This must just be an oversight....

I checked on the website of CREW (Citizen's for Responsible Ethics in Washington), to see what they had on the recent revelations about Harry Reid's illegal land dealings, and I couldn't find a single thing. I know this must be an oversight on their part, because if they are legitimately concerned over ethics in Washington, they would be all over this scandal.,4670,ReidLandWindfall,00.html

WASHINGTON — Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid collected a $1.1 million windfall on a Las Vegas land sale even though he hadn't personally owned the property for three years, property deeds show.

In the process, Reid did not disclose to Congress an earlier sale in which he transferred his land to a company created by a friend and took a financial stake in that company, according to records and interviews.


So, does this CREW group only exist to go after gay Republicans, or what?
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Hmmm... You pinheads don't want to talk about your own scandals or something? What's the matter? Howard Dean hasn't told you how to spin this one yet? I can certainly understand the stunned silence, I just don't understand how this fine upstanding group that Care says is impartial and non-partisan, would overlook such a major ethics violation by the Senate minority leader. I guess, maybe they are looking into Nancy Pelosi marching in a Gay Pride parade with the founder of NAMBLA or something, huh? I'm sure they will get around to this, since it isn't likely to go away soon.
he bought some land...he sold some land....he made some money in real estate.....

are you republicans gonna institute a special prosecutor to investigate THIS land deal too?

Spend millions of the people's money and end up with a cumstained napkin four years from now?

You'd better hurry! Come January, all the big investigations will be on behalf of the house judiciary committee or foreign relations committee to determine what the exact grounds for impeachment are.
Let's see here... Harry owned some land, sold it to a friend for $400G, didn't report the sale to Congress as required by law, claimed he still owned the land, orchestrated legislation to rezone the land as commercial property, and reaped a 175% windfall when his friend sold the land that he claimed he still owned, and never declared that profit to Congress either. Now Harry is refusing to discuss this with an AP reporter, hung up on him when asked about this, and today says he will be happy to pay whatever fine is in order.

Naw.... Harry hasn't done anything unethical, has he?
whatever Harry has done pales in comparison to what Foley and Hastert and Reynolds did, that's for sure. And when the democrats own the house, what Harry did will be pushed onto page three by all of the investigations and subpoenas for administration officials in the runup to impeachment proceedings.

It sure must suck to be a republican these days. Did you SEE the cover of Time?

I checked on the website of CREW (Citizen's for Republican Ethics in Washington), to see what they had on the recent revelations about Harry Reid's illegal land dealings, and I couldn't find a single thing. I know this must be an oversight on their part, because if they are legitimately concerned over ethics in Washington, they would be all over this scandal.
I corrected your typo.