this race and race

The good news is that most of those who hold such racist views are dying off. Put'em on the endangered species list because they are fast becoming extinct.

Obama's rise to power speeds up their extinction. In more ways than one, they are the neanderthals of modern history.

Newer generations of Americans don't hold their beliefs and the neanderthals better prepare themselves for a lot of evolutionary changes they don't like. After Obama, the next president will probably be a woman. In fact, there will be women everywhere .. and hispanics. In fact, after the first woman president, the next president might be hispanic.

Morning in America.
The good news is that most of those who hold such racist views are dying off. Put'em on the endangered species list because they are fast becoming extinct.

Obama's rise to power speeds up their extinction. In more ways than one, they are the neanderthals of modern history.

Newer generations of Americans don't hold their beliefs and the neanderthals better prepare themselves for a lot of evolutionary changes they don't like. After Obama, the next president will probably be a woman. In fact, there will be women everywhere .. and hispanics. In fact, after the first woman president, the next president might be hispanic.

Morning in America.

i think you all fail to realize that obama is just as much white as he is black.
What do your base your assumption that all racists are "whiteys" on?

Ever listen to Minister Farrakhan?

He is probably basing it on this quote from the article....

" There is more similarity on feelings of personal racial prejudice: Thirty percent of whites and 34 percent of blacks admit such sentiments."

No, wait, that wouldn't quite support his affirmative action needed statement.... my fault.