This aint good

Desh, there's still a lot of jobs for men fighting the evil doers in Iraq, if they care to ammo up.
The Slump: It's a Guy Thing
Men, concentrated in the weakest sectors, are losing jobs in this downturn, while women make gains
by Peter Coy

They eat from the same dishes and sleep in the same beds, but they seem to be operating in two different economies. From last November through this April, American women aged 20 and up gained nearly 300,000 jobs, according to the household survey of the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). At the same time, American men lost nearly 700,000 jobs. You might even say American men are in recession, and American women are not.

What's going on? Simply put, men have the misfortune of being concentrated in the two sectors that are doing the worst: manufacturing and construction. Women are concentrated in sectors that are still growing, such as education and health care.

This situation is hardly good news for women, though. While they're getting more jobs, their pay is stagnant. Also, most share households—and bills—with the men who are losing jobs. And the "female" economy can't stay strong for long if the "male" economy weakens too much.
Think of when we bring the troops back?

This is really sad stuff. It will increase crime to have young men unable to find work and depending on young women to support them. Nothing makes a man more crazy than to not be able to provide.
Wanted: Sugar Mama to take care of all my necessities. I will stay home and cook and clean so long as you make lots of money. I have no ego wrapped up in you being the bread winner. Bonus: I can lick my eyebrows and breathe through my ears.
Wanted: Sugar Mama to take care of all my necessities. I will stay home and cook and clean so long as you make lots of money. I have no ego wrapped up in you being the bread winner. Bonus: I can lick my eyebrows and breathe through my ears.

Wanted: Sugar Mama to take care of all my necessities. I will stay home and cook and clean so long as you make lots of money. I have no ego wrapped up in you being the bread winner. Bonus: I can lick my eyebrows and breathe through my ears.

You found My old ad !
nah this slump is going to end soon. my monster company is going to be hiring again within a month.