They won't kick HIM out of their party

Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV) is the longest-serving member in the history of the US Senate. He is also the longest-serving current member of Congress.

Byrd is third in line for the Presidency, as Senate President pro tempore.

Byrd has served as Senate Conference Secretary, Majority Whip and twice Majority Leader. He is the only former majority leader currently in the Senate.

He is lauded by his fellow Democrats as "the conscience of the Senate".

He is also a racist who joined the KKK.

Byrd wasn't just a rank-and-file member of the KKK, he was a "Kleagle", an official recruiter who signed up members for $10 a head. He was a Klan pimp, spreading their poison, and later was rewarded by promotion to "Exalted Cyclops".

Byrd filibustered and voted against the Civil Rights Act. If he'd had his way, not only would Condoleeza Rice not be Secretary of State, she would not be allowed to vote.

Byrd voted against both Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas, votes that made him the only Senator to have opposed the only two black Supreme Court nominees in U.S. history. Justice Thomas knew what he was talking about when he referred to "lynching" by the Democrats.

Byrd wrote the following, three years after he claims to have ended his ties with the KKK: "The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia" and "in every state in the Union."

Byrd also wrote that he would never fight "with a Negro by my side. Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds."

Is Byrd sorry for his membership in the hate organization?

Here's what he said in 1997 as advice to young people: "Be sure you avoid the Ku Klux Klan. Don't get that albatross around your neck. Once you've made that mistake, you inhibit your operations in the political arena." Not because it was wrong, you'll notice, but because "you inhibit your operations in the political arena".

Where is the Congressional Black Caucus (Democrats all, since they won't admit African-American Republicans) on this?
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Robert Byrd has acknowledged his past mistakes, just as Governor Wallace did and when Wallace ran for governor again in 1982 he carried the black vote. People make mistakes. The test of their character is to see how they view those mistakes as they age. Both Byrd and Wallace attoned for their racists sins, Wallace so much so that the black population in Alabama voted for him overwhelmingly.