There's NO Doubt, to the Reason WHY!


New member
The Al-Qaeda Terrorists already TOLD us WHY htey launched the Cowardly Sneak Attack on 3,000 America Civilians, in New York City. They are ORDERED, by Muhammed, by Osama Bin Laden, by their Madrassas, to KILL THE INFIDEL. They are taking ACTUAL PASSAGES AND QUOTES from the Q'ouran, and using them to JUSTIFY, 1.) The TOTAL DESTRUCTION OF ISRAEL AND ALL ITS PEOPLE, and 2.) The Killing of ALL who will NOT BOW to Islam. They quote the lines that tell them a Christian or Jew must be given 2 choices. Convert or Die. Of course, not ALL Muslims adhere to these particular passages, but a LARGE ENOUGH segment, to be a worry and a problem, and that segment is GROWING,due to the Power gained by these minority of groups, like the Taliban in Afghanistan, Al-Qaeda in Iraq, Shiite Fundamentalists in Iran, backinf Hamas, Hezbollah, etc. Instead of telling them we CANNOT STAND for this behavior, we have those, like Jimmah Carter, and Obama which want to APPEASE, and HOLD HANDS with them.
That segment is GROWING due to retarded foreign policy that is careless. Obviously if you think the whole 'extermination' process is working, then it wouldn't be growing. But you're retarded so it's ok, logic isn't your strong suit.
The Al-Qaeda Terrorists already TOLD us WHY htey launched the Cowardly Sneak Attack on 3,000 America Civilians, in New York City. They are ORDERED, by Muhammed, by Osama Bin Laden, by their Madrassas, to KILL THE INFIDEL. They are taking ACTUAL PASSAGES AND QUOTES from the Q'ouran, and using them to JUSTIFY, 1.) The TOTAL DESTRUCTION OF ISRAEL AND ALL ITS PEOPLE, and 2.) The Killing of ALL who will NOT BOW to Islam. They quote the lines that tell them a Christian or Jew must be given 2 choices. Convert or Die. Of course, not ALL Muslims adhere to these particular passages, but a LARGE ENOUGH segment, to be a worry and a problem, and that segment is GROWING,due to the Power gained by these minority of groups, like the Taliban in Afghanistan, Al-Qaeda in Iraq, Shiite Fundamentalists in Iran, backinf Hamas, Hezbollah, etc. Instead of telling them we CANNOT STAND for this behavior, we have those, like Jimmah Carter, and Obama which want to APPEASE, and HOLD HANDS with them.

no no no--that can't be it. They are just saying that to try to try to trick us.
No, not EXTERMINATION. Extermination to the ones SHOOTING and BOMBING, YES. But overall, a program of peace thru strength, a program of EDUCATION, of reaching the YOUNG, in these countries, of getting AROUND the Old, Q'uoran-Quoting, Madrassa- Managing Old Timers, who think that "Killing the Jews", and Bombing Americans, is the way to get what they want. Personally, I say, if they want to be "left alone", if they want to REMAIN in the 12th Century, picking lizards out of the Camel Dung, so be it. But I don't think the YOUNG people of these countries WANT THAT. They TAKE OUR MONEY, when we buy oil, but THEN they say we are "No Good". So screw em', until enough Twentieth-Century people are in POWER. But they MUST understand, we WILL NOT ALLOW INNOCENT AMERICANS TO BE HARMED. And if they are, we will turn their sand to glass, in a Thermonuclear Oven, as sad as that would be. But if they DO NOT BELIEVE we will DO THAT, and wipe them from existence, THEN we will be biting our fingernails FOREVER, because it is ONLY A MATTER OF TIME, before Iran's Amedinejad, or another Unstable Mind, gets their hands on a Nuclear Device, small enough to backpack thru the Streets of New York. Your choice, Liberals.
No, not EXTERMINATION. Extermination to the ones SHOOTING and BOMBING, YES. But overall, a program of peace thru strength, a program of EDUCATION, of reaching the YOUNG, in these countries, of getting AROUND the Old, Q'uoran-Quoting, Madrassa- Managing Old Timers, who think that "Killing the Jews", and Bombing Americans, is the way to get what they want. Personally, I say, if they want to be "left alone", if they want to REMAIN in the 12th Century, picking lizards out of the Camel Dung, so be it. But I don't think the YOUNG people of these countries WANT THAT. They TAKE OUR MONEY, when we buy oil, but THEN they say we are "No Good". So screw em', until enough Twentieth-Century people are in POWER. But they MUST understand, we WILL NOT ALLOW INNOCENT AMERICANS TO BE HARMED. And if they are, we will turn their sand to glass, in a Thermonuclear Oven, as sad as that would be. But if they DO NOT BELIEVE we will DO THAT, and wipe them from existence, THEN we will be biting our fingernails FOREVER, because it is ONLY A MATTER OF TIME, before Iran's Amedinejad, or another Unstable Mind, gets their hands on a Nuclear Device, small enough to backpack thru the Streets of New York. Your choice, Liberals.

LOL! Let's destroy them and the young one's will just love us to pieces! Roses will be thrown at our feet! They'll forgive us eventually because we'll make them!