There Can Be No Saving the Republican Party

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
While this Summer of Indictments may stoke the hopes that our long national nightmare might be ended through judicial means, we should be realistic: The pathway to moving on from America’s MAGA mistake can, and must, be realized through democratic means. We shouldn’t pretend, in any event, that Trumpism and MAGA will might be blinked from existence, but discrediting its political future will take resounding losses to Democrat candidates in 2024. Voters of differing political beliefs must form unlikely, but necessary, alliances, to ensure that Republicans suffer vast defeats at the polls next year, up and down the ballot.

But we should be clear about one thing: It’s the voters who might be redeemed. The Republican Party is, in its current form, beyond redemption. If we hope to bring about the end of our MAGA madness, reconcile as a nation, and move on with our lives, we have to give up on the popular idea that we have to “save the Republican Party.”
George Dumbya Bush and Donald Trumpf

There are conservatives in their 40s who have never had a Republican president in their adult lives they could be proud of. Worse than that, their presidents have been absolute embarrassments.
While this Summer of Indictments may stoke the hopes that our long national nightmare might be ended through judicial means, we should be realistic: The pathway to moving on from America’s MAGA mistake can, and must, be realized through democratic means. We shouldn’t pretend, in any event, that Trumpism and MAGA will might be blinked from existence, but discrediting its political future will take resounding losses to Democrat candidates in 2024. Voters of differing political beliefs must form unlikely, but necessary, alliances, to ensure that Republicans suffer vast defeats at the polls next year, up and down the ballot.

But we should be clear about one thing: It’s the voters who might be redeemed. The Republican Party is, in its current form, beyond redemption. If we hope to bring about the end of our MAGA madness, reconcile as a nation, and move on with our lives, we have to give up on the popular idea that we have to “save the Republican Party.”

Imagine just for a moment, had these GOP lunatics the guts to impeach Trump on the first go round.....imagine how wonderful life would be for all of us...his nuts would have crawled back into their caves, Trump would be back on TV reviving the Apprentice and D.C would be forced to focus on real issues facing this country...with Mick Penis as President. I know there isn't one fuckin day that goes by, that the walking dead Mitch McConnel does not have regrets.

the Democratic party has become a joke.

More states will continue to have GOP Governors as retards like the Op claim the party is dead

the Democratic party has become a joke.

More states will continue to have GOP Governors as retards like the Op claim the party is dead

The biggest problem with Democrats is they keep picking issues that nobody gives a fuck about....I could care less about some baby wanting thier penis turned into a fuckin vagina, I could give a rats fuck about immigrants wanting a money grab, ship they ass back to their own countries and I could care less about white ppl not given a fuck about black history...NOT WITH FUCKIN GAS 4.64 A GALLON BC MAUI CAUGHT FIRE....ALWAYS CORPORATIONS TAKING ADVANTAGE OF US EVERY TIME SOMETHING BAD HAPPENS!!
The national republican party i.e. the white xtian party is dead :awesome:, they however will survive as local parties in shit hole places in flyover country

the Democratic party has become a joke.

More states will continue to have GOP Governors as retards like the Op claim the party is dead

47% of the people in the nation identify as conservative yet the idiot dems think they are just going to stop voting for conservative people.

There will always be a republican party.

There always has been whether they were called the federalists or the Whigs.

And if you notice, their hate for republican presidents increases with each new one we get. No matter who becomes the next conservative president they will hate them even more than Trump.
While this Summer of Indictments may stoke the hopes that our long national nightmare might be ended through judicial means, we should be realistic: The pathway to moving on from America’s MAGA mistake can, and must, be realized through democratic means. We shouldn’t pretend, in any event, that Trumpism and MAGA will might be blinked from existence, but discrediting its political future will take resounding losses to Democrat candidates in 2024. Voters of differing political beliefs must form unlikely, but necessary, alliances, to ensure that Republicans suffer vast defeats at the polls next year, up and down the ballot.

But we should be clear about one thing: It’s the voters who might be redeemed. The Republican Party is, in its current form, beyond redemption. If we hope to bring about the end of our MAGA madness, reconcile as a nation, and move on with our lives, we have to give up on the popular idea that we have to “save the Republican Party.”

As long as you leftists treat America the way an abuser treats their spouse there wont be peace.
While this Summer of Indictments may stoke the hopes that our long national nightmare might be ended through judicial means, we should be realistic: The pathway to moving on from America’s MAGA mistake can, and must, be realized through democratic means. We shouldn’t pretend, in any event, that Trumpism and MAGA will might be blinked from existence, but discrediting its political future will take resounding losses to Democrat candidates in 2024. Voters of differing political beliefs must form unlikely, but necessary, alliances, to ensure that Republicans suffer vast defeats at the polls next year, up and down the ballot.

But we should be clear about one thing: It’s the voters who might be redeemed. The Republican Party is, in its current form, beyond redemption. If we hope to bring about the end of our MAGA madness, reconcile as a nation, and move on with our lives, we have to give up on the popular idea that we have to “save the Republican Party.”

I see your faith that America may and must be restored by Democratic means,
and I so wish that I could share your optimism, Guno.

You say that the Republican Party cannot be saved, but that stray voters can in fact redeem themselves.

To me, though, the string pulling corporatist oligarchs who control the Republican Party are not the sole problem.

I believe in my heart and soul that the exploited rank and file Republican voters

are nothing even approaching redeemable either. They've been characterized as "deplorables" for good reason.

Like Nazi supporters in Europe, they could not have been led that far astray if they weren't serious morally deficient people to begin with.

Do not be too quick to forgive.

And so, with 74,000,000 of them,
and with a constitution that gives them political representation well in excess of what their numbers warrant,
do you still think that our problems can be solved democratically?

Isn't it possible that some interim authoritarianism imposed by the left is our only chance to salvage the republic?

In my case, I think that I prefer partitioning it to preserving it,
because we have a serious people problem in the interior part of the nation.
I don't see much redemption ever taking place there.
There is no Republican Party. They caved 100 percent to Trump. He makes the rules and they follow. The power in the house in people like MTG. Trump can primary anyone who has an opinion he does not like. When Trump goes to jail or gets soundly beaten, the normal Reds will be empowered to go after the Trumpian crazies. They have been waiting for the chance. Are there enough of them left?
While this Summer of Indictments may stoke the hopes that our long national nightmare might be ended through judicial means, we should be realistic: The pathway to moving on from America’s MAGA mistake can, and must, be realized through democratic means. We shouldn’t pretend, in any event, that Trumpism and MAGA will might be blinked from existence, but discrediting its political future will take resounding losses to Democrat candidates in 2024. Voters of differing political beliefs must form unlikely, but necessary, alliances, to ensure that Republicans suffer vast defeats at the polls next year, up and down the ballot.

But we should be clear about one thing: It’s the voters who might be redeemed. The Republican Party is, in its current form, beyond redemption. If we hope to bring about the end of our MAGA madness, reconcile as a nation, and move on with our lives, we have to give up on the popular idea that we have to “save the Republican Party.”

Maybe the RINO's and traditional republican's should start a new GOP party?!! Trump and the MAGA filth has taken over the current GOP?!!