The Word Disinformation Is Gaining Traction Among Democrats


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disinformation (noun)

: false information deliberately and often covertly spread (as by the planting of rumors) in order to influence public opinion or obscure the truth

Traitor John Kerry may hold the copyright:

On June 19, apparently timed to warm up spirits at the Rio+20 meetings at the U.N. Conference on Sustainability that began the following day, Senator John Kerry gave a sizzling 55-minute indictment on the Senate floor of those who challenge global warming crisis claims. He referred to a “calculated campaign of disinformation”, which he said “…has steadily beaten back the consensus momentum . . .


Democrats lie so much they must have terrific memories:

As the regular Revolver reader already knows, the slur “disinformation” has by now completely eclipsed “hate speech,” “racism” and even “white supremacy” as our Regime’s go-to censorship predicate. Whenever uppity citizens step out of line and engage in the sort of critical thinking that could undermine ruling class narratives, the Regime’s commissars in the media reliably invoke the term “disinformation” to shut them up.

A recent poll suggests that the Regime’s efforts to justify severe censorship under the guise of combatting disinformation has been remarkably successful:

Glenn Greenwald
Aug 18
This is what the crusade by corporate media & liberals for more online censorship has fostered: a population where 50% say *the government* should censor the internet in the name of stopping disinformation. They've trained people to be authoritarians, craving state censorship.

Pew Research Center
Aug 18
Roughly half of U.S. adults (48%) now say the government should take steps to restrict false information online, even if it means losing some freedom to access and publish content. That is up from 39% in 2018.


Though the term “disinformation” entered mainstream political discourse alongside the Russia hoax, it now pops up in reference to just about any topic in which critical thinking needs to be shut down (and there are many these days). And right now, there is no topic where the Regime needs to exert more control more than that of Covid, particularly on the matter of vaccines.

Luckily for the Regime, The New York Times recently stepped in with a piece highlighting the dangers of “Russian disinformation” pertaining to the Covid vaccine. And luckily for all of us, this particular piece offers an unusually stark and comical glimpse of just what a scam the “disinformation” beat really is:

The cartoon posted on the far-right discussion forum showed police officers wearing Biden-Harris campaign logos on bulletproof vests and battering down a door with a large syringe. A caption read in part, “In Biden’s America.”

The cartoon appears to be an example of the latest effort in Russian-aligned disinformation: a campaign that taps into skepticism and fears of coronavirus vaccination to not just undermine the effort to immunize people but also try to falsely link the Biden-Harris administration to the idea of forced inoculations. The image was one of several spotted by Graphika, a company tracking disinformation campaigns. [New York Times]

Remarkably, the Times piece neither reprints nor links to the offending “Russian disinformation” meme “cartoon” which is the subject of its entire piece.

As the sloppiness of the Times‘s case emerges throughout the article, it will become clear why they may have wanted to maintain plausible deniability by not including the very cartoon they suggest is a work of Russian disinformation. Revolver was nonetheless able to identify a meme that matches the Times‘ description of police officers wearing Biden-Harris campaign logos on bulletproof vests battering down a door with a large syringe:

The title of the the New York Times piece mentioned above is “Russian Disinformation Targets Vaccines and the Biden Administration.” But just two paragraphs into the piece, we see the titular “Russian Disinformation” transform into “Russian-aligned disinformation.” What on earth is “Russian-aligned” disinformation? Is it Russian or isn’t it, and what’s the evidence? Lo and behold, a full twelve paragraphs later, the whole “disinformation” scam is revealed in its full absurdity:

Graphika has tracked disinformation that is probably spread by a group affiliated with people who used to work with the St. Petersburg-based Internet Research Agency, which propagated disinformation during the 2016 election. The group has posted cartoons on, a message board featuring far-right politics.

A recent spate of anti-vaccination cartoons appears to have been spread by the same people involved in a fake media outlet linked to veterans of the Internet Research Agency, said Jack Stubbs, Graphika’s director of investigation.

While the group advances Moscow’s strategic narratives, it is unclear what precise ties, if any, it has to the Russian government. [New York Times]

Think about the chain of reasoning you just read. The New York Times based its whole story about “Russian Covid disinformation” on the word of a disinformation research firm called Graphika (more on them later). We learn that Graphika has tracked disinformation that is probably spread by a group affiliated with people who used to work for some group called the Internet Research Agency — a group whose ties, if any, to the Russian government are “unclear.”

NOTE: There is more to the article:

NYT Hit Piece On "Vaccine Cartoon" Backfires and Reveals Plot For New “Russia Disinformation" Scam - Revolver
August 20, 2021

Let me close with a satire:

June 10th, 2021

BEIJING—After New York Times editorial board member Mara Gay said she was disturbed by the horrific sight of the American flag, the Times has announced its offices will be relocated to Beijing so the paper's journalists and editors won't have to see the triggering sight of the U.S. flag any longer.

The new offices have the Chinese flag flying out front, so Times reporters will no longer have to see the flag of a problematic, oppressive nation.

"The Times cares deeply about the mental health and wellbeing of our employees," said an HR rep. "We were getting constant complaints from our journalists that having our offices located in the U.S. was causing distress for many of our reporters. Being situated in New York City, we were constantly having to see American flags on buildings, bumper stickers, flagpoles, Chevy truck ads -- you name it. We won't have as much of an issue here in Beijing."

"This should help everyone breathe a little easier."

Journalists say they are adjusting well to the new location and have much more peace of mind knowing they aren't in a country that oppresses its citizens like the U.S.A. As an added benefit, they're right down the street from President Xi Jinping, making it a lot easier to run stories by him.