The White House is now revealing Joe Biden can only appear publicly between 10am - 4pm because he will be too tired anytime outside of that

Hence my previous opinion based on my observations that they had to reset his sleep schedule for such things as SOTU speeches and debates. I noticed he would take month long "vacations" before such appearances...
This can prob be filed under "All the ways we know Biden and his Brain will likely be gone in days"

What horse the Regime is going to us a matter of hot debate.
After that debate... and follow up raging grant rally...
if President Trump wins You can only blame Joe...and Jill ..;) You can't blame voters...Blame Joe because he should NOT be the nominee...( Nixon in 1960 did better than Joe .... Everyone every time has done better than Joe...) If the Democrats do not force him to step down then they don't want to win... And they sure don't love America. Worst president ever and definitely the worst debater in the history of the world...
After that debate... and follow up raging grant rally...
if President Trump wins You can only blame Joe...and Jill ..;) You can't blame voters...Blame Joe because he should NOT be the nominee...( Nixon in 1960 did better than Joe .... Everyone every time has done better than Joe...) If the Democrats do not force him to step down then they don't want to win... And they sure don't love America. Worst president ever and definitely the worst debater in the history of the world...
The DNC basically shield Joe from a real primary. If they had a real primary this could have been avoided.
We went to dinner with some very liberal friends last night and they said the same thing - "Biden looked and sounded great the day after the debate, when he was speaking earlier in the day".

My thoughts - First, the debate was Dems idea. They set the rules. Second, what happens if the shit hits the fan after 4pm? Do we hope Joe is able to function?
Axios on trump, where his mental health was questioned only a year after he took office.

"In one example Axios presented, [trump's] schedule began at 11:00 with "Policy Time", then "Executive Time" at 12:00, an hour for lunch, followed by more "Executive Time" from 13:30...

The president's daily schedule has changed over the duration of his first year in office, according to the report. At the beginning of his tenure, it is said he would hold breakfast meetings in the Roosevelt Room, but he has since pushed the start of his day back later and later as his first year in office has progressed...

...Professor Dallek said, citing recent reports questioning Mr Trump's mental health, is that Mr Trump's reported schedule could be detrimental to his ability to govern effectively."
