The women that will bring down Trump


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When the Profiles in Courage are written about the downfall of the Trump cult (and they will be written), it is clear that the courageous people who stood up to Donald Trump without question or pause are, in large part, females. While men like Mitch McConnell, and Kevin McCarthy, and Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio and Lindsey Graham...... you get the idea, sat silently and cowardly in the corner, these women risked everything to stand against this threat to Democracy:

Nancy Pelosi. Pelosi refused to allow Republicans to turn the 1/6 committee into a clown show by denying Bozo Jordan a spot on the select committee. Adding Republicans to the commitatee to make it truly bipartisan while avoiding another performance of Kabuki theater was vital to the credibility of the committee. For her troubles, some insane Trump supporter broke into her house and nearly beat her husband to death.

Liz Cheney. Cheney, as co-chair of the committee, never relented in her harsh and pointed criticism of Donald Trump. Cheney lost her seat as a result, but continues to push for the defeat of Donald Trump. I disagree with her on almost every single policy issue, but what she did took REAL courage, not the pretend courage of these gutless cowards in Congress.

Cassidy Hutchinson. While the 1/6 televised hearings were clearly gaining traction, it was Hutchinson, who told Donald Trump to pound sand when he asked her to lie for him, that turned the tide and provided the momentum that was absolutely necessary to get DOJ to move on investigating Trump. Hutchinson now faces death threats for standing up and telling the truth to the American people.

Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss. The mother and daughter, falsely and maliciously accused of 'passing around thumb drives like vials of crack cocaine' by a racist, drunken, delusional Rudy Guiliani (who apparently groped Cassidy Hutchinson on 1/6 just to add to his scumbag reputation) stood up and told the truth about what really happened. For their trouble, they faced death threats, home invasions, and pressure from high up in the Trump cult, they not only testified, but they sued Rudy and won, looking at a likely settlement in the millions in their defamation suit against Rudy the pig.

Molly Michael. A personal White House assistant to Trump who continued to work for him at Mar-a-Lago, became uncomfortable with the obvious attempts to hide documents from the government, and may have provided the key evidence that was needed to convince a judge to issue a search warrant. She resisted pressure from Trump, who told her 'you don't know anything about the boxes', and provided information to prosecutors that make here THE key witness in the document case.

There are many men who have also stood up to Trump, but it is worth noting and applauding the role that women have played in brining down the greatest domestic threat in the history of the country.

The story isn't over, but when we look back at this black stain on American history, we will have these courageous women to thank for it.