Things peechy in Somalia!



Khalid Abdullahi lives down a winding dusty track, among cactus trees and chickens pecking at the rubbish piled up against rusting corrugated iron walls. In this anonymous corner of Mogadishu, a city destroyed a dozen times over in the past 17 years, he shares a dirt-floored shack with more than 20 brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, a niece and nephews.

Khalid was nine the day his father died in 1993. "We were sitting here in this room when we heard a big noise," he says. The "big noise" was the sound of an American Black Hawk helicopter being shot down and crashing into Khalid's house.

Eighteen US Army Rangers were killed in the firefight that followed. Their broken bodies were dragged through Mogadishu's battle-scarred streets. An estimated 1,000 Somalis died that day too, although they didn't get a Hollywood film made about them.

The US had been leading a United Nations peacekeeping mission but following the Black Hawk Down incident US troops pulled out. The rest of the UN mission soon followed and Somalia was left to slide back into anarchy.

Propped up against the wall, hidden behind a mattress, is the nose cone of the Black Hawk. Khalid pulls it out and places the piece of black fibre-glass in the middle of the room. "The Americans said they were helping us," he says. I ask him whether he thinks they did. Khalid just smiles and doesn't answer.

..."Of all the situations in Somalia," says Dr Abdi, "today is the worst. There is no food, no medicine, no education, no jobs, no hope. People are dying every day. It is a slow genocide. We are hopeless now. Hopeless."

More at link
Would anyway like me to post the Mises institue article on Somalia?

I warn you, you might get sick reading it.
Well, there's these people in a group called Al Qaeda there. If we went there, more would congregate and try to kill our guys, maybe shoot down a Helicopter. The President nowadays would start a war... the previous one would run away giving those people a victory they didn't earn and material to recruit people that might... Well, fly into buildings killing thousands. Of course, pointing that out would be "fearmongering" and there would be groups of people who believed that the US Government did it to themselves in order to start a war in Iraq.

Later they'd make a movie and name it after the type of helicopter that got shot down, it would be one of the more brutal war movies made. One that was trying to one-up the first 20 minutes of Saving Private Ryan...

(This blast through the mythical future was brought to you by the letter "Z" and the number "3"...)

Other than the scenario above I think we should go right down and fix the problem.