This board is getting boring

desh is like the cat that goes away for a month where she gets fed by someone else. then they throw her out for a bit so she comes over here.
Yes this place has gone to seed. The left has turned to mush.

That's it. When they had to defend Obama they needed at the very least to rub two brain cells together for some kind of spark.

That's no longer the case. Now they're just knuckle dragging hysterical spouters.
America is a nation at war with the enemy within. Now is not the time for reason, now is the time for action, action against the evil fascists constantly trying to kill and slaughter innocent Americans. The Republican party is the worlds largest terrorist organization, they are my enemy, they are the enemy of all patriotic Americans, and they are at war with America.
America is a nation at war with the enemy within. Now is not the time for reason, now is the time for action, action against the evil fascists constantly trying to kill and slaughter innocent Americans. The Republican party is the worlds largest terrorist organization, they are my enemy, they are the enemy of all patriotic Americans, and they are at war with America.

this board is at war with the mindlessness within.....why don't you ever post anything was work today......did the boss bring you donuts?.....Did you get Melanie's screen saver glitch fixed?.....