Theological argument - why killing atheists isn't murder


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Here's the crux of the argument:

1. In the Biblical Old Testament; killing or murder was prohibited under the civil law of the kingdom of God; it did not apply to warfare nor to state-sponsored executions

2. An atheist can be argued not not only to be a heretic or apostate - but an inferior species altogether, worthy of being called "human" only in name.

As the writings of perverse and evil atheists such as Marquis de Sade prove - the atheist is a feral beast, given over to evils such as rape, murder, sodomy, bestiality, pedophilia and the like.

Without the ordination of humanity by God; the atheist is nothing more than another animal - society frequently kills animals for the greater good of itself, therefore to kill atheists or to deprive them of any other nonsensical "rights" - whether property, equality, or otherwise - is not a crime, nor even necessarily a sin.

In order for the atheist to attain human rights, all he needs to do is convert to Christianity or any other monotheistic faith - if he refuses, then he deserves no recognition of humanity, being worthy only of death. Stealing or other acts of aggression against an atheist is not a sin at all either - for if it is in greater good of God's kingdom to seize the property of the atheist and put it to proper moral use (while elsewise, it would merely be used for perversites, such as the production or solicitation of pornography, obscenity, or other vile uses), such an act could easily be justified as well, much as is or was the seizing of property from the demonic pagans or heathens who endulged in evils such as blood sacrifices, and putting it to correct and proper use in the name of God's kingdom.

3. Historically, when modern fables and false dichtomies of "church and state" were fabricated, to reject God was not only heresy and apostacy, but a crime of high treason against state as well; I see no reason why this dichtomy should be pronounced - as one who is an apostate to God is also a traitor against any nation which acknowledges God.

Therefore, it would be entirely just to make adopting atheism a crime of high treason in all nations worldwide, worthy of the same death sentence that one who joins or donates money to a terrorist organization such as ISIS would receive - for arguably, the atheist is a more dangerous and insidious enemy of God and state than even terrorists are - for terrorists can only harm the external body, whilst the atheist, like any abominable disease or plague, can harm the soul as well.

Therefore, i would advocate that all Christians and monotheists abolish the fictitious and liberal notion by which an inferior and sub-human atheist is purported to have the same rights as a Godly man or woman, and eradicate this scourge from our nations with all the fervor which an Inquisitor of yore would have burned heretics.
Shouldn't this be in Religion, Philosophy and Ethics? Well at least Marcus didn't place it in the usual Current Events like all the other trolls.
My attempt to improve a troll thread

On another thread, I recently compiled a list of noted theists and atheists.

Renne Descartes - Christian
John Locke - Christian
Voltaire - Deist
Immanuel Kant - Rational faith, unconventional Christian
Soren Kierkegaard - Christian
Albert Einstein - quasi-Deism, quasi-agnostic
Joe Biden - Christian

Denis Diderot - atheist
Karl Marx - Atheist
Sigmund Freud - Atheist
Friedrich Nietzsche- Atheist
Martin Heidegger- Atheist
Steven Hawking - Atheist
Donald Trump- Atheist

From the atheist camp, Nietsche and Heidegger seem to have the most compelling message, in my opinion.
Aka, there may be no transcendence or ultimate truth beyond this physical existence, but creating meaning and living the authentic life requires the careful cultivation of imagination and creativity.

Could our time have become so disenchanted that it no longer concerns itself with questions of meaning, but only calculates costs and very practical, instrumental benefits? Considered by many to be the 20th century’s most influential philosopher, Martin Heidegger (1889–1976) claims this to be the case. Heidegger believes that we have become so lost in “average everydayness” that we barely comprehend our authentic possibilities. Each of us has irreplaceable and nontransferable possibilities, but Heidegger believes that we mostly flee them. Only through a resolute comprehension of our finitude—the finality and inescapable possibility of our death—can we find our authenticity.

In the midst of average, everyday life, Heidegger points to two modes of living: the authentic versus the inauthentic. Authentic existence involves discovering what are truly one’s own unique life possibilities. Inauthentic existence involves, often uncomprehendingly, a fleeing from what are one’s own individual possibilities.

Source credit. Professor Steven Erickson
The arguments for a God who controls the vast expansion of worlds since the Big Bang don't seem desperately strong nowadays, but I keep an open mind, since all things are possible. The way such evil drivel as the OP here comes out of 'religious' people demonstrates my main reason for losing interest is the question, namely the disappearance of Christianity in such circles.
The arguments for a God who controls the vast expansion of worlds since the Big Bang don't seem desperately strong nowadays, but I keep an open mind, since all things are possible. The way such evil drivel as the OP here comes out of 'religious' people demonstrates my main reason for losing interest is the question, namely the disappearance of Christianity in such circles.

He's just a troll, not a Christian or much of anything outside a bored little cretin. When you see people blindly follow one man like Trump, Hitler, etc, it's easy to see the Antichrist. Trump even tried to enshrine his presidency in the cloth of Jesus, while doing nothing but butcher the meaning and drive more people from the faith. These Trumpers are so infuriating as the very book and faith many of them claim to know warns about this very thing. So, they most likely never even read the thing and just live off cherry picked passages
Muslims believe apostates should be killed.

I surely cannot agree with adopting any practices of The Religion Of Peace.