "Killing O'Reilly"...

Rejoice the sun is coming back...
...I hope that one day the real meaning of Christmas begins to overshadow Rudolph and Santa instead of the other way around.

What, you mean like Yule, Saturnalia, the birth of Mithra, various other Solstice rituals and festivals, and other pre-Christian activities that the made-up Holiday of Christmas that is actually based on and is not a good thing if you're a Christian because Leviticus 12:1-8 references only SINNERS celebrating birthdays?

THAT true meaning of Christmas?

If Christians ever actually READ the bible, they'd be a lot less offended by, well, everything.