This is just heart breaking....


Well-known member
A heartbreaking story. This one is a real tear jerker....

Vito Fossella (R-NY) Cries On House Floor After Drunk Driving, Adultery Revelations

May 8, 2008 01:18 PM

Disgraced New York Congressman Vito Fossella broke down in tears on the floor of the House of Representatives today, apparently under the emotional weight of his recent behavior.

Fossella acknowledged on Thursday that he had fathered a daughter, now three years old, with a woman who wasn't his wife.

News of his adultery came just a week after the Staten Island Republican was arrested for drunk driving in suburban Virginia.

Appearing on the House floor today, Fossella broke down when talking with House Chaplain, Reverend Daniel P. Coughlin, a Hill source who witnessed the event told The Huffington Post. The episode occurred shortly after the congressman voted against the Neighborhood Stabilization Act of 2008, a housing bill that passed through the House by a 239 to 188 vote.

Fossella's political and legal future is currently up in the air. He is expected to appear in court next week and could face jail time if convicted for his drunk driving charge.

According to the New York Times:

"A police report in Alexandria, Va., a suburb of Washington, said that Mr. Fossella ran a red light on Thursday just after midnight and had a "strong smell of alcoholic beverage" when he was pulled over. According to the report, Mr. Fossella told the officer that he was on his way to pick up his daughter, who needed to go to the hospital, although on Friday he said that he had been on his way to visit friends.

The report said Mr. Fossella failed several sobriety tests on the street, including a preliminary breath test on which he registered a blood alcohol level of 0.133 percent. After he was arrested, he recorded a level of 0.17 percent on another machine. The legal limit in Virginia, as in most states, is 0.08 percent."
what a scumbag. He deserves what he gets.

Heartbreaking? Maybe for the 3 year old or the wife, but surely you're not refering to this guy?
Cypress Hill-Dr.Greenthumb....Heartbreaking...!

Paging Cypress Hill-Dr.Greenthumb


And the hero of Chappaquiddick gets a pass.

Cypress =or> Hack

Shocker! Beefy is upset that I mocked a republican! Chappaquidick??!!! Surely you jest! Nobody expect matt drudge fans, and our resident troll "indisputable" get their panties in a wad when we aren't "fair and balanced", and make sure to mention some crap-ola a Dem did half a century ago. You might enjoy reading Indisputable's Bull Connor thread. Cheers!

Topspin: Cypress makes the brokeback boys look macho!!!!

Hillary girl, don't be mad that I'm still taller than you by a good eight inches. Two words for you, Danny Devito: platform shoes!
Cypress makes the brokeback boys look macho!!!!

Come on now, the two actors in Brokeback mountain are totally hot and manly, they are just playing in a movie.

I think you fail to understand how hot it is for a chick to see two Great sexy looking men be so sure of their hetrosexuality that they can play parts like this without any restraint. These guy are way up there on my hotness lists forever.
Come on now, the two actors in Brokeback mountain are totally hot and manly, they are just playing in a movie.

I think you fail to understand how hot it is for a chick to see two Great sexy looking men be so sure of their hetrosexuality that they can play parts like this without any restraint. These guy are way up there on my hotness lists forever.

actually one of them is dead and rotting in the ground.
nothing sad about this. This guy brought all this shit on himself. Just more proof that the republican label does not give you the monopoly on morals and ethical behavior. But not many in here need to be shown that.
ahhh a day it will be when they finally have male contraceptive. no more getting trapped.
Men can't remember their wives birthdays, their anniversaries or where they leave their keys. They will NEVER remember to take a pill, or go get a shot.