The Watch Dog

philly rabbit

Verified User

He is on guard for American liberty. His job is to protect his masters from the people of the federal empire, the evil kingdom with tentacles so vast through regulations they extend from the torso of the Washington beast to every corner of the country strangulating every aspect of American liberty within their grasp.

In recent decades the evil empire made up of both republicans and democrats, bureaucrats of the special interest lobbies, feminists, illegal alien criminals, economic fascists, corporate welfare advocates on Wall Street and all their collaborating journalists have all attacked and succumbed him into submission and made him into a helpless whipped and wounded canine being led around on a leash that tugs and pulls him by the hands of statists to make him do their every bidding, to tow the line, to obey and be submissive, to knuckle under and surrender the one and only thing he stood guard over, individual freedom.

But he will not be defeated my friends, he will endure and he will be rejuvenated by conservatives and libertarians from the grass roots who will build up his character and dignity once again to reclaim his only important and significant duty as to safeguard and protect his masters, the citizens.

He is the different states and his masters are the people in the different states and he is needed to be finally rejuvenated, brought back to full strength and placed back on guard against the evil kingdom now as quickly as possible more than ever before.
When the states become empowered again, so will the American people and not until then. Then they can wrestle control from the politicians and the IRS and control their own government again.

Like the framers of the constitution intended. That's why there's a bill of rights with it's crowning explanation point, the 10th amendment!