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It doesn't exist, nor will it exist in the future. The word is made up of two parts... Ar (har) which means "mountain" and Megiddo which is in the valley of Jezreel. There is no mountain there. (There is a small "tell" which is just where cities have built and rebuilt on top of each other but no mountain).

So what is this passage about? Revelation is to be interpreted according to the first verse of the book... "the Revelation (apocalypse-unveiling) of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants—things which must SHORTLY take place. And He sent and SIGNIFIED it by His angel to His servant John."

Apocalyptic language through signs. ie, there are nearly 400 references to the Hebrew scriptures that sign point to a previous event so we can understand that the destruction of Jerusalem will take place in such a manner. Apocalyptic is written in cataclysmic, cosmic, grandiose, language to paint a strong heart picture.

Megiddo is the place in history where wars and the blood-shed of kings took place. (2 Kings 9:27; 2 Kings 23:29, and historically)

So Armageddon in Revelation is not about a great end time battle in our future. It was a sign to describe in apocalyptic language the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD. In other words, just as there were slaughters in the valley in the past (sign pointing-Revelation 1:1), now in John's day, Jerusalem, which sits on a mountain (Mt Zion-2500 ft elevation), will experience slaughter.

Zechariah prophesied it as well using the same idea about Jerusalem: "On that day the weeping in JERUSALEM will be as great as the weeping of Hadad Rimmon in the plain of MEGIDDO." (12:11) It was used by John as a figure of speech to say Jerusalem would experience death and war just as in Megiddo in the past.

It is true the world goes through many upheavals and transitions, but Is. 9 says, "of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end." We have a hope filled future that the "KNOWLEDGE of the glory of the Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea!"
The whole premise of the End of the Age teaching series is based on false prophecy teaching.

The context of the Olivet Discourse is about the desolation of the temple, not the end times. It was about the latter age of the Jews, the end of the Jewish nation. The latter age of the nation of Israel started when they were released from Babylonian captivity to go rebuild the city and temple; and it ended when the Romans desolated the city, temple and Jews, in 70 A.D. That was the end of the age of Matthew 24:3, as the nation of Israel ceased to exist.

It is not about the end times. Messiah told us as much when in verse 34 He said, “Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.”

He was talking about that generation of Jews, most of which had rejected their promised Messiah and delivered Him up to be killed. Read The Olivet Discourse Deception
the creeping, invasive vine [krudzu] / the bad seed/ false planting is this guy: . and this guy: . and this guy: . fake jews produce fake news; and this guy:, . "all of their hard speeches"

Do you think John of Patmos was lying about it happening soon within a generation?
The whole premise of the End of the Age teaching series is based on false prophecy teaching.

The context of the Olivet Discourse is about the desolation of the temple, not the end times. It was about the latter age of the Jews, the end of the Jewish nation. The latter age of the nation of Israel started when they were released from Babylonian captivity to go rebuild the city and temple; and it ended when the Romans desolated the city, temple and Jews, in 70 A.D. That was the end of the age of Matthew 24:3, as the nation of Israel ceased to exist.

It is not about the end times. Messiah told us as much when in verse 34 He said, “Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.”

He was talking about that generation of Jews, most of which had rejected their promised Messiah and delivered Him up to be killed. Read The Olivet Discourse Deception

and yet one simple fact remains......there will be a judgment day......
The whole premise of the End of the Age teaching series is based on false prophecy teaching.

The context of the Olivet Discourse is about the desolation of the temple, not the end times. It was about the latter age of the Jews, the end of the Jewish nation. The latter age of the nation of Israel started when they were released from Babylonian captivity to go rebuild the city and temple; and it ended when the Romans desolated the city, temple and Jews, in 70 A.D. That was the end of the age of Matthew 24:3, as the nation of Israel ceased to exist.

It is not about the end times. Messiah told us as much when in verse 34 He said, “Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.”

He was talking about that generation of Jews, most of which had rejected their promised Messiah and delivered Him up to be killed. Read The Olivet Discourse Deception

That's because it is called Tel Megiddo or just Megiddo, it's a group of hills. There's a Kibbutz nearby that calls itself Kibbutz Megiddo.
That's because it is called Tel Megiddo or just Megiddo, it's a group of hills. There's a Kibbutz nearby that calls itself Kibbutz Megiddo.

I know.. Megiddo is a hill about 10 acres.... ten or more fortified cities are the source of the hill.