This war is a call to action for religious Jews on the left

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
It is, to put it mildly, a difficult and painful time to be a Jew.

We are facing an explosion of virulent antisemitism around the world. There is agony, outrage, worry and fear. And many of us find ourselves forced to reevaluate who our friends are.

Until Oct. 7 and its aftermath, I was more closely aligned with the left than anything else. On many issues of domestic policy both here and in Israel, I remain aligned with it.

But for me at least, something fundamental has broken.

We know about Christian nationalism and white supremacy on the right. They are every bit as appalling and unforgivable today as they were four weeks ago.

But while the attacks near Gaza were still unfolding, a variety of left-wing activist groups began celebrating the supposedly “heroic resistance” of Hamas.

In the aftermath of Oct. 7, the rhetoric of decolonization was used in many supposedly progressive spaces to justify the dehumanization of Jews. In the most extreme cases, even Israeli children were labeled “occupiers” and hence deemed fair game.

The moral rot is staggering.

The campus left’s embrace of Hamas, a religious fundamentalist group that is routinely violent and discriminatory against both women and LGBTQ persons, not to mention political dissidents, would be funny were it not so utterly obscene.

It is clear to anyone with even the barest bit of knowledge that calling for “Freedom for Palestine” while supporting Hamas is as repugnant as it is absurd. You don’t support freedom by venerating those who despise and systematically suppress their own people.
The admittedly very serious issue of ill-advised leftists supporting Palestinian terrorists over Israel is not a reason to vote for pachys.

The limp-wristed, good-two-shoes protestors are not going to cause you nearly the trouble
that pachys in office will.
Guno צְבִי;5858017 said:
It is, to put it mildly, a difficult and painful time to be a Jew.
Not true at all. Of course, many Jews have become accustomed to sliding by on victim status alone, and thus are obligated to maintain the ruse.

Guno צְבִי;5858017 said:
We are facing an explosion of virulent antisemitism
Jews are not facing it, they are perpetrating racist antisemitism against civilian Semitic noncombatants, even going so far as to cheer on Israeli genocide of civilian Palestinian Semites.

Guno צְבִי;5858017 said:
There is agony, outrage, worry and fear
... over the genocide perpetrated by Israel. It is obvious that globally, Jews are finally powerful enough as a collective to eradicate the Arab Semites that they have always HATED. Now we see all over the internet how Jews around the world feel emboldened to publicly call for the final extermination, always with wide, teary-eyed exclamations of being the victims and usually accompanying ardent screams of being the rightful owners of the word "antisemitic."

Guno צְבִי;5858017 said:
And many of us find ourselves forced to reevaluate who our friends are.
You got that right. Those who do not support genocide of Arab Semites at the hands of the Jewish Semites can't possibly be your friends, right? Say it. They can't possibly be your friends. C'mon, draw the line in the sand.

Guno צְבִי;5858017 said:
Until Oct. 7 and its aftermath, I was more closely aligned with the left than anything else.
Well, it's better to say that you OBEYED as instructed. After all, American Jews sold themselves into slavery to the DNC, even knowing that the DNC doesn't give a shit about any Jews, anywhere. In fact, leftists have ALWAYS been anti-Jew. This was most apparent in Europe. In the US, the DNC had to hide all such appearances so as to not overly test the submissiveness of the slaves.

Guno צְבִי;5858017 said:
On many issues of domestic policy both here and in Israel, I remain aligned with it.
You OBEYED. I think everybody understands that much.

Guno צְבִי;5858017 said:
But for me at least, something fundamental has broken.
Let me guess, you discovered that the DNC was just using you, and you think that this is somehow a new thing. How thick would you characterize your glasses?

Guno צְבִי;5858017 said:
We know about Christian nationalism and white supremacy on the right.
No, we don't. We only know that the left has been claiming this for some time, mostly in the form of instructions to their mindless collective of what to believe.

Guno צְבִי;5858017 said:
But while the attacks near Gaza were still unfolding, a variety of left-wing activist groups began celebrating the supposedly “heroic resistance” of Hamas. In the aftermath of Oct. 7, the rhetoric of decolonization was used in many supposedly progressive spaces to justify the dehumanization of Jews.
Arab Semites and Jewish Semites have been dehumanizing each other for hundreds of generations without any justification being needed. Why are you under the bizarre impression that this is something new?

Guno צְבִי;5858017 said:
In the most extreme cases, even Israeli children were labeled “occupiers” and hence deemed fair game.
In absolutely routine cases, even Palestinian toddlers were labeled as "Hamas terrorists" and hence were deemed fair game to be blown to bits. The moral rot is staggering.

Guno צְבִי;5858017 said:
The campus left’s embrace of Hamas
Thus far, Hamas is the only force taking any action to resist the wholesale slaughter of Palestinian civilian noncombatants. All others around the world are all talk, and Israel is simply giving them the finger. Israel is making heroes and martyrs of Hamas, not exposing them as vile terrorist scum.

Guno צְבִי;5858017 said:
It is clear to anyone with even the barest bit of knowledge that calling for “Freedom for Palestine” while supporting Hamas is as repugnant as it is absurd.
OK, explain this. You don't get out of having to explain your arguments by referring to opposing views as "repugnant" and "absurd." The IDF is emulating Nazi Germany, so why shouldn't Arab Semites call for emancipation from the Fourth Reich?

Guno צְבִי;5858017 said:
You don’t support freedom by venerating those who despise and systematically suppress their own people.
I see. You support freedom by venerating those who despise and systematically destroy their captives. It doesn't necessarily involve ovens or gas chambers; it can entail deliberate air strikes into civilian populations, for example.
the difference between the "Christian nationalism and white supremacy" on the right and the "anti-semitism" on the left is that you didn't have to make up the anti-semitism on the left.......
The admittedly very serious issue of ill-advised leftists supporting Palestinian terrorists over Israel is not a reason to vote for pachys.

The limp-wristed, good-two-shoes protestors are not going to cause you nearly the trouble
that pachys in office will.

That won't happen