This is the Best Election Ever...


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In a world exclusive The NATIONAL ENQUIRER names GOP VP Candidate Sarah Palin's secret lover!

No less than three members of the man’s family including one by sworn affidavit, have claimed that Sarah Palin engaged in an extramarital affair with husband Todd’s former business partner, Brad Hanson.

Hanson owned a snowmobile dealership with Palin’s husband Todd, who immediately dissolved the partnership after he heard stories about the affair, which occurred around 1996, according to the sources. At the time, Palin was mayor of Wasilla.

This never ends well.

Could a Democratic candidate survive politically with ties to evangelical Witchhunters, Alaskan secessionist groups, and snowmobile Romeos?

We report, you decide!
This is it. Women are cheating. We've finally broken the glass ceiling, guys.

Indeed! Go women!

I'm thinking Sarah needs to go to some remedial pentacostal schooling. At last count, she's broken two of the most important Commandments: Thou shalt not lie, and thou shalt not cheat.
Dam Cypress you read National Enquirer.
Every time I think dem men have a spine you show your gayer than Clay Akin.
Topp, you have used the "gayer than Clay Aiken" line several times.

I saw the story was on the cover of People magazine. Does anyone really think thats news??
Topp, you have used the "gayer than Clay Aiken" line several times.

I saw the story was on the cover of People magazine. Does anyone really think thats news??

I kind of like that line. It is pretty funny. Clay Aiken is gayer than a three dollar bill.
Dam Cypress you read National Enquirer.
Every time I think dem men have a spine you show your gayer than Clay Akin.

Shorty, I barely know who clay aiken is, other than he was some dude on Idol. I saw some headlines about him yesterday, but didn't bother to read since I don't give a flying crap about Clay Aiken.

The fact that you are actually reading clay aiken stories, makes you a flaming, toe tapping, sissy boy.
Shorty, I barely know who clay aiken is, other than he was some dude on Idol. I saw some headlines about him yesterday, but didn't bother to read since I don't give a flying crap about Clay Aiken.

The fact that you are actually reading clay aiken stories, makes you a flaming, toe tapping, sissy boy.


Top owned!
This never ends well.

Could a Democratic candidate survive politically with ties to evangelical Witchhunters, Alaskan secessionist groups, and snowmobile Romeos?

We report, you decide!

How do you explain Obama, with all the shit that has come out on him yet he his still around. Its because the MSM and the DNC are one in the same.

In bed with convicted felon Tony Rezko.

His racist minister for over 20 years Rev. Jeremiah Wright

His buddy Bill Ayers, terrorist who bombed pentagon.

Received more contributions from banking/lending industry than any one else in the senate.

If Obama had been Republican with those links, he would have been slaughtered.

What you bring up on Palin is nothing more than KOS/DNC talking points to smear her do to the fact she is a white Republican woman.
How do you explain Obama, with all the shit that has come out on him yet he his still around. Its because the MSM and the DNC are one in the same.

In bed with convicted felon Tony Rezko.

His racist minister for over 20 years Rev. Jeremiah Wright

His buddy Bill Ayers, terrorist who bombed pentagon.

Received more contributions from banking/lending industry than any one else in the senate.

If Obama had been Republican with those links, he would have been slaughtered.

What you bring up on Palin is nothing more than KOS/DNC talking points to smear her do to the fact she is a white Republican woman.

Plus, Obama is a secret radical muslim!

Damn, you're good. You totally nailed me. I don't like white republican/conservative women. And evangelical women? Forget about it, playing frisbee with my dog is more worthwhile than that!

Although, I will date a republican woman of color. There's only about 20 of them in the country though, so it doesn't happen often.
Plus, Obama is a secret radical muslim!

Damn, you're good. You totally nailed me. I don't like white republican/conservative women. And evangelical women? Forget about it, playing frisbee with my dog is more worthwhile than that!

Although, I will date a republican woman of color. There's only about 20 of them in the country though, so it doesn't happen often.

Thanks for the catch, I forgot he admitted that on TV.