Things the Left DOESN'T want to talk about!

While we are inundated with threads and media reports on Mitt Romney's comments from a May fundraiser, where he basically made a true and accurate statement about the dynamics of this election, there is a growing list of topics the Liberals simply want to ignore and hope no one brings up. I think we should bring them up! In fact, I suggest that every time their lying mouths utter the words "Mitt Romney said..." between now and the election, we should interrupt them with one of the following topics:

1. The national debt recently went over $16 trillion, and will be near $17 trillion before the next presidential inauguration.

2. Gas prices hit a 5-month high, approaching a new record high, at almost $4 a gallon nationwide.

3. Only 96,000 jobs added last month by the failed policies of Obama. (as aprx. 150k entered the workforce)

4. 1,237 Days since Congress passed a budget. Obama has failed to submit a budget any member of Congress supports.-- This is a FIRST in history for any US president.

5. The Feds just announced "QE3" Which is basically the printing of new currency by the ton, with nothing to back it, like Monopoly money. The result: Further devaluing of the US Dollar.

6. Our national credit rating was again downgraded this week. Further downgrades were warned of, if we don't cut spending.

7. By 2015, at the current levels of deficit, the interest on our national debt will completely fund the entire Chinese military.

8. We are presently conducting aggressive military operations in five countries. (was 2 under 'Cowboy' Bush)

9. More than 2/3 of the deaths in the Afghanistan war have been under President Obama. 13 more Flag-draped coffins have returned to the US from Afghanistan this month alone. (249 for the year.)

10. Funeral services for a US Ambassador being held this week. He was killed by alQaeda terrorists.


So..... There you are! Every time one of these misfits chortle's "MITT ROMNEY SAID..." simply pick one of these topics and repeat it over and over again, until they discuss it with you! I'm tired of this playing their 'gotchya' games and trying to run the clock out and hope they can fool enough dupes the week of the election to go vote for this idiot to get 4 more years. It's time to step up our game and FORCE THE STUPID PEOPLE TO DISCUSS THESE TOPICS FIRST!
It's going to take a long time to fix 30 yrs of failed conservative governance especially with the obstructionist House that we have today.

All of your 'points' did not just 'happen' because of Obama. These problems are a direct result of yrs. of conservative ideology. It's taken yrs to implement the conservative strategy to destroy the American middle class and to redistribute their wealth to the top 1%.
It's going to take a long time to fix 30 yrs of failed conservative governance especially with the obstructionist House that we have today.

All of your 'points' did not just 'happen' because of Obama. These problems are a direct result of yrs. of conservative ideology. It's taken yrs to implement the conservative strategy to destroy the American middle class and to redistribute their wealth to the top 1%.

Clinton gave us conservative ideology? Carter?

Dumb ass
Did I say I was under that impression, dipshit? No... I don't believe that was the statement, was it?

It doesn't have to be for the libtards. It is readily apparent to me that libtards on this board are at the same reading level as 8th grade Chicago public school students
Did I say I was under that impression, dipshit? No... I don't believe that was the statement, was it?

So then what is your point? You wanted to talk about it. Let's talk about who is profiting MOST from spending us into oblivion (hint: it is not poor minorities or young people complaining about their student loans). Let's talk about who holds most of the debt.
So then what is your point? You wanted to talk about it. Let's talk about who is profiting MOST from spending us into oblivion (hint: it is not poor minorities or young people complaining about their student loans). Let's talk about who holds most of the debt.

I don't want to talk about who holds the most debt because that is superfluous and not on topic. My point was, the debt will be so large that the interest on it can fund the entire Chinese military. The Chinese do indeed hold a rather substantial portion of US debt, and are indeed the largest foreign holders of US debt.
Clinton gave us conservative ideology? Carter?

Dumb ass

Even kids in underfunded Chicago schools can figure out that 30 yrs ago means 1982. Do some research and study a little history and you'll find out who was president then. (Hint... it wasn't Carter)

When Clinton signed Nafta/Gatt I knew he was in league with the corporatists who preceded him. Reagan began the Nafta/Gatt idea, Bush I promoted and enlarged it and Clinton signed it into law. That's when the Clintons lost my support, because we all know that N/G was instrumental in destroying the our manufacturing base and the American Dream.

"In the 1990′s, US corporations convinced our government to dismantle trade and investment regulations, and after enacting GATT and NAFTA they began outsourcing and off-shoring jobs to China. This was great news for the “The Fat Cats” but the beginning of the downfall of the American middle class and the end of the American Dream. American businesses could now employ people in China, India, Mexico for a pittance compared to what they were paying labor in the States. Prices came down, Walmart got big, people still had money and credit to spend and everyone felt good for a while. We had growth predicated on American spending. But that was unsustainable. More and more jobs went offshore, people’s incomes fell, the housing bubble burst, and we can no longer depend on spending to keep the economy growing. It could only last as long as the consumer and US government could continue borrowing."

Do a little research and have a grip on what you are talking about before you try to insult someone. because...Better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.

also understand that your ignorance is your party's strength
Even kids in underfunded Chicago schools can figure out that 30 yrs ago means 1982. Do some research and study a little history and you'll find out who was president then. (Hint... it wasn't Carter)

When Clinton signed Nafta/Gatt I knew he was in league with the corporatists who preceded him. Reagan began the Nafta/Gatt idea, Bush I promoted and enlarged it and Clinton signed it into law. That's when the Clintons lost my support, because we all know that N/G was instrumental in destroying the our manufacturing base and the American Dream.

"In the 1990′s, US corporations convinced our government to dismantle trade and investment regulations, and after enacting GATT and NAFTA they began outsourcing and off-shoring jobs to China. This was great news for the “The Fat Cats” but the beginning of the downfall of the American middle class and the end of the American Dream. American businesses could now employ people in China, India, Mexico for a pittance compared to what they were paying labor in the States. Prices came down, Walmart got big, people still had money and credit to spend and everyone felt good for a while. We had growth predicated on American spending. But that was unsustainable. More and more jobs went offshore, people’s incomes fell, the housing bubble burst, and we can no longer depend on spending to keep the economy growing. It could only last as long as the consumer and US government could continue borrowing."

Do a little research and have a grip on what you are talking about before you try to insult someone. because...Better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.

also understand that your ignorance is your party's strength

Hangs head in shame

I supported Clinton and NAFTA, until I read more about it, realized where we were heading and that is when I also thought Clinton had sold out.
But you remained a loyal supporter of Clinton and Democrats and still are.

No, not a fan of the clintons. Yes, they represent the corporate side of the Democratic Party that I detest. And Yes I will support the Democrats and do all that I can to force it to the left.

You gotta understand Dixie that the farther to the right your party goes the farther to the left you push the majority of working people.
I don't want to talk about who holds the most debt because that is superfluous and not on topic. My point was, the debt will be so large that the interest on it can fund the entire Chinese military. The Chinese do indeed hold a rather substantial portion of US debt, and are indeed the largest foreign holders of US debt.

Oh... so your point was to scare people with some more xenophobic nonsense? Yeah, that was the point of my original question that you ducked. IT DOESN'T MATTER!

We can go back there if you like. The Chinese do not hold all of our debt. What interest they receive is only useful to them so long as we honor the dollar. Most of those dollars, they have spent on lifting their people out of crushing poverty. They are not openly militaristic and have not tried to conquer any foreign lands. They do have some claim to Tibet and Taiwan, at least as much as we have to most of the southwest. We need them to become more liberal and help stabilize the region. The pathologically hostile stance that you demand is based on your xenophobia and lask of appreciation for any culture/thoughts that are not your own.

They have not yet respected the rights of the indivdiual. But neither do you nor do the war mongers/trade warriors who use China as the Devil to scare the sheep here. We need to appeal to their moderate tnedencies. As in Russia, their culture is not yet ready for true liberalism. They are still deep in Confucianism, which is a fine philosophy and a source of strength for them. It needs to balanced by Taosim and Buddhism. People like you only encourage them to be distrustful, narrow minded, isolated and to go behind their wall.

They have a liberal tradition that is muted. We have a loud one that you have rejected for hate. The true liberals (not the knee jerk reactionary's strawman) of the world are the answer not the hate that you preach.

It is ironic to me how easy it is to anger you. You claim I am arrogant. My arrogance gives me courage to try new approaches and grow. Your arrogance encourages you to stagnate and die. That's why I am confident. Your way WILL never win. The only real danger people like you pose is in your pessimisim and seeming desire to force the proverbial Mexican standoff.

What to watch for... Dixie will likely claim I am a racist for using metaphors or because I appreciate the influence of culture. He thinks his culture has no influence on him and that he is a free thinker. But, that is clearly absurd.
I don't want to talk about who holds the most debt because that is superfluous and not on topic. My point was, the debt will be so large that the interest on it can fund the entire Chinese military. The Chinese do indeed hold a rather substantial portion of US debt, and are indeed the largest foreign holders of US debt.

You don't want to talk about who holds most of it then you narrow your definitions until you can make it appear that the Chinese hold most of it. I can see right through you.

The OVERWHELMING majority of the debt is held by the SS trust fund. In order to honor that debt we WILL have to externalize the debt. There are no two ways about it. It will cause us some pain but we are better off pushing past your propaganda and nuclear options and addressing the problem now. If we restructure the burdens now we can make this less painful. Waiting until your party wins total domination (you are probably too ignorant to realize that is what you are working towards) is a pipe dream and does nothing to address the real problem.

The BIG Thing Dixie either DOES NOT know or does not want you to know.

My guess, is it is the first and due more to his hate than his stupidity. If I had gone plural then I would be here all day. So let's just go with the big ticket item that he and I have been butting heads on here.

China is no real threat to us. They hold paper dollars that we can honor or not. If we fail to honor the paper it will destroy the SS trust as that is all they have. The SS trust fund will have to be actualized and so we will have to sell that debt to some other foreign nation. If China, India and the rest of the world do NOT continue to grow, kiss your grandma and your own hopes of a retirment goodbye. You might say, well I am not counting on SS. Good for you. IT DOES NOT MATTER! If you are heavily invested in gold and other durable commodities you might make out alright. Otherwise, you will get screwed.

Our retirees and near term retirees are more dependent on the growth of the third world than anyone. Us younger folks, we could just push the US to default now and put the weight on the current/near term retirees, China and the other foregin debt holders. Of course, it will hurt us, especially those who have much property in goods that are subject to price fluctuations. But we can recover.

I am not suggesting that course. There would likely be some bloodshed. But there is no avoiding the pain. Deal with it now, deal with it later. The shell games are not going to work and those in the know are not fooled.
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Oh... so your point was to scare people with some more xenophobic nonsense? Yeah, that was the point of my original question that you ducked. IT DOESN'T MATTER!

So you don't think it matters that our interest on our debts is enough to fund the entire military of our biggest enemies? Thanks for illustrating how patently stupid liberal are, and what a danger you have become to national security.

We can go back there if you like. The Chinese do not hold all of our debt.

I never claimed they did. They do, however, hold more of our debt than any other foreign country, and they are, in fact, a Communist country who's objectives and self-interests are not inline with American freedom and democracy.

What interest they receive is only useful to them so long as we honor the dollar.

And what do you suppose happens when/if we no longer honor the dollar? You think the Chi-Coms are going say.. Oh well, so much for that? Or do you think, maybe they will decide to remedy the debt by collecting our collateral resources, through force if needed? No matter to you... they are Commies, and you LOVE Commies!

Most of those dollars, they have spent on lifting their people out of crushing poverty. They are not openly militaristic and have not tried to conquer any foreign lands.

LMFAO.. Seriously??? Let's ask Vietnamese, Tibetans and the Taiwanese about this, because I think you are just slightly wrong.

They do have some claim to Tibet and Taiwan, at least as much as we have to most of the southwest. We need them to become more liberal and help stabilize the region. The pathologically hostile stance that you demand is based on your xenophobia and lask of appreciation for any culture/thoughts that are not your own.

No, it's more based on Chairman Mao's killing of 60 million people. Yeah, we need them to kill off more peasants so they can make wealth redistribution work... because, if they can make it work, then you'll have a valid model to show how it can work!

They have not yet respected the rights of the indivdiual. But neither do you nor do the war mongers/trade warriors who use China as the Devil to scare the sheep here. We need to appeal to their moderate tnedencies. As in Russia, their culture is not yet ready for true liberalism. They are still deep in Confucianism, which is a fine philosophy and a source of strength for them. It needs to balanced by Taosim and Buddhism. People like you only encourage them to be distrustful, narrow minded, isolated and to go behind their wall.

What you all need to do, is go to Siberia and form your own little Socialist Utopia, and leave the rest of the FREE WORLD alone!

They have a liberal tradition that is muted. We have a loud one that you have rejected for hate. The true liberals (not the knee jerk reactionary's strawman) of the world are the answer not the hate that you preach.

It is ironic to me how easy it is to anger you. You claim I am arrogant. My arrogance gives me courage to try new approaches and grow. Your arrogance encourages you to stagnate and die. That's why I am confident. Your way WILL never win. The only real danger people like you pose is in your pessimisim and seeming desire to force the proverbial Mexican standoff.

Oh, you don't anger me in the least. I never get tired of PWNING your ass up one side and down the other and showing what a stupid "intellectual elitist" jerk you are.

What to watch for... Dixie will likely claim I am a racist for using metaphors or because I appreciate the influence of culture. He thinks his culture has no influence on him and that he is a free thinker. But, that is clearly absurd.

You're not a racist, you are far too stupid to be a racist. You've not evolved enough yet to be a thinker, much less a "free thinker" and you certainly are no expert on the thinking of others. You want to prattle on like you're reciting a book by some Eurotrash Socialist moron, and denigrate those you are speaking to, because they refuse to follow along with your diatribe. You can go fuck yourself as far as I'm concerned, you don't tell me what or how to think, and you never will.
So you don't think it matters that our interest on our debts is enough to fund the entire military of our biggest enemies? Thanks for illustrating how patently stupid liberal are, and what a danger you have become to national security.

I never claimed they did. They do, however, hold more of our debt than any other foreign country, and they are, in fact, a Communist country who's objectives and self-interests are not inline with American freedom and democracy.

And what do you suppose happens when/if we no longer honor the dollar? You think the Chi-Coms are going say.. Oh well, so much for that? Or do you think, maybe they will decide to remedy the debt by collecting our collateral resources, through force if needed? No matter to you... they are Commies, and you LOVE Commies!

LMFAO.. Seriously??? Let's ask Vietnamese, Tibetans and the Taiwanese about this, because I think you are just slightly wrong.

No, it's more based on Chairman Mao's killing of 60 million people. Yeah, we need them to kill off more peasants so they can make wealth redistribution work... because, if they can make it work, then you'll have a valid model to show how it can work!

What you all need to do, is go to Siberia and form your own little Socialist Utopia, and leave the rest of the FREE WORLD alone!

Oh, you don't anger me in the least. I never get tired of PWNING your ass up one side and down the other and showing what a stupid "intellectual elitist" jerk you are.

You're not a racist, you are far too stupid to be a racist. You've not evolved enough yet to be a thinker, much less a "free thinker" and you certainly are no expert on the thinking of others. You want to prattle on like you're reciting a book by some Eurotrash Socialist moron, and denigrate those you are speaking to, because they refuse to follow along with your diatribe. You can go fuck yourself as far as I'm concerned, you don't tell me what or how to think, and you never will.

It is not important that our interest could finance their military because most of that interest does not go to them but to the SS trust fund. Are you saying it should not?

No, you did not claim they held most of our debt. You tried to employ or parroted propaganda tactics meant to confuse idiots into thinking we are funding their military.

We can stop paying interest on the debt anytime we want.

You ignored my counter point. Let's ask some in the southwest (some of those you have employed to foment fear here) how they feel about our occupations. Or we can just ask some of the Vietnamese and Koreans.

You are a national socialist. I am a free market capitalist. You go to Siberia. Many of your ideological ancestors were sent their before.

There you go, showing your anti-Christianity again.
The BIG Thing Dixie either DOES NOT know or does not want you to know.

My guess, is it is the first and due more to his hate than his stupidity. If I had gone plural then I would be here all day. So let's just go with the big ticket item that he and I have been butting heads on here.

China is no real threat to us. They hold paper dollars that we can honor or not. If we fail to honor the paper it will destroy the SS trust as that is all they have. The SS trust fund will have to be actualized and so we will have to sell that debt to some other foreign nation. If China, India and the rest of the world do NOT continue to grow, kiss your grandma and your own hopes of a retirment goodbye. You might say, well I am not counting on SS. Good for you. IT DOES NOT MATTER! If you are heavily invested in gold and other durable commodities you might make out alright. Otherwise, you will get screwed.

Our retirees and near term retirees are more dependent on the growth of the third world than anyone. Us younger folks, we could just push the US to default now and put the weight on the current/near term retirees, China and the other foregin debt holders. Of course, it will hurt us, especially those who have much property in goods that are subject to price fluctuations. But we can recover.

I am not suggesting that course. There would likely be some bloodshed. But there is no avoiding the pain. Deal with it now, deal with it later. The shell games are not going to work and those in the know are not fooled.

Seen this argument before the "Well we could just not pay them" bit. It's funny because it demonstrates a lack of knowledge of economics or even practical politics that is just hysterical. We stop paying our debts and all foreign investments stop, they won't be able to trust us to do anything, the US government won't be able to get loans or do business, everything would grind to a crashing halt. It's the economic equivalent to threatening nuclear war.