Third Party History? Gary Johnson


New member
I know that people are always hesistant to vote for any third party candidate. The fear is that the vote is being thrown away. Third parties don’t have a chance, do they? Well, they don’t with that sort of thinking. If there was ever a year to vote third party this is the year. To put it mildly, Trump and Clinton both leave much to be desired. I know that their respective die hard supporters will disagree. But this isn’t for them. This plea is to those who find themselves voting for what they consider the lesser of two evils.

Gary Johnson, in my humble opinion, has something to offer both Republican leaning voters as well as Democrats. But as far as the specifics, I’ll leave that up to you. Here, all I wish to do is to address the idea that a vote for Gary is a vote thrown away.
The bottom line is that until the election anything is possible. Although unprecedented, there could be a massive shift in support to Johnson. Republicans would have to defect en masse to begin with, which may very well be imminent. Once it was apparent that Gary has growing support, there is no doubt that disaffected and half-hearted Hillary supporters would join the party as well.

But nothing happens if we cannot overcome our programming. We are programmed to think in terms of the two party system. Anything outside of that seems extreme and radical. But in this case, the most rational candidate is actually Gary Johnson. The only thing stopping a third party from winning is the votes. In the age of pervasive social media, money doesn’t have the impact it once had. This ball can get rolling. Those of us who believe this is the way just need to keep the momentum.

As I said, this isn’t an effort to convince you that Gary should be your candidate. This is for those who already know that he is a viable alternative but are worried that your vote would be wasted. There is still a chance. This election cycle has already been far from normal. Why shouldn’t history be made while we’re at it?
Here's a image of what a third party vote actually is.

This plea is to those who find themselves voting for what they consider the lesser of two evils.

The duopoly owns major media, the national debate aystem, the ballot access system and every dime of special interest money.

The system is entirely rigged. We’re living in the “duopoly dictatorship” a system operated on the principles of bribery. Any attempts to compete in the duopoly’s scam is like your local highschool football team taking on the New England Patriots. Only fools believe in the tooth fairy.

all I wish to do is to address the idea that a vote for Gary is a vote thrown away.

Every vote is a “thrown away” vote. In a bribery system, you only get what you want if you can afford the cost of the bribery. Otherwise you get lip service and or pittance handouts to brainwash you into believing the anointed actually notice you. Actually they only notice you at election time unless you’re a buyer of duopoly politicians. BIG money is the only vote that counts in a bribery system.

We are programmed to think in terms of the two party system.

We are programmed into believing in a BIG government bribery system.

Libertarians want to govern by the Constitution a document that the majority of the electorate has never read and could not care less about.

Greens want to govern in a socialist/communist tree hugging system. They haven’t figured out how to get involved in the bribery system yet and never will.

There is still a chance. This election cycle has already been far from normal. Why shouldn’t history be made while we’re at it?

There is “NO” chance!

History will only be made after the national bankruptcy. Then the choice will be back to the Constitution, or a Third World dictator.