The White Horse Candidate



Now that Mitt Romney's religion is finally hitting the mainstream, I find this disturbing. And this comment isn't pretty. What about separation of church and state?

”The Mormons are the Chosen People. And the time is now for a Mormon leader to usher in the second coming of Christ and install the political Kingdom of God in Washington, D.C.”

“The instructions in my [patriarchal] blessing, which I believed came directly from Jesus, motivated me to seek a career in government and politics,”

This is scary...he's apparently been groomed for this since he was a teenager? You think the right wing was concerned that Obama went to Jeremiah Wright's church? We've got a hell of a lot more to be concerned about now...I don't recall this fact:

Romney avoids mentioning it, but Smith ran for president in 1844 as an independent commander in chief of an “army of God” advocating the overthrow of the U.S. government in favor of a Mormon-ruled theocracy. Challenging Democrat James Polk and Whig Henry Clay, Smith prophesied that if the U.S. Congress did not accede to his demands that “they shall be broken up as a government and God shall damn them.” Smith viewed capturing the presidency as part of the mission of the church. He had predicted the emergence of “the one Mighty and Strong” — a leader who would “set in order the house of God” — and became the first of many prominent Mormon men to claim the mantle.

Smith’s insertion of religion into politics and his call for a “theodemocracy where God and people hold the power to conduct the affairs of men in righteous matters” created a sensation and drew hostility from the outside world. But his candidacy was cut short when he was shot to death by an anti-Mormon vigilante mob. Out of Smith’s national political ambitions grew what would become known in Mormon circles as the “White Horse Prophecy” — a belief ingrained in Mormon culture and passed down through generations by church leaders that the day would come when the U.S. Constitution would “hang like a thread as fine as a silk fiber” and the Mormon priesthood would save it.

You would think this would be more openly discussed. After all, Romney has already thrown his support behind gutting public schools of the brightest students and sending them to parochial schools using vouchers.

What happened to the First Amendment?

Governor Romney has been an advocate of so-called "school choice" since his first run for the White House. In 2007, Romney suggested American parents should not only be encouraged to abandon the public schools; they should be rewarded for it with a tax break for home schooling their kids:

"I also believe parents who are teaching their kids at home, homeschoolers, deserve a break, and I've asked for a tax credit to help parents in their homes with the cost of being an at-home teacher."

Now, as the Republican nominee outlined in a recent speech to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Romney wants to redirect $25 billion from two federal programs into a new voucher scheme. As the New York Times explained:

As president, Mr. Romney would seek to overhaul the federal government's largest programs for kindergarten through 12th grade into a voucherlike system. Students would be free to use $25 billion in federal money to attend any school they choose -- public, charter, online or private -- a system, he said, that would introduce marketplace dynamics into education to drive academic gains.

But as the experience in Indiana and Louisiana suggests, that system would instead introduce large quantities of public cash into the coffers of religious schools and academies whose educational credentials may be suspect at best...

That's certainly not the case in Bobby Jindal's Louisiana, where voucher-receiving institutions must be blessed by the state. As the Daily Kingfish noted, over 90 percent of the 115 schools qualifying for Jindal's $8.500 voucher are religious institutions. And as Reuters documented, many of the 7,450 slots reserved for voucher students are at some pretty suspect schools:

The school willing to accept the most voucher students -- 314 -- is New Living Word in Ruston, which has a top-ranked basketball team but no library. Students spend most of the day watching TVs in bare-bones classrooms. Each lesson consists of an instructional DVD that intersperses Biblical verses with subjects such chemistry or composition.

The Upperroom Bible Church Academy in New Orleans, a bunker-like building with no windows or playground, also has plenty of slots open. It seeks to bring in 214 voucher students, worth up to $1.8 million in state funding.

At Eternity Christian Academy in Westlake, pastor-turned-principal Marie Carrier hopes to secure extra space to enroll 135 voucher students, though she now has room for just a few dozen. Her first- through eighth-grade students sit in cubicles for much of the day and move at their own pace through Christian workbooks, such as a beginning science text that explains "what God made" on each of the six days of creation. They are not exposed to the theory of evolution.

"We try to stay away from all those things that might confuse our children," Carrier said.

Oy...what if Mittens was elected President and the Mormon Church got all the vouchers for their schools? Implausible? Read...

A conservative think tank is distributing a lengthy essay on the history of education in Utah that implies that if Mormons don't vote in favor of the state's school voucher law that they could face cultural extinction.

The Mormon-oriented Sutherland Institute bought advertisements in Utah's two largest newspapers to publish its essay, which says public schools were introduced in Utah by federal officials who wanted to end The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints' control of the state...

Why are we allowing the government to use public money to pay for Christian schooling?

I guarantee you...if Romney's elected President, there will be Mormon (and other) grade, middle and high schools popping up everywhere, far more than now, paid for with government vouchers, and replacing our public schools, filling kids heads with nonsense.

Like this:

This 2012-2013 school year, thanks to a bill pushed through by governor Bobby Jindal, thousands of students in Louisiana will receive state voucher money, transferred from public school funding, to attend private religious schools, some of which teach from a Christian curriculum that suggests the Loch Ness Monster disproves evolution and states that the alleged creature, which has never been demonstrated to even exist, has been tracked by submarine and is probably a plesiosaur...

Among the other claims taught in ACE science curriculum, according to Scaramanga, are the following (the last three ACE curriculum claims are detailed in a subsequent post by Scaramanga titled, 5 Even Worse Lies from Accelerated Christian Education),

- Science Proves Homosexuality is a Learned Behavior
- The Second Law of Thermodynamics Disproves Evolution
- No Transitional Fossils Exist
- Humans and Dinosaurs Co-Existed
- Evolution Has Been Disproved
- A Japanese Whaling Boat Found a Dinosaur
- Solar Fusion is a Myth

Be very afraid...
Chosen people?

I thought that's what the Jews claim?

How about "chosen people" is a stupid idea?

How about if you are born, you are chosen?

.. and yes, Mormons have some real scary ideas. That being said, I don't judge people by what brand of religion they wear. In most cases, people are what their parents are .. as in the case of Romney.

When it comes to being POTUS, it really doesn't matter what religion or even what color they are. Once you don the clothing of a corporatist, nothing else matters and they all look alike.
Chosen people?

I thought that's what the Jews claim?

How about "chosen people" is a stupid idea?

How about if you are born, you are chosen?

.. and yes, Mormons have some real scary ideas. That being said, I don't judge people by what brand of religion they wear. In most cases, people are what their parents are .. as in the case of Romney.

When it comes to being POTUS, it really doesn't matter what religion or even what color they are. Once you don the clothing of a corporatist, nothing else matters and they all look alike.

I've said before on here a candidate's religion has nothing to do with performing the duties of the office - unless the candidate inserts his religion into the office. For this sole reason, Romney is dangerous and dangerous to the country.
I've said before on here a candidate's religion has nothing to do with performing the duties of the office - unless the candidate inserts his religion into the office. For this sole reason, Romney is dangerous and dangerous to the country.

He just looks like a corporatist to me .. and that is indeed dangerous enough all on its own.

The Mormon's are coming.....

Tax dollars are already being used by muslim charter schools that have opened up all over the country. Odd you don't seemed concerned about that?

Did you see where Obama just signed off on supporting school vouchers for poor disadvantage kids in DC?
Smith ran for president in 1844 as an independent commander in chief of an “army of God” advocating the overthrow of the U.S. government in favor of a Mormon-ruled theocracy.
I would recommend you not vote for Smith......

Tax dollars are already being used by muslim charter schools that have opened up all over the country. Odd you don't seemed concerned about that?

Care to provide a link for that claim?

Did you see where Obama just signed off on supporting school vouchers for poor disadvantage kids in DC?

Did I say I had a problem with school vouchers that help the poor and disadvantaged? No. Romney's plan will prevent the poor disadvantaged kids from using vouchers and stick them in underfunded, overstaffed public schools.

I would recommend you not vote for Smith......

And you shouldn't vote for Romney since he shares Smith's views.
you're going to have to provide some documentation before I believe that bullshit....

You mean aside from the fact that Romney's a Mormon and Joseph Smith led the party?

Or the fact that Romney stated he share's Smith's views?
But at 19 years of age, the youngest son of the most prominent Mormon in American politics — a seventh-generation direct descendant of one of the faith’s founding 12 apostles—Mitt Romney had been singled out as a destined leader.

From the time of his birth — March 13, 1947 — through adolescence and into manhood, the meshing of religion and politics was paramount in Mitt Romney’s life...

That same year, the Cougar Club — the all male, all white social club at Brigham Young University in Salt Lake City (blacks were excluded from full membership in the Mormon church until 1978) — was humming with talk that its president, Mitt Romney, would become the first Mormon president of the United States. “If not Mitt, then who?” was the ubiquitous slogan within the elite organization. The pious world of BYU was expected to spawn the man who would lead the Mormons into the White House and fulfill the prophecies of the church’s founder, Joseph Smith Jr., which Romney has avidly sought to realize.
Approximately half the country decided this sociopathic whack job is the best man for the job of president.

If the citizens of the U.S. are dumb enough and/or complacent enough to either elect this backwards-thinking corporatist, or allow democracy to be hijacked in the form of a rigged election, then President MagicUndies is what the citizens of the U.S. deserve.
Approximately half the country decided this sociopathic whack job is the best man for the job of president.

If the citizens of the U.S. are dumb enough and/or complacent enough to either elect this backwards-thinking corporatist, or allow democracy to be hijacked in the form of a rigged election, then President MagicUndies is what the citizens of the U.S. deserve.

anything would be an improvement.....
Approximately half the country decided this sociopathic whack job is the best man for the job of president.

If the citizens of the U.S. are dumb enough and/or complacent enough to either elect this backwards-thinking corporatist, or allow democracy to be hijacked in the form of a rigged election, then President MagicUndies is what the citizens of the U.S. deserve.

All I can say in regard to that is there would be a 100% male turnout on voting day if a gal was running on a MagicUndies ticket. :D
Approximately half the country decided this sociopathic whack job is the best man for the job of president.

If the citizens of the U.S. are dumb enough and/or complacent enough to either elect this backwards-thinking corporatist, or allow democracy to be hijacked in the form of a rigged election, then President MagicUndies is what the citizens of the U.S. deserve.

It worked for the Obamamites. :shock:
moot. Article VI Par 6...
and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.
let me get this straight....howey makes a thread disparaging mitt's religion, then back peddles and says....well....his religion doesn't really matter.

I was just curious about Howard's thinking in starting this thread.
If he is saying that Romney is the "White Horse Candidate", does that mean he thinks Obama is the "Dark Horse Candidate"?