This guy 'splains Democrats perfectly


Let's go Brandon!
“The 2016 election is Hillary Clinton’s for the taking.” Sorry, not gonna happen. Why? Because Democrats do not win elections based on experience, they win elections based on the “cool factor.” These days you can be a geek and make billions, get the prettiest girl, even become a pop star. But you cannot win a presidential election on the Democratic ticket if you are not cool.

Examples: Walter Mondale - not cool. Mike Dukakus - not cool. John Kerry - not cool. Al Gore - so not cool. Bill Clinton - became cool after he appeared on “The Arsenio Hall Show.” And the best evidence, Barack Obama - not a smidgen of experience, but very cool.

As for Hillary Clinton, I’m sorry, but an army of PR agents could not bring out that lady’s ga-ga.

While the majority of the liberal base can tell you what is hot, trendy and cool, they think Benghazi is the actor who starred in Gandhi, and giggle every time someone says “Putin.” So let me go on record and say, “these people will not leave their coffee shops to vote for a polyester pantsuit, unless her running mate’s name is Lil’ Snoop Piddy Kardashian.”
While the perspective is interesting and mostly accurate I don't see this as an insult to Democrats. This is an indictment of the society that we live in. You can't blame a party for trying to appeal to voters. But if the voters are too ignorant to realize that this country is swirling around the toilet bowl and some real changes need to be made and the coolness factor still influences their voting then we're all in big trouble.
While the perspective is interesting and mostly accurate I don't see this as an insult to Democrats. This is an indictment of the society that we live in. You can't blame a party for trying to appeal to voters. But if the voters are too ignorant to realize that this country is swirling around the toilet bowl and some real changes need to be made and the coolness factor still influences their voting then we're all in big trouble.

The "society that we live in" is culture defined by progressives, so no, it's an indictment of Democrats. Unless you think that Ronald Reagan was cool...
The "society that we live in" is culture defined by progressives, so no, it's an indictment of Democrats. Unless you think that Ronald Reagan was cool...

Are you saying that people don't have free will and are required to follow as the media and Democrat politicians tell them to? I see the liberal media bias plain as day, but the promotion of cool is different than distortion of the truth, cherry picking statistics, race baiting, etc. Pulling the wool over someone's eyes by those methods is despicable , but the individual has complete responsibility over their choices with regards to who they emulate, idolize, and follow and if they decide to go a certain direction because one of their heroes does its the person's fault, not the establishment.
It's human nature to want to be accepted, and cool is acceptable. There's no denying that youngin's are most susceptible to this basic human fault, and they overwhelmingly vote Democrat. They also go to movies most often, and of course go to concerts and buy the latest music.
Aren't the young posters on here anti liberal policies? Obama and his well oiled (oily- as in slimy) machine managed to get people under 25 to the polls. It was cool factor definitely, but there was also post Bush factor, media adoration factor, sending buses to college campuses factor, and last but not necessarily least, the dead democrat voter factor.
While the perspective is interesting and mostly accurate I don't see this as an insult to Democrats. This is an indictment of the society that we live in. You can't blame a party for trying to appeal to voters. But if the voters are too ignorant to realize that this country is swirling around the toilet bowl and some real changes need to be made and the coolness factor still influences their voting then we're all in big trouble.
