"this could make 1929 look like a walk in the park,"


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Crisis may make 1929 look a 'walk in the park'

Last Updated: 11:02pm GMT 23/12/2007
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As central banks continue to splash their cash over the system, so far to little effect, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard argues things are rapidly spiralling out of their control

Twenty billion dollars here, $20bn there, and a lush half-trillion from the European Central Bank at give-away rates for Christmas. Buckets of liquidity are being splashed over the North Atlantic banking system, so far with meagre or fleeting effects.
# Read more from Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
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# The financial outlook in 2008: Experts' predictions

As the credit paralysis stretches through its fifth month, a chorus of economists has begun to warn that the world's central banks are fighting the wrong war, and perhaps risk a policy error of epochal proportions.
The Fed's Ben Bernanke, the BoE's Mervyn King, the ECB's Jean-Claude Trichet
Faces of power: The Fed’s Ben Bernanke, the BoE’s Mervyn King, the ECB’s Jean-Claude Trichet

"Liquidity doesn't do anything in this situation," says Anna Schwartz, the doyenne of US monetarism and life-time student (with Milton Friedman) of the Great Depression.

"It cannot deal with the underlying fear that lots of firms are going bankrupt. The banks and the hedge funds have not fully acknowledged who is in trouble. That is the critical issue," she adds.

Lenders are hoarding the cash, shunning peers as if all were sub-prime lepers. Spreads on three-month Euribor and Libor - the interbank rates used to price contracts and Club Med mortgages - are stuck at 80 basis points even after the latest blitz. The monetary screw has tightened by default.

York professor Peter Spencer, chief economist for the ITEM Club, says the global authorities have just weeks to get this right, or trigger disaster.
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"The central banks are rapidly losing control. By not cutting interest rates nearly far enough or fast enough, they are allowing the money markets to dictate policy. We are long past worrying about moral hazard," he says.

"They still have another couple of months before this starts imploding. Things are very unstable and can move incredibly fast. I don't think the central banks are going to make a major policy error, but if they do, this could make 1929 look like a walk in the park," he adds.

The Bank of England knows the risk. Markets director Paul Tucker says the crisis has moved beyond the collapse of mortgage securities, and is now eating into the bedrock of banking capital. "We must try to avoid the vicious circle in which tighter liquidity conditions, lower asset values, impaired capital resources, reduced credit supply, and slower aggregate demand feed back on each other," he says.

New York's Federal Reserve chief Tim Geithner echoed the words, warning of an "adverse self-reinforcing dynamic", banker-speak for a downward spiral. The Fed has broken decades of practice by inviting all US depositary banks to its lending window, bringing dodgy mortgage securities as collateral.


1) Make sure every american is armed, so they can protect their property from the inevitable maurading, hungry bands of illegal immigrants and welfare-dependent secular liberals. Nothing says "Don't fuck with me" in the midst of an economic collapse, like an AK-47. Remember: a hungry liberal, is a dangerous liberal.

2) Strengthen property laws, to allow citizens to use lethal force to protect private property.

3) Encourage all americans to divest their cash investments and acquire gold bars, for economic security. A booby-trapped, fire proof lock box under the bed is the best place to keep your gold.

4) Place national guard on high alert for the presence of black UN helicopters.

1) Make sure every american is armed, so they can protect their property from the inevitable maurading, hungry bands of illegal immigrants and welfare-dependent secular liberals. Nothing says "Don't fuck with me" in the midst of an economic collapse, like an AK-47. Remember: a hungry liberal, is a dangerous liberal.

2) Strengthen property laws, to allow citizens to use lethal force to protect private property.

3) Encourage all americans to divest their cash investments and acquire gold bars, for economic security. A booby-trapped, fire proof lock box under the bed is the best place to keep your gold.

4) Place national guard on high alert for the presence of black UN helicopters.

What's up Cypress?

1) Make sure every american is armed, so they can protect their property from the inevitable maurading, hungry bands of illegal immigrants and welfare-dependent secular liberals. Nothing says "Don't fuck with me" in the midst of an economic collapse, like an AK-47. Remember: a hungry liberal, is a dangerous liberal.

2) Strengthen property laws, to allow citizens to use lethal force to protect private property.

3) Encourage all americans to divest their cash investments and acquire gold bars, for economic security. A booby-trapped, fire proof lock box under the bed is the best place to keep your gold.

4) Place national guard on high alert for the presence of black UN helicopters.

Oh they have way more than GED's.
You don't understand a fith of what you trolled.
What your and freak need to take head of is these central bankers are saying they will lower rates enough to bail out their banking buddies no matter what it takes. I'm with chappy on this one, let them have a little pain and a short recession and we're done.
They are being massively bailed out, and the inflated assets will hold the recession at bay. Again, good for the rich not so good for working Joe:clink: