Thomas Sowell: Obama "arrogant, foolishly clever and ultimately dangerous"


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"...virtually everything [Obama] says about domestic policy is straight out of the 1960s and virtually everything he says about foreign policy is straight out of the 1930s. "

Sowell nails it again. Some Dems say that McCain wants to "turn the clock back" to the 1980s. Well, at least we were getting stronger and more prosperous in the 1980s. Is there really anything new about the "new change" Obama wants to bring? Or is he merely a reincarnation of the old-time liberal extremists who brought so much pain and destruction to our society in the 30s and 60s?


An Old Newness

by Thomas Sowell
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Many years ago, a great hitter named Paul Waner was nearing the end of his long career. He entered a ballgame with 2,999 hits -- one hit away from the landmark total of 3,000, which so many hitters want to reach, but which relatively few actually do reach.

Waner hit a ball that the fielder did not handle cleanly but the official scorer called it a hit, making it Waner's 3,000th. Paul Waner then sent word to the official scorer that he did not want that questionable hit to be the one that put him over the top.

The official scorer reversed himself and called it an error. Later Paul Waner got a clean hit for number 3,000.

What reminded me of this is the great fervor that many seem to feel over the prospect of the first black President of the United States.

No doubt it is only a matter of time before there is a black president, just as it was only a matter of time before Paul Waner got his 3,000th hit. The issue is whether we want to reach that landmark so badly that we are willing to overlook how questionably that landmark is reached.

Paul Waner had too much pride to accept a scratch hit. Choosing a President of the United States is a lot more momentous than a baseball record. We the voters need to have far more concern about who we put in that office that holds the destiny of a nation and of generations yet unborn.

There is no reason why someone as arrogant, foolishly clever and ultimately dangerous as Barack Obama should become president -- especially not at a time when the threat of international terrorists with nuclear weapons looms over 300 million Americans.

Many people seem to regard elections as occasions for venting emotions, like cheering for your favorite team or choosing a Homecoming Queen.

The three leading candidates for their party's nomination are being discussed in terms of their demographics -- race, sex and age -- as if that is what the job is about.

One of the painful aspects of studying great catastrophes of the past is discovering how many times people were preoccupied with trivialities when they were teetering on the edge of doom. The demographics of the presidency are far less important than the momentous weight of responsibility that office carries.

Just the power to nominate federal judges to trial courts and appellate courts across the country, including the Supreme Court, can have an enormous impact for decades to come. There is no point feeling outraged by things done by federal judges, if you vote on the basis of emotion for those who appoint them.

Barack Obama has already indicated that he wants judges who make social policy instead of just applying the law. He has already tried to stop young violent criminals from being tried as adults.

Although Senator Obama has presented himself as the candidate of new things -- using the mantra of "change" endlessly -- the cold fact is that virtually everything has says about domestic policy is straight out of the 1960s and virtually everything he says about foreign policy is straight out of the 1930s.

Protecting criminals, attacking business, increasing government spending, promoting a sense of envy and grievance, raising taxes on people who are productive and subsidizing those who are not -- all this is a re-run of the 1960s.

We paid a terrible price for such 1960s notions in the years that followed, in the form of soaring crime rates, double-digit inflation and double-digit unemployment. During the 1960s, ghettoes across the countries were ravaged by riots from which many have not fully recovered to this day.

The violence and destruction were concentrated not where there was the greatest poverty or injustice but where there were the most liberal politicians, promoting grievances and hamstringing the police.

Internationally, the approach that Senator Obama proposes -- including the media magic of meetings between heads of state -- was tried during the 1930s. That approach, in the name of peace, is what led to the most catastrophic war in human history.

Everything seems new to those too young to remember the old and too ignorant of history to have heard about it.
Absolutely no one pays Sowell any attention but the right.

You might as well posted this as if Dick Cheney said it.

Same amount of disrespect would happen.
Haven't you heard LA? Sowell is a traitor to his race, an Uncle Tom. He doesn't toe the line. That makes him and his opinions irrelevant.
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Haven't you heard LA? Sowell is a traitor to his race, and Uncle Tom. He doesn't toe the line. That makes him and his opinions irrelevant.

He's all that plus he's a partisan hack .. AND most importantly, he's irrelevant.

See there is good news about Sowell.

This fool believes that gender and racial bias and income disparities are a myth.
Well, this board is consistent, at least. Once again, no one can apparently find anything in Sowell's article they can refute. Nothing but desperate attempts by BAC to keep people from reading or believing what it says, with no basis except for smears on Sowell's character and a patent lie about things Sowell didn't even say.

The man is brilliant IMHO. He has a knack for framing a complex subject in direct, comprehensible language, and his points (as apparently agreed here) are irrefutable.
"Protecting criminals, attacking business, increasing government spending, promoting a sense of envy and grievance, raising taxes on people who are productive and subsidizing those who are not "

I haven't seen Obama propose any of the above.

The onus is on Sowell.
Well, this board is consistent, at least. Once again, no one can apparently find anything in Sowell's article they can refute. Nothing but desperate attempts by BAC to keep people from reading or believing what it says, with no basis except for smears on Sowell's character and a patent lie about things Sowell didn't even say.

The man is brilliant IMHO. He has a knack for framing a complex subject in direct, comprehensible language, and his points (as apparently agreed here) are irrefutable.

You give me far too much credit for I'm not capable of keeping anyone from posting anything .. nor do I want to be. I like spirited debate .. that's why I'm posting in your thread.

The reason your thread is dead, Little Acorn, is exactly because of what I've said. Sowell is irrelevant.

Additionally, you're just tooooo easy my brother.

a patent lie about things Sowell didn't even say

[ame=""]YouTube - Thomas Sowell - Gender Bias and Income Disparity: A Myth?[/ame]

Too easy
Is this a new tactic? Pretend I said someone tried to keep someone else from posting when I didn't, then announcing I'm somehow "easy"? While you're still unable to refute anything in the article?

Apparently when you have nothing true you can say, you fail to take the hint and say something false instead.

Desperation does strange things to some people. :Lolup:
Sowell is for the most part a Libertarian, a best selling author, a PHD economist and a Rose and Milton Friedman senior fellow. What is BAC's creds???
One Sowell article has more influence than BAC's lifelong history as an internet dork.

Yeah sure. Nobody knows or cares wtf Sowell is other than a handful of right wing nerds who need a black guy so they can say “see, even the black guy says so” about their harmful right wing economic policies. Like he is some household name, why don’t you get real? You live in a country where the majority can’t name the Vice President.

Like you’re so influential. Bac is a published writer so what we do know is that he has influenced more people than you have. I know, I know, you’re the only one on this thread who didn’t have to google!
He's a best seller, wrote for Forbes, appeared on Free To Choose,

Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, September 1980 - present

Professor of Economics, UCLA, July 1974 - June 1980

Visiting Professor of Economics, Amherst College, September- December 1977

Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, April- August 1977

Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, July 1976 - March 1977

Project Director, The Urban Institute, August 1972 - July 1974

Associate Professor of Economics, UCLA, September 1970 - June 1972

Associate Professor of Economics, Brandeis University, September 1969 - June 1970

Assistant Professor of Economics, Cornell University, September 1965 - June 1969

Economic Analyst, American Telephone & Telegraph Co., June 1964 - August 1965

Lecturer in Economics, Howard University, September 1963 - June 1964

Instructor in Economics, Douglass College, Rutgers University, September 1962 - June 1963

Labor Economist, U.S. Department of Labor, June 1961 - August 1962

From Wiki - While often described as a "black conservative", he prefers not to be labeled, and considers himself more libertarian than conservative

Also, I don't call people with such credentials irrelevent. Where is the BAC published writtings?
He's a best seller, wrote for Forbes, appeared on Free To Choose,

Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, September 1980 - present

Professor of Economics, UCLA, July 1974 - June 1980

Visiting Professor of Economics, Amherst College, September- December 1977

Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, April- August 1977

Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, July 1976 - March 1977

Project Director, The Urban Institute, August 1972 - July 1974

Associate Professor of Economics, UCLA, September 1970 - June 1972

Associate Professor of Economics, Brandeis University, September 1969 - June 1970

Assistant Professor of Economics, Cornell University, September 1965 - June 1969

Economic Analyst, American Telephone & Telegraph Co., June 1964 - August 1965

Lecturer in Economics, Howard University, September 1963 - June 1964

Instructor in Economics, Douglass College, Rutgers University, September 1962 - June 1963

Labor Economist, U.S. Department of Labor, June 1961 - August 1962

From Wiki - While often described as a "black conservative", he prefers not to be labeled, and considers himself more libertarian than conservative

Also, I don't call people with such credentials irrelevent. Where is the BAC published writtings?

Firstly, it’s not my place to tell you where, and I don’t believe he has ever posted that info on the board.

Secondly, I guess I will have to repeat, that nobody but a bunch of you right-wing econ guys who are always trying to claim that your economic ideology doesn’t hurt the poor and minorities gives a crap what Sowell has to say. There is a cottage industry just keeping right wing blowhards on the best seller lists. Their sales come in bulk sales, many are easily found out simply by noting the asterisk on the NY Times best seller list for instance. Which I have done.

If you honestly believe he is “influencing” events in this country, happy dreaming.
Nobody knows or cares wtf Sowell is other than a handful of right wing nerds

Darla has spoken to everybody, and has determined that they don't in fact, know who Sowell is or what he has written and done.

There is no truth to the rumor that she just pulls such unfounded smears and lies out of her ass when she doesn't like what Sowell says but she can't refute him. And that she spreads those lies in hopes that someone will believe her and assume Sowell is the one who is lying, instead of her. :rolleyes:
Sowell is a black man who has left the Democrat he is not someone who is intelligent no matter how many degrees the man has..

He's a Uncle Tom, which is what a liberal calls any black person who is conservative.

Darla has spoken to everybody, and has determined that they don't in fact, know who Sowell is or what he has written and done.

There is no truth to the rumor that she just pulls such unfounded smears and lies out of her ass when she doesn't like what Sowell says but she can't refute him. And that she spreads those lies in hopes that someone will believe her and assume Sowell is the one who is lying, instead of her. :rolleyes:

Yeah, that's it.
Sowell is a black man who has left the Democrat he is not someone who is intelligent no matter how many degrees the man has..

He's a Uncle Tom, which is what a liberal calls any black person who is conservative.


The second someone uses the term "liberal plantation" I stop reading. The very second. It tells me all I need to know about their mentality. I read a lot of intellectuals, and I don't have the time to waste on high school nonsense.
The second someone uses the term "liberal plantation" I stop reading. The very second. It tells me all I need to know about their mentality. I read a lot of intellectuals, and I don't have the time to waste on high school nonsense.

Yeah right. you stopped reading, yet you just HAD to respond.

And..I didn't say liberal plantation...I said, Democrat your reading comprehension isn't all that great...:clink:
Yeah right. you stopped reading, yet you just HAD to respond.

And..I didn't say liberal plantation...I said, Democrat your reading comprehension isn't all that great...:clink:

I’m not talking about you, do you honestly think I’m comparing you to an intellectual??