This is the kind of government liberals want

The disarmed citizens of the UK, Japan, Australia and Canada have been deprived of the means to rise up against their oppressors.

Look how they suffer!

They cannot throw off the yoke of tyranny the way all armed societies do.
God damn right. Every corporation has the God given right to pollute our streams and waterways.

Idiots like you is why I arm myself. You have no compunction about violating the liberty of others over stupid things like chicken shit. Literally. Chicken shit.

I come in peace. Stay off of my land and leave me alone and we will have no problem. Fail to follow that simple request.......then we have a problem. Why can't you honor that simple request? What about me owning guns bothers you so when you never have to see them, never have to hear them? Why can't you live and let live and leave me alone?
Idiots like you is why I arm myself. You have no compunction about violating the liberty of others over stupid things like chicken shit. Literally. Chicken shit.

I come in peace. Stay off of my land and leave me alone and we will have no problem. Fail to follow that simple request.......then we have a problem. Why can't you honor that simple request? What about me owning guns bothers you so when you never have to see them, never have to hear them? Why can't you live and let live and leave me alone?

Literally, do you know the dangers to human health in chicken shit?

Factory Poultry Manure Harms Wildlife, Habitat, and Human Health

Poultry manure contains large amounts of nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium. According to the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, though hog and dairy operations produce more manure than a chicken or turkey operation, poultry litter--the mixture of fecal droppings, antibiotic residues, heavy metals, cysts, larvae, decaying carcasses, and sawdust the birds are forced to bed in--has 4 times the nitrogen and 24 times the phosphorous (Allison C7). The annual litter from a typical broiler chicken house of 22,000 birds contains as much phosphorous as in the sewage from a community of 6,000 people (Harkin 12). Excess nitrogen converts to ammonia and nitrates, burning the fragile cells of land plants and poisoning ground and surface waters. Concentrated poultry waste spawns excess algae that consume aquatic nutrients and block sunlight needed by underwater grasses. In decay, the algae suffocate fish. High levels of nitrate in groundwater used as drinking water can cause methemoglobinemia, a blood disorder in infants, known also as "blue baby disease" (Holleman 28).
Idiots like you is why I arm myself. You have no compunction about violating the liberty of others over stupid things like chicken shit. Literally. Chicken shit.

I come in peace. Stay off of my land and leave me alone and we will have no problem. Fail to follow that simple request.......then we have a problem. Why can't you honor that simple request? What about me owning guns bothers you so when you never have to see them, never have to hear them? Why can't you live and let live and leave me alone?

Water knows no property lines, without clean water we all die.