The Warped Electoral Logic Behind Trump’s Antisemitism

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
For most Americans, including Republicans, the resurgence of hatred against Jewish people is the return of an ancient evil. But Donald Trump, who has refused to disavow his dinner with two of the country’s most virulent antisemites, apparently sees it very differently.

He sees it as a constituency.

Trump is seldom careful about who he offends — tossing out jibes, insults, and threats with reckless abandon. He is more than willing to lash out at cultural elites and the people he calls “disloyal Jews” who support Democrats. But Trump has been consistent in his reluctance to offend what he regards as a crucial part of the base that he has nurtured over the years. He is unapologetic about associating with overt neo-Nazis, and unwilling to issue full-throated denunciations of antisemitism. Trump is willing to draw this barrage of opprobrium for one simple reason: He believes that he has tapped into something in the American electorate, especially among evangelical Christians, who have ingrained — but complicated — attitudes toward Israel and Jews.

And these are his people.
Trump’s defenders bristle at such charges, noting that Trump’s own daughter, son-in-law and some of his grandchildren are Jewish and that he is a staunch friend of Israel. He moved the embassy to Jerusalem, they say. What about the “Abraham Accords,” they say. But Trumpism (and Trump himself) has given oxygen to renascent antisemitism that has been introduced and normalized — by social media, celebrities and politicians — to a new audience that is impossible to quantify but may number in the millions.

This resurgent antisemitism — a blend of old-fashioned anti-Jewish sentiment, extreme versions of Christian/evangelical nationalism and a deep investment in conspiracism — is not, of course, new. But it is arguably more widespread, more virulent and closer to the political mainstream than at any time in recent history. The last few years have been a master class in the extent to which millions of Americans are willing to believe myths, lies and dark theories about cosmopolitan cabals who threaten the fabric of American life. Attacks on George Soros and “globalists” are now standard attack lines on the American right. Inevitably, though, a worldview obsessed with malign global elites will settle on the Jews as a target of choice.
There is a long and tangled history behind this current moment.

The leading far-right Catholic demagogue of the 1930s, Father Charles Coughlin, was a notorious and virulent antisemite, who “denounced Jews in language that might have been lifted from Der Stürmer.” Besides his popular radio show, Coughlin ran a weekly magazine called “Social Justice,” which had a circulation of a million. The publication occasionally published excerpts from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the infamous fake document that claimed to reveal an international Jewish conspiracy and was known for its “pure unadulterated Jew baiting.”

In 1991, one of the leading figures of the evangelical movement, Pat Robertson, published “The New World Order,” an anthology of paranoid fever dreams. In the book, one reviewer noted, Robertson claimed to be revealing “a global conspiracy, stretching back centuries and financed by Jewish bankers, all aimed at the formation of a one-world dictatorship.” Like Coughlin before him, Robertson also cited the bogus and debunked Protocols to make his case.
Meanwhile, Fox News began mainstreaming the “Great Replacement Theory,” and whitewashing the antisemitism of Ye, formerly known as Kanye West by editing out his anti-Jewish comments.

In October, when Trump complained about ungrateful Jews, there was little or no pushback from Republicans.

After Ye tweeted that he was “going death con3 on JEWISH people,” the former president invited him to dinner. He came with a notorious neo-Nazi.

And, once again, Trump offered no apology. He doesn’t think he has to, because his base doesn’t mind. These are his people. And he needs them.
Guno צְבִי;5865771 said:
For most Americans, including Republicans, the resurgence of hatred against Jewish people is the return of an ancient evil. But Donald Trump, who has refused to disavow his dinner with two of the country’s most virulent antisemites, apparently sees it very differently.

He sees it as a constituency.

Trump is seldom careful about who he offends — tossing out jibes, insults, and threats with reckless abandon. He is more than willing to lash out at cultural elites and the people he calls “disloyal Jews” who support Democrats. But Trump has been consistent in his reluctance to offend what he regards as a crucial part of the base that he has nurtured over the years. He is unapologetic about associating with overt neo-Nazis, and unwilling to issue full-throated denunciations of antisemitism. Trump is willing to draw this barrage of opprobrium for one simple reason: He believes that he has tapped into something in the American electorate, especially among evangelical Christians, who have ingrained — but complicated — attitudes toward Israel and Jews.

And these are his people.

That's his only genius -- finding a grievance and harnessing it.

MAGATs love them some Israel and Israeli (i.e. not here) Jews, but hate American Jews.
Guno צְבִי;5865772 said:
Trump’s defenders bristle at such charges, noting that Trump’s own daughter, son-in-law and some of his grandchildren are Jewish and that he is a staunch friend of Israel. He moved the embassy to Jerusalem, they say. What about the “Abraham Accords,” they say. But Trumpism (and Trump himself) has given oxygen to renascent antisemitism that has been introduced and normalized — by social media, celebrities and politicians — to a new audience that is impossible to quantify but may number in the millions.

This resurgent antisemitism — a blend of old-fashioned anti-Jewish sentiment, extreme versions of Christian/evangelical nationalism and a deep investment in conspiracism — is not, of course, new. But it is arguably more widespread, more virulent and closer to the political mainstream than at any time in recent history. The last few years have been a master class in the extent to which millions of Americans are willing to believe myths, lies and dark theories about cosmopolitan cabals who threaten the fabric of American life. Attacks on George Soros and “globalists” are now standard attack lines on the American right. Inevitably, though, a worldview obsessed with malign global elites will settle on the Jews as a target of choice.

And anyone who supports/befriends them. This is terrifying. I hope it is not true.
That's his only genius -- finding a grievance and harnessing it.

MAGATs love them some Israel and Israeli (i.e. not here) Jews, but hate American Jews.

MAGATs love them some Israel and Israeli (i.e. not here) Jews, but hate American Jews.

Right on the mark

And they say they love Israel which has universal health care, abortion and strong gay rights :thinking:
Guno צְבִי;5865772 said:
Trump’s defenders bristle at such charges, noting that Trump’s own daughter, son-in-law and some of his grandchildren are Jewish and that he is a staunch friend of Israel. He moved the embassy to Jerusalem, they say. What about the “Abraham Accords,” they say. But Trumpism (and Trump himself) has given oxygen to renascent antisemitism that has been introduced and normalized — by social media, celebrities and politicians — to a new audience that is impossible to quantify but may number in the millions.

This resurgent antisemitism — a blend of old-fashioned anti-Jewish sentiment, extreme versions of Christian/evangelical nationalism and a deep investment in conspiracism — is not, of course, new. But it is arguably more widespread, more virulent and closer to the political mainstream than at any time in recent history. The last few years have been a master class in the extent to which millions of Americans are willing to believe myths, lies and dark theories about cosmopolitan cabals who threaten the fabric of American life. Attacks on George Soros and “globalists” are now standard attack lines on the American right. Inevitably, though, a worldview obsessed with malign global elites will settle on the Jews as a target of choice.

The shithead is a hater. He needs targets for it. Nothing personal, mind you. Next week he may find it helpful to have you on his side so he’ll hate someone else instead that day.
Helps to admit it sometimes.

hey mortician, you forgot to change my name........that's a violation of the Dutch Dickhead rule.......on the other hand, I don't give a fuck so have's the only fun you'll be having for the next several years....after all, if you manage to stop Trump from running we have a lot of good back ups.......unless you run Biden and his platform of failure you have nothing at all.....
The shithead is a hater. He needs targets for it. Nothing personal, mind you. Next week he may find it helpful to have you on his side so he’ll hate someone else instead that day.

You are so right. I doubt if #TRE45ON actually hates Jews or Mexicans or Muslims or ppl from "shithole countries;" he simply uses them to whip up his gang of red hats. He knows how to stoke their grievances and fears, and then tells them that only he can protect them. They're stupid and gullible enough to believe this.
Trump does not hate anybody. He does not care about them. Everybody is judged by how he profits from them. Trump has serious emotional and maturity problems. He uses people. When they no longer help him, he cuts them loose. No loyalty, no feelings.
That's his only genius -- finding a grievance and harnessing it.

MAGATs love them some Israel and Israeli (i.e. not here) Jews, but hate American Jews.

IMO, the reasons they like Israel is twofold: 1) because Israel stands against the radical Muslims who they hate more than Jews and 2) rebuilding the Temple of Solomon as part of the Second Coming.
Advocates of Rebuilding the Temple
Nash takes a special interest in a group of people known as premillennialists, who believe that, after the Second Coming, Jesus will reign on earth for a thousand years or more before the Last Judgment and the beginning of the eternal order.

In recent years, many premillennialists have also belonged to a school of thought known as dispensationalism, and dispensationalists commonly have certain additional beliefs, including:

  • There will be a rapture of believers several years before the Second Coming.
  • The Jerusalem temple will be rebuilt before the Second Coming.
  • The Antichrist will proclaim himself to be God in the Jerusalem temple.
  • After the Second Coming, there will also be a temple in Jerusalem (either the same one, a reconsecrated one, or a new one).
  • During the millennium, animal sacrifices will be offered at this temple in memory of what Jesus did on the cross.

As some of their characteristic beliefs indicate, dispensationalists hold that the Jerusalem temple will be rebuilt in order for certain prophecies to be fulfilled. They are not the only ones who believe this. As Nash indicates, many Jews also believe that there will be a future temple. Some think this will not happen until the future, messianic age. Others think it could happen sooner. Some Jews also would favor reinstituting animal sacrifices at the temple, while other Jews would prefer it to serve simply as a house of prayer.
Guno צְבִי;5865771 said:
For most Americans, including Republicans, the resurgence of hatred against Jewish people is the return of an ancient evil. But Donald Trump, who has refused to disavow his dinner with two of the country’s most virulent antisemites, apparently sees it very differently.

He sees it as a constituency.

Trump is seldom careful about who he offends — tossing out jibes, insults, and threats with reckless abandon. He is more than willing to lash out at cultural elites and the people he calls “disloyal Jews” who support Democrats. But Trump has been consistent in his reluctance to offend what he regards as a crucial part of the base that he has nurtured over the years. He is unapologetic about associating with overt neo-Nazis, and unwilling to issue full-throated denunciations of antisemitism. Trump is willing to draw this barrage of opprobrium for one simple reason: He believes that he has tapped into something in the American electorate, especially among evangelical Christians, who have ingrained — but complicated — attitudes toward Israel and Jews.

And these are his people.

Having dinner with someone does not make them 'his people'.
Um, there's some classic projection. Only you have to invent "Trump will make America great again" and "Biden is a pedophile" nonsense to fool the rubes into voting for your wannabe tyrant.

Trump DID make America great again, AND he can do it AGAIN.
Biden IS a pedophile. Apparently you want to ignore comments like his 'hairy legs' he made to children, his inappropriate touching of children, etc.
You are so right. I doubt if #TRE45ON actually hates Jews or Mexicans or Muslims or ppl from "shithole countries;" he simply uses them to whip up his gang of red hats. He knows how to stoke their grievances and fears, and then tells them that only he can protect them. They're stupid and gullible enough to believe this.

You are describing yourself and Biden again. Inversion fallacy.