This is BIG if it is true...


Staff member

Iran says it has successfully launched a rocket capable of carrying its first domestically built satellite.

Officials said only the rocket had been fired, correcting state media reports that the communications satellite itself had been sent into orbit.

The White House voiced concern, saying the technology could also be used for launching weapons.

Tehran has pursued a space programme for years, despite international concern over its nuclear plans.

In February it sent a probe into space as part of preparations for the launch of the satellite.

Long-held ambition

Footage aired on Irinn (Islamic Republic of Iran News Network) showed the launch of the Safir rocket in darkness.

The presenter said that the satellite launch was a trial which was successful. State and military officials confirmed the launch had taken place.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was at the event, said one report.

More at link...

If they can put a satellite into orbit, they have a capacity for ICBMs. This is serious folks.
Nahhhhhhhhhh.... don't you realize, this is obviously the work of Karl Rove and Dick Cheney, in order to scare us into being afraid of Iran. There's nothing to worry about, they haven't even developed and tested a nuke yet, and once Obama is elected, they will completely abandon all of this silliness, and it will all just vanish into thin air, because we all know the truth, that Karl Rove and Dick Cheney are behind it... there's probably a picture of Ahmadinejad and Cheney shaking hands or something.... give it time, Damo... don't be scared... why do you hate America?
Let's invade Iran.

Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran.

Well you can be a cute little smart ass all you like, if we allow them to finish developing nuclear weapons as they fully intend to do unless they are stopped, and they already have missiles capable of striking US soil, there is not a chance in hell we will bomb Iran. My advice would be to start studying the Quaran and practicing your daily prayer ritual.
Well you can be a cute little smart ass all you like, if we allow them to finish developing nuclear weapons as they fully intend to do unless they are stopped, and they already have missiles capable of striking US soil, there is not a chance in hell we will bomb Iran. My advice would be to start studying the Quaran and practicing your daily prayer ritual.

Yep. They're so imperial, they come invading western countries, hanging their leaders, freeing us of our bondage by teaching us how to be truly free through islam....

Yes, they will win. America, so weak, powerless and vulnerable, the Iranians will take us over.

Yep. They're so imperial, they come invading western countries, hanging their leaders, freeing us of our bondage by teaching us how to be truly free through islam....

Yes, they will win. America, so weak, powerless and vulnerable, the Iranians will take us over.


If we continue to have the smart-assed mentality of you and Waterhead Baby, they most certainly will... Why the fuck wouldn't they? What the fuck is going to stop them? ...And we will deserve it, for placating the idiocy and incompetence of people with their heads in the sand all these years.

BTW, they have no intentions of "freeing us from our bondage" or "teaching us how to be truly free." Essentially, they want to convert us to radical Islamic Fundamentalists, or cut off our heads.... your choice, but one or the other is all they will be content with... you see they have this whole "Caliphate" thing going... "12 Imam"... Eradication of all Jews and Infidels... Of course, you and the Waterhead Baby don't buy any of it, and you apparently won't, until it's too late.
Does this mean we are losing our grip on the world's throat?

Once it was Russia, and we held each other in check for a long time.

When was the last time Iran attacked the USA? When was the last time Iran attacked anyone, first? If my reading is correct about 200 years ago.

Why are we always so threatened and fearful?

Is it because we make so much money at selling munitions? Making munitions, and using munitions?

Jeezus, Gawd as my sister would say when visiting me in Reno.
you see they have this whole "Caliphate" thing going... "12 Imam"... Eradication of all Jews and Infidels... Of course, you and the Waterhead Baby don't buy any of it, and you apparently won't, until it's too late.

Ewww. Scary conspiracy theories. Got a link?
Ewww. Scary conspiracy theories. Got a link?

What? You want a web link to Islamic Caliphate? lol


Incidentally, there is no "conspiracy" or "theory" regarding this, it is a religious movement, and very real. Since it involves killing all the Jews, it's probably right up your faith-based alley though... they want to completely do away with all those 'Noahide' laws you despise, of course, they want to replace them with Sharia law, which is much more brutal and violent, and doesn't regard human rights or civil rights, but what the heck... they want to get rid of the Jews, so you're probably down with that.
Well you can be a cute little smart ass all you like, if we allow them to finish developing nuclear weapons as they fully intend to do unless they are stopped, and they already have missiles capable of striking US soil, there is not a chance in hell we will bomb Iran. My advice would be to start studying the Quaran and practicing your daily prayer ritual.

No way, I have Duck Tape. Let's see them break through that defense!
What? You want a web link to Islamic Caliphate? lol


Incidentally, there is no "conspiracy" or "theory" regarding this, it is a religious movement, and very real. Since it involves killing all the Jews, it's probably right up your faith-based alley though... they want to completely do away with all those 'Noahide' laws you despise, of course, they want to replace them with Sharia law, which is much more brutal and violent, and doesn't regard human rights or civil rights, but what the heck... they want to get rid of the Jews, so you're probably down with that.

Islam doesn't teach to kill all jews. That's a misteaching of the religion done by extremists. The koran has nothing about killing. Islam is peaceful. It has been twisted by radicals.
Islam doesn't teach to kill all jews. That's a misteaching of the religion done by extremists. The koran has nothing about killing. Islam is peaceful. It has been twisted by radicals.

Just like Christianity was meant to be, a religion of peace and loving your enemy, but we know how that has turned out, don't we. The radicals always ruin it for everyone else!
Actually i'm just kidding. Islam does teach to kill all who stand in the way of the global caliphate. I just want dixie to also recognize the formation of his spiritualist/new age theocracy. He thinks his theocracy doesn't stink, but it does.
There are certain sects that teach that killing the infidels is proper, but not all of Islam believes this way.
There are certain sects that teach that killing the infidels is proper, but not all of Islam believes this way.

Well, of course there are the liars telling us islam is moderate. Lying to further the cause of islam is also permissible in the islamic worldview. Taquiyah. Look that up.
I have already read about lying in Islam, but it is not right to kill innocents. It is not a religion of hate, it is based on the Abrahamic, and Christian faiths.
I have already read about lying in Islam, but it is not right to kill innocents. It is not a religion of hate, it is based on the Abrahamic, and Christian faiths.

Those two also suck ass. That's not a good defense. Christianity could have been good, but it got perverted by talmudo-masonism as well.

If they can put a satellite into orbit, they have a capacity for ICBMs. This is serious folks.

"This is serious folks"?

Seriously, did you cons ever grow out of that Monsters Under Your Bed phase? Have a joint, and try to mellow out Damo.

The things that Bush has done to this country in the past eight years, merit far more concern from you, than what some dorks in Tehran are doing. And yet, you've been amazingly shy about starting any thread devoted to the assaults of BushCo on our constitution, our economy, and the oceans of blood they've spilled for dubious, and indeed immoral, reasons.

Let me know when you have actual evidence that Iran is actually building nuclear weapons. I'm sure there are military applications to their space program. I'm sure its something to keep a watchful eye on. But, its a big fucking country. A major player in that part of the world. A country with significant economic and technical capabilities. I don't care if they want civilian nuclear power plants, or a space program. They've got ego and ambition, like most large and relatively powerful countries.

Let me know when there's evidence that they are building nuclear weapons. Cons have been assuring me for seven years that Iran has been building nuclear weapons, but oddly Cons have never provided me with any evidence. I wasn't fooled by the Iraq deceptions; I'm not going to be hoodwinked by hand wringing over Iran. Is it something we have to keep an eye on, and use diplomacy for? Yep.

But, the alarmist posts about Iran, Venezuela, Iraq, etc. are sort of annoying. I think you kids should calm down, and if you ever have any evidence that a handful of morons in Tehren really have ambitions to put a nuke on a missle and launch it at Cleveland, be sure to let me know.
"This is serious folks"?

Seriously, did you cons ever grow out of that Monsters Under Your Bed phase? Have a joint, and try to mellow out Damo.

Projecting what you wish onto me again, Cypress?

The things that Bush has done to this country in the past eight years, merit far more concern from you, than what some dorks in Tehran are doing. And yet, you've been amazingly shy about starting any thread devoted to the assaults of BushCo on our constitution, our economy, and the oceans of blood they've spilled for dubious, and indeed immoral, reasons.

The things that we have done in the past few decades make it so that it is a concern. There is a reason why large crowds gather and rejoice in the hope of American destruction, and no matter what people try to say today it isn't because of Bush, although he certainly did nothing to mitigate the problem.

As for how many threads I posted about Bush, I certainly don't avoid them.

Let me know when you have actual evidence that Iran is actually building nuclear weapons. I'm sure there are military applications to their space program. I'm sure its something to keep a watchful eye on. But, its a big fucking country. A major player in that part of the world. A country with significant economic and technical capabilities. I don't care if they want civilian nuclear power plants, or a space program. They've got ego and ambition, like most large and relatively powerful countries.

Let me know when there's evidence that they are building nuclear weapons. Cons have been assuring me for seven years that Iran has been building nuclear weapons, but oddly Cons have never provided me with any evidence. I wasn't fooled by the Iraq deceptions; I'm not going to be hoodwinked by hand wringing over Iran. Is it something we have to keep an eye on, and use diplomacy for? Yep.

So far, you are the only one mentioning nukes in this thread. I speak of missiles, you hear "nuclear". Let me know when you can comprehend what you read or aren't pretending that I have stated something that I haven't. Of course, I have stated previously that if I were Iran I certainly would work to acquire nukes because I think we incentivize it by our own inaction towards nations with nukes.

But, the alarmist posts about Iran, Venezuela, Iraq, etc. are sort of annoying. I think you kids should calm down, and if you ever have any evidence that a handful of morons in Tehren really have ambitions to put a nuke on a missle and launch it at Cleveland, be sure to let me know.

As far as I understand it Bush is still President, hence such news is "big" and will continue to be so, even if you run around pretending that it can't be just because somebody from a different party posted it.