This is the guy I'm supporting for Congress...

Republican candidate Steve Ward refuses to sign earmark pledge
March 26th, 2008 by Brendan Steinhauser

Colorado Republican candidate for the 6th district Steve Ward refused to sign the FreedomWorks “No Earmarks Pledge” today. I just got off the phone with him and he did not provide a reason for this refusal to sign this common sense pledge. Sadly, too many Republicans pay lip service to supporting “limited government” while not putting their money where their mouth is. I encourage all of you in Steve’s district to give him a call and ask him why he won’t sign our pledge.
Common Cause bailout Print E-mail
Tuesday, 20 February 2007

Rocky Mountain News Editorial


Bill attempts to rewrite passages of Amendment 41

Let's say you joined an athletic club whose written bylaws said "members of the club shall enjoy access to the pool." Naturally you'd assume you could test the waters any time the pool was open without prior approval from the rest of the membership.

You'd be indignant, and justly so, if the club's management later said, "Sorry, but you'll need the official consent of 80 percent of club members before you can actually take a dip."

Why, you'd probably accuse the club of failing to follow its own written rules.

Well, Colorado voters should be indignant, too, because something very similar to this verbal shell game is poised for a run in the legislature. It's called House Bill 1304, although it could have been dubbed The Act To Save Common Cause From Its Own Blunders. Not surprisingly, it's 15 pages of brazen adjustments to the plain language of Amendment 41.

Here's what we mean. Among Amendment 41's many provisions is one that says the following: "Members of the independent ethics commission shall have the power to subpoena documents and to subpoena witnesses to make statements and produce documents."

In other words, each member of the commission has subpoena power. That's what "members" means in this type of English sentence, as our opening example with the athletic club shows. There is no other accepted way to read that line.

But here's what HB 1304 has to say about the ethics commission's subpoena power: "No subpoena requiring the attendance of a witness or the production of documents shall be issued by the commission unless a motion to issue any such subpoena has been made by one member of the commission and approved by no fewer than four members of the commission."

Let's recap: A constitutional amendment passed by voters says each commission member enjoys subpoena power; a proposed law implementing the amendment says a commission member can issue a subpoena only if three other members agree. We'd call that an attempt to rewrite the constitution without a vote of the people. It's flatly illegal. It's positively wrong.

HB 1304 is full of similarly high-handed definitions that would be entirely reasonable if the legislature were creating an ethics commission and Amendment 41 didn't exist. In theory, we actually like the idea of requiring a supermajority of the commission to issue subpoenas; indeed, the thought of one unelected member going off half-cocked and issuing subpoenas gives us the willies. But like it or not, Amendment 41 grants the subpoena power to individual members. It may be stupid, but that's what it does.

The authors of HB 1304, Rep. Rosemary Marshall, D-Denver, and Sen. Steve Ward, R-Littleton, justify their bill with lofty references to what "the voters intended." We don't profess to read voters minds; we prefer to stick with facts.

Fact 1: Voters passed Amendment 41.

Fact 2: The legislature can't revise the constitution.

Fact 3: HB 1304 is an attempt to pretend Fact 2 doesn't exist.
Once lawmakers understand Fact 3, we trust they'll vote this measure down.
Well, what's good about him is that with one picture, you already know that he's a veteran (and not afraid to exploit it), and that he doesn't hate christmas, like so many americans do, on account of him holding up that christmas tree.

For a republican voter, that's good to go. Listen, their motto ain't "Vote Repubublican it's easier than thinking" for nothing.
More prisoners!

Politicians like to talk tough on crime. It is one thing to pass stiff sentencing laws and ‘three strikes you’re out’ legislation, but another to actually fund the prisons

This is truly a road that America hasn't travelled down before, and a step forward.
Ward even offered an amendment to ban skiing at all Colorado ski resorts. He pointed out that there have been 274 skiing-related deaths in the state from 1980 to 2001. The amendment by Ward was ruled out of order

For the story goto:
LOL. It was his attempt at sarcasm hence the "out of order" position taken by the chair. He was fighting nannyism.

Ward even offered a spoof amendment to ban skiing at all Colorado ski resorts. He pointed out that there have been 274 skiing-related deaths in the state from 1980 to 2001. The amendment by Ward was ruled out of order, but he made his point.

Steve is good people. Is against sending troops into unending wars without an end game, against wars without declaration, is for research into new energy sources and has an energy plan that is far more reaching than any of his competitors, looks for solutions outside government when possible but knows that government does have its place. Is for Congressional oversight over the Executive branch as intended by the Constitution, is against draconic language about illegal immigration and seeks actual solutions rather than strong rhetoric.

And, being a Veteran gives him some insight that is missing from the R side. Of course, the Rs have solved the issue of no Rs in Congress that are veterans this time. A day late and a dollar short.
Sounds like a good replacement for Tom Tancredo.

An extremist rightwinger who's platform is more deregulation, lower taxes for the rich, second amendment obsession, and bashing immigrants.

Posing on your website in full combat gear is way cool too!
LOL. It was his attempt at sarcasm hence the "out of order" position taken by the chair. He was fighting nannyism.

Steve is good people. Is against sending troops into unending wars without an end game, against wars without declaration, is for research into new energy sources and has an energy plan that is far more reaching than any of his competitors, looks for solutions outside government when possible but knows that government does have its place. Is for Congressional oversight over the Executive branch as intended by the Constitution, is against draconic language about illegal immigration and seeks actual solutions rather than strong rhetoric.

And, being a Veteran gives him some insight that is missing from the R side. Of course, the Rs have solved the issue of no Rs in Congress that are veterans this time. A day late and a dollar short.

Oh darlin, but that is about to become all the rage in repub circles. Right about January 20th, 2009.
Looks good... hopefully he will make it through the primary... we shall see. It is my district, so I will start paying more attention once both parties candidates are finalized.

You mean once the primary is over?

Gee, I wonder who you will vote for, the winner of the Republican primary or the Democratic one?

Oh stop me, and just when I had kicked the biting my nails habit!
You mean once the primary is over?

Gee, I wonder who you will vote for, the winner of the Republican primary or the Democratic one?

Oh stop me, and just when I had kicked the biting my nails habit!

Such a cynic. If they put up someone like Salazar (whom I voted for), I would consider voting for him/her. They put up someone like Udall... not a chance in hell.

When is the last time you voted for a Rep for US Senate or US House of Representatives? Thats what I thought. you lose.
Such a cynic. If they put up someone like Salazar (whom I voted for), I would consider voting for him/her. They put up someone like Udall... not a chance in hell.

When is the last time you voted for a Rep for US Senate or US House of Representatives? Thats what I thought. you lose.

LOL. Never, and the only way I ever would is if I got infected with mad cow disease, and since I don’t eat meat, it doesn’t seem likely.