This Friday...


Staff member
It is time for another software upgrade.

I'll make it at the time we are least busy, although there doesn't seem to be a time where there is nobody online anymore.

Which is a good thing, but it does mean that it will effect somebody when the upgrade is happening.

Thank you...

That is all.
Don't worry it'll probably just be me skulking about here in the middle of your night, doing unspeakable things to your threads.
Don't worry it'll probably just be me skulking about here in the middle of your night, doing unspeakable things to your threads.
Yeah, because we know the first thing you do when you wake up is molest the threads.
There's another new version coming out, but unless I can keep all the functionality I've put into this one without much effort it may be a while before I upgrade to that one.
Make sure the threads are old enough to molest.

By precedent, at least in other threads, i think i'm supposed to threaten to hunt you down and kill you for questioning my sexual tastes, then move to another board and complain about you incessantly, US.

Oh, sod it :D
By precedent, at least in other threads, i think i'm supposed to threaten to hunt you down and kill you for questioning my sexual tastes, then move to another board and complain about you incessantly, US.

Oh, sod it :D
Don't y'all complain about the US enough already?