This is the MOST Definitive Article, from a Terrorism EXPERT


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Obama's Terrorist Ties [UPDATED]

About: Larry C. Johnson is CEO and co-founder of BERG Associates, LLC, an international business-consulting firm with expertise combating terrorism and investigating money laundering. Mr. Johnson works with US military commands in scripting terrorism exercises, briefs on terrorist trends, and conducts undercover investigations on counterfeiting, smuggling and money laundering. Mr. Johnson, who worked previously with the Central Intelligence Agency and U.S. State Department’s Office of Counter Terrorism, is a recognized expert in the fields of terrorism, aviation security, crisis and risk management. Mr. Johnson has analyzed terrorist incidents for a variety of media including the Jim Lehrer News Hour, National Public Radio, ABC's Nightline, NBC's Today Show, the New York Times, CNN, Fox News, and the BBC. Mr. Johnson has authored several articles for publications, including Security Management Magazine, the New York Times, and The Los Angeles Times. He has lectured on terrorism and aviation security around the world, including the Center for Research and Strategic Studies at the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris, France. He represented the U.S. Government at the July 1996 OSCE Terrorism Conference in Vienna, Austria. From 1989 until October 1993, Larry Johnson served as a Deputy Director in the U.S. State Department’s Office of Counter Terrorism. He managed crisis response operations for terrorist incidents throughout the world and he helped organize and direct the US Government’s debriefing of US citizens held in Kuwait and Iraq, which provided vital intelligence on Iraqi operations following the 1990 invasion of Kuwait. Mr. Johnson also participated in the investigation of the terrorist bombing of Pan Am 103. Under Mr. Johnson’s leadership the U.S. airlines and pilots agreed to match the US Government’s two million-dollar reward. From 1985 through September 1989 Mr. Johnson worked for the Central Intelligence Agency. During his distinguished career, he received training in paramilitary operations, worked in the Directorate of Operations, served in the CIA’s Operation’s Center, and established himself as a prolific analyst in the Directorate of Intelligence. In his final year with the CIA he received two Exceptional Performance Awards. Mr. Johnson is a member of the American Society for Industrial Security. He taught at The American University’s School of International Service (1979-1983) while working on a Ph.D. in political science. He has a M.S. degree in Community Development from the University of Missouri (1978), where he also received his B.S. degree in Sociology, graduating Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa in 1976.See Authors Posts (609) on February 15, 2008 at 10:28 AM in Current Affairs

As Democrats and Independents weigh who they want to run against John McCain in the fall, answer this question. Can you support a candidate who is friends with terrorists? Can you support a candidate who takes money from terrorists? Well, if Obama is your man you have some problems. Today’s Bloomberg News drops this bombshell:

Besides Rezko and Giannoulias, Obama could face questions about his relationship with William Ayers, a former member of the radical group the Weather Underground who is now a professor of education at the University of Illinois in Chicago. Ayers donated $200 in 2001 to Obama’s Illinois state Senate campaign and served with him from 1999 to 2002 on the board of the Woods Fund, an anti-poverty group.

A Series of Bombings

The Weather Underground carried out a series of bombings in the early 1970s — including the U.S. Capitol and the Pentagon. While Ayers was never prosecuted for those attacks, he told the New York Times in an interview published Sept. 11, 2001, that “I don’t regret setting bombs.”

Bill Burton, Obama’s spokesman, said Ayers “does not have a role on the campaign.” Ayers said he had no comment on his relationship with Obama.

Does not have a role on the campaign? Well thank God for that. Are you kidding me?

Peter Hitchens was the first to hint at this relationship, but Tim Burger nails it. William Ayers is an American terrorist. What else do you call someone who plants bombs at Federal facilities? William Ayers has not been prosecuted for the bombings, but he was directly involved. He admits this. And do not give me the nonsense that he was fighting for a good cause. Martin Luther King’s message of non-violence had no place in the political ideology of Mr. Ayers. And Ayers is unrepentant.

First, Ayers contributed money to Obama.

Your search found 1 receipts totaling $200.00

Contributed By Amount Received By Description
Ayers, William
1329 E. 50th Street
Chicago, IL 60615 $200.00
4/2/2001 Individual Contribution
Friends of Barack Obama

Second, this is more than a casual acquaintance. Obama and Ayers served together on the board of the Woods Fund. Did Obama and Ayers do more than simply sit side-by-side? Did they steer money to favored groups? Those are questions that journalists not bowing at the feet of the Obama god need to ask.

At a minimun this reminds us that there is a pattern of bad judgment by Obama. He goes in on a land deal with Tony Rezko even though he knows Rezko is a target of a Federal investigation. And his explanation? A mistake in judgment. Now this. Anyone thinking of running for President should know they cannot take money from a terrorist and they cannot serve on a board with a terrorist. Period. But this simple lesson apparently escapes the brilliant constitutional law professor.

This much we do know. Obama does not deny having a relationship with William Ayers. Obama has never repudiated the terrorism of William Ayers. If you think this is a record Obama can run on in the fall and survive you are living in an alternate universe. It is time to get some clear answers to tough questions before the Democrats sell their soul to someone whose lapses in judgment will come back to haunt them in the fall.

UPDATE: Touched a nerve eh? I apologize for being out of pocket, but it is tough to blog while flying back from Bogota. Some of you folks need to pour a stiff drink and do some deep breathing exercises. The facts are quite clear:

William Ayers conducted terrorist attacks inside the United States and against the U.S. Government. He does not consider himself a terrorist, but he admits he did the acts.
Barack Obama has had a long standing relationship with Ayers and is quite knowledgeable of his past.
Barack and Ayers served together on the Wood Fund. I am told, but have not yet confirmed, that they steered money to an individual who is under Federal indictment. If that is true, life gets more interesting.
William Ayers made a small financial contribution to Obama’s first campaign. In the total scheme of things, not significant, except it will be used by Republicans against Obama in the fall. How do you explain to Joe or Jane Average American that a guy who describes U.S. Marines as terrorists not only gave you money but also helped raise money for your campaign? Do you really think most Americans will shrug and say, “No big deal”?
My point in getting these issues out on the table now is to get them out now. If you don’t understand how to make a TV ad that opens with dead Marines in Vietnam and Beirut, fade to William Ayers calling them terrorists, fade to Barrack Obama and Ayers on the same board, and fade to Ayers as a fund raiser for Barrack, then you know nothing of politics.

Make your decision with the best information available. That’s my point. Let’s get Obama’s skeletons out in the open while something can still be done. Closing one’s eyes and wishing this goes away is silly.
aint gonna fly guy

Obama was born in august of 1961. He has no responsibility for what this guy was doing when he was a little boy.
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