There is no god


John Hinkley gets within yards of Ronald Reagan, pulls out a gun, and has the chance to save a nation from 20 years of misery, and he misses! WTF! How can you screw that up? Christ.

But John Lennon and Yoko Ono were walking right next to each other, Mark Chapman fires FOUR SHOTS, and ALL OF THEM hit John Lennon. Why do only Christians take shooting lessons?
"20 years of misery"....

Your trolling is beyond absurd and counteracts any stupid, dense point you might have been trying to make.
Maybe there is a God, and he just hates us? Allowing Reagan to live was far too much for any rational person to tolerate.
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I don't know why the supreme creator of the universe would waste time to love or hate we insignificant self destructive hoomans.
If Reagan had been assassinated he would have been deified even more (ala JFK) and the country would be even more conservative as a result of it.