the world likes capitalism, with good regulations

Can we stop the crazy talk about socialism taking over and realise that nearly the entire world likes capitalism but wants it policed.

Please quit standing in the way of a better country and world.

We need to return to sound (non fiat) currency, so those with the power to create it no longer wield this awesome power that allows them to control vast segments of society, and meanwhile robbing the rest of us blind through inflation.
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Can we stop the crazy talk about socialism taking over and realise that nearly the entire world likes capitalism but wants it policed.

Please quit standing in the way of a better country and world.

Notice it is only the Frogs in this opinion poll that think a free enterprise system is not the best economic system. Funny they have perpetual high unemployment, high taxes, low growth and are facing a birth shortage needed to support its welfare benefits. Yeah France!
they will love us again once we are not ruled by a nutbag cowboy who thinks its all about swagger and oil money.
they will love us again once we are not ruled by a nutbag cowboy who thinks its all about swagger and oil money.

yeah, I noticed no one attempts to enter our country illegally anymore for jobs and no foreignors (sp) are applying for H-1B visas to come work in our high tech industry. I bet all that stuff will start up again once Bush is gone from office.
The H1B visa jobs seemed to have moved overseas doing away with some of the need for H1B visas.
But last time I heard business was clamoring for more H1B visas.
"the world likes capitalism, with good regulations"
Regardless of what people like, economies work better under capitalism working under a reasonable (ie: good) regulatory system.

The debate starts when discussing what comprises "good" regulations. Few would claim that unfettered capitalism is good. But when regulations end up costing the consumer more than whatever protection(s) are provided by the regulations are worth, then that, too, is not good. Try to remember that the corporations are not the ones who pay the cost of meeting the demands of a given regulation. That cost is passed on to the consumer. (Ditto taxes, which is why high corporate taxes are not a good idea, either.)
The H1B visa jobs seemed to have moved overseas doing away with some of the need for H1B visas.
But last time I heard business was clamoring for more H1B visas.

I'm not sure where you hear that. The U.S. annually hands out 65,000 hb1 visas and got more requests for more than that on Day 1 in 2008. Bill Gates among others has been lobbying for that number to be increased.
"the world likes capitalism, with good regulations"
Regardless of what people like, economies work better under capitalism working under a reasonable (ie: good) regulatory system.

The debate starts when discussing what comprises "good" regulations. Few would claim that unfettered capitalism is good. But when regulations end up costing the consumer more than whatever protection(s) are provided by the regulations are worth, then that, too, is not good. Try to remember that the corporations are not the ones who pay the cost of meeting the demands of a given regulation. That cost is passed on to the consumer. (Ditto taxes, which is why high corporate taxes are not a good idea, either.)

Welcome Good Luck and....well.....good luck.

Regulations are very important and should be reviewed often to ensure they are effective.When deciding on wether they are effective or not you should not depend on how much money the said industry can give the guy writting the regualtions. That is a bad way to create legislation and is pretty much how the last thirty years of deregualtion has been handled. Im all for regulation that is good for all concerned but recent history has fully proven what deregulation has given us.

No matter how you structure regulations and taxes the burden is always passed down to the little guy. When we tax business we are taxing ourselfs so we should never overtax but we also have a country to run and taxing business for its fair share of the usage of our infrasturcture and the cost on the societry of allowing the busness to opperate within it gives us all a truer cost of its impact. Its Good for us to tax them suficiently.
Yep, we have a large need for cheap labor.
Well some of us do.

Ok. What does that have to do with hb1 visas? Do you know what they are? You must have some sort of advanced or specialty degree to receive a hb1 visa. That's not usually associated with cheap labor. Most of the visas go to workers who take high end tech jobs that pay well into the six figures. Again, not usually associated with cheap labor.

Hence Bill Gates and others in the tech community arguing that the U.S. is not producing enough workers with the skill sets for these jobs and the desire to have the limit on visas raised.
Ok. What does that have to do with hb1 visas? Do you know what they are? You must have some sort of advanced or specialty degree to receive a hb1 visa. That's not usually associated with cheap labor. Most of the visas go to workers who take high end tech jobs that pay well into the six figures. Again, not usually associated with cheap labor.

Hence Bill Gates and others in the tech community arguing that the U.S. is not producing enough workers with the skill sets for these jobs and the desire to have the limit on visas raised.

It's a way to get cheaper labor. IT wages have stagnated over the last few years due to them. And employers actually prefer people who they can control by waving their visa status over their heads.
Welcome Good Luck and....well.....good luck.

Regulations are very important and should be reviewed often to ensure they are effective.When deciding on wether they are effective or not you should not depend on how much money the said industry can give the guy writting the regualtions. That is a bad way to create legislation and is pretty much how the last thirty years of deregualtion has been handled. Im all for regulation that is good for all concerned but recent history has fully proven what deregulation has given us.

No matter how you structure regulations and taxes the burden is always passed down to the little guy. When we tax business we are taxing ourselfs so we should never overtax but we also have a country to run and taxing business for its fair share of the usage of our infrasturcture and the cost on the societry of allowing the busness to opperate within it gives us all a truer cost of its impact. Its Good for us to tax them suficiently.

Absolutely, there has been upprecedented growth recently in businesses externalizing their costs onto the backs of the taxpayers.
Yep just a few of the offshore people I work with have any initiative. Apparently the caste system works well in India.
Ok. What does that have to do with hb1 visas? Do you know what they are? You must have some sort of advanced or specialty degree to receive a hb1 visa. That's not usually associated with cheap labor. Most of the visas go to workers who take high end tech jobs that pay well into the six figures. Again, not usually associated with cheap labor.

Hence Bill Gates and others in the tech community arguing that the U.S. is not producing enough workers with the skill sets for these jobs and the desire to have the limit on visas raised.

h1b's are paid well below the market rate. Bill Gates is an asshole on this one (and he is a guy I like a lot). They want more h1b's but ask them if they want more immigrants fully able to bargain and they run away.

I am a programmer and fully willing to compete against immigrants. Let em all come I say. I just do not feel it is right that I should compete against indentured servants, for me or them.