This could be the Ultimate Irony for those that prayed for rain


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GOP considers delaying convention

Tropical Storm Gustav is forecast to hit U.S. next week as hurricane

Republican officials said yesterday that they are considering delaying the start of the GOP convention in Minneapolis-St. Paul because of Tropical Storm Gustav, which is on track to hit the Gulf Coast, and possibly New Orleans, as a full-force hurricane early next week.

The threat is serious enough that White House officials are also debating whether President Bush should cancel his scheduled convention appearance on Monday, the first day of the convention, according to administration officials and others familiar with the discussion.

For Bush and Republican presidential candidate John McCain, Gustav threatens to provide an untimely reminder of Hurricane Katrina. A new major storm along the Gulf Coast would renew memories of one of the low points of the Bush administration, while pulling public attention away from McCain's formal coronation as the GOP presidential nominee.

Guess those rain prayers got misread by the GOP God
Be careful what you ask for. You may get it in an unexpected fashion.

Kinda like the in the Lathe of heaven.
Pat Robertson said that Katrina hit because Ellen Degeneres was from New Orleans.

What say he now? Is it so much of a stretch to say that God is pissed at the GOP now, if you believe in that kind of Biblical retribution?
Pat Robertson said that Katrina hit because Ellen Degeneres was from New Orleans.

What say he now? Is it so much of a stretch to say that God is pissed at the GOP now, if you believe in that kind of Biblical retribution?
She's still from New Orleans. We haven't fixed it. And if God were pissed at the GOP there would be a hurricane in St. Paul which, of course, would be an obvious miracle.