The Whitey Video


I dare you to stop us GL
What kind of an idiot would decide who they vote for based on what the candidates wife said? Seriously, with all the problems this country has(High gas prices, the war in Iraq, bad healthcare, bad economy, bad border control, high taxes, global warming, no stem cell research, the possibility of Roe V Wade being overturned, Iran, Darfur, North Korea, jobs being shipped overseas, etc!!!!!) you are actually let something Obama's wife said be a factor in who you vote for? Only a moron would do that in such an important election.

All this media BS with Ayers, Wright, Michelle's comments, Hagee, other obama pastor, other McCain pastor, Falwell, Robertson and the McBush links is really starting to piss me off. Hannity, Beck, O'Reilly, Olbermann and Maddow sit there and bitch about the other candidate and act like the world's comming to an end if they get elected. I swear I would slap the hell out of Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity if I met them face to face. All those smug jackasses are what's wrong with this country. They take some gay little mistake or association and spin the hell out of it. And all the viewers are left to think Obama is an anti-american radical and McCain is a clone of Bush. I hope you're all happy. You've ruined the reputations of these two respectful men with about half the country.

And to all the weak-minded voters who actually buy into the Hannity fear-mongering. If you actually vote against Obama because of this Whitey video or his association with Ayers, then you deserve whatever happens to you. If McCain wins and it turns out he's as bad with the economy as Bush, then you deserve to lose your house and job. And you will be to blame for it. Not only that, but you will be to blame for all the other job losses and homes lost. How do ya like that fear mongering! Bunch of idiots I swear! But maybe that won't happen. Maybe McCain will be a good president. Personally I think he would. Who knows but vote against Obama or McCain because of the issues, not the gay scare tactics. Only an idiot would do that.
Thos who buy into this what a wife or preacher said crap are just too wimpy to sdress any of the real issues facing the USA.

Weak assed whiners.
Thos who buy into this what a wife or preacher said crap are just too wimpy to sdress any of the real issues facing the USA.

Weak assed whiners.

Good point. What are Obama's plans to fix whatever he believes need fixing? How is he going to change what he wants to change and how much is my tax burden going to increase?
I think that the Rev Wright nonsense has been blown out of proportion. I do question why Obama stayed for so long, but its not as big an issue as some others.

But I do not think we can dismiss it completely. I also do not think we can dismiss the "whitey" remark out of hand either. (if it was made)

Imagine if McCain's wife had said the "N" word. Would it be "she is not running for president"? Or would it be seen as an indication of what sort of private thoughts are shared in the household?

I don't say the word because my parents taught me it was ignorant and hateful.

Would I base my decision on who to vote for on this one small issue? Absolutely not. Do I think it should be ignored? No,
Well, if we're going to use people's wives as a standard for electability, we can't forget that Cindy McCain is thieving addict.
Being an addict is fine for Republicans, but somehow bad for liberals.

Betty Ford, Rush, Candy, etc...