
Ohhh--if your a consertative who loves the orgional premise of this land--your still in the closet? lol

left wing = fascist much more than right wing does, but both wings belong to the same vulture.

I made a thread bout accusing the other party of the same thing (in this case fascism) that they ared accused of by the other party. You are a mental vitim (like most of us) of the entertainment of a two party system--while the vulture flys in the direction the world wants it to. The bird used to be a bald eagle--but it is now a commie vulture--one liberials support.

Thor is a real American--one of the few on this commie gay board. Commies will not agree--of course--and your a commie marksist (seemingly to me)--weather you know it or not.
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Ohhh--if your a consertative who loves the orgional premise of this land--your still in the closet? lol

left wing = fascist much more than right wing does, but both wings belong to the same vulture.

I made a thread bout accusing the other party of the same thing (in this case fascism) that they ared accused of by the other party. You are a mental vitim (like most of us) of the entertainment of a two party system--while the vulture flys in the direction the world wants it to. The bird used to be a bals eagle--but it is now a commie vulture--one liberials support.

The original promise or our land? Oh! You mean a liberal democracy?

Naaa the gay crack had nothing to do with that. You'll have to read more of Brent's post. Most of the membership concluded a long time ago that he's a closeted gay. Just ask Water or USC or Damo or any of the old members here.

I have to disagree in part with your point on the two parties. Both parties have extreme wings though their are a far greater number or extremist in the Republican coalition than in the Democrats, at this time in our history.

The extreme conservatives (reactionaries) are much closer to the political ideology of fascism than the far left is and they are much greater in number than the far left.

Having said that the far left is also guilty of it's ideological extremes. The main differance between the far left and the far right at this time in our history is that the far left has little, if any, political power or influence where as the political influence of the far right is huge.

The main attribute, philosophically, of the far right is rampant nationalism, authoritarianism, militarism and a group think ethical mentality that can be best described as "Whats good for us is what's good for the country" or what I call the "Milo Minderbinder Philosophy" (those who are well read will appreciate that comment). This is much closer to the political system we call "fascism" than that of the far left.

The main attribute, philosophically, of the far left is an extreme version of utilitarian ethics. That is "What's good for the most people is what's good for all of us". Pretty much the exact opposite of the far rights group think. Where as the far right is identified with it's extreme nationalism and authoritarianism the far left is identified by their rationalizations that the needs of the many outweigh the needs or rights of the individual combined with a distinct lack of respect for property rights (intellectual and material).
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The original promise or our land? Oh! You mean a liberal democracy?

Naaa the gay crack had nothing to do with that. You'll have to read more of Brent's post. Most of the membership concluded a long time ago that he's a closeted gay. Just ask Water or USC or Damo or any of the old members here.

I have to disagree in part with your point on the two parties. Both parties have extreme wings though their are a far greater number or extremist in the Republican coalition than in the Democrats, at this time in our history.

The extreme conservatives (reactionaries) are much closer to the political ideology of fascism than the far left is and they are much greater in number than the far left.

Having said that the far left is also guilty of it's ideological extremes. The main differance between the far left and the far right at this time in our history is that the far left has little, if any, political power or influence where as the political influence of the far right is huge.

The main attribute, philosophically, of the far right is rampant nationalism, authoritarianism, militarism and a group think ethical mentality that can be best described as "Whats good for us is what's good for the country" or what I call the "Milo Minderbinder Philosophy" (those who are well read will appreciate that comment). This is much closer to the political system we call "fascism" than that of the far left.

The main attribute, philosophically, of the far left is an extreme version of utilitarian ethics. That is "What's good for the most people is what's good for all of us". Pretty much the exact opposite of the far rights group think. Where as the far right is identified with it's extreme nationalism and authoritarianism the far left is identified by their rationalizations that the needs of the many outweigh the needs or rights of the individual combined with a distinct lack of respect for property rights (intellectual and material).

Who taught you that? Liberial does not mean small and limited government. How much of that fucking kool-aid did you drink? let me educate you on the history that your university ignored. The closest philosophy we have that is the orgional premise of this nation is liberitarian/consertative. Consertative means---to conserve the idealisms of our founding fathers--and they definatly did not believe in a nanney state, big government. It was based on the individual--not a socialistic society. This country was formed to get away from those opressive societies. Was it grape--or strawberry?

Seriously--I don't know how anybody can call themself a American with thought processes like yours. It is dispickable, and bordoring treason!!---unless you don't actually know the difference between a typical consertative and a typical liberial---freedom or Marksism. If you cant tell Obama is Marksist---you have been taught poorly--with a agenda to Change America to the loosers they (your college professors) orgionate from.

If you want to talk fascism--Consertatives don't tell me what kind of car to drive, what to eat, how warm to keep my home in the winter. Read my Obama quote in my sig man. PUT THE KOOL-AID DOWN! You think Obama is "good for the all"--Bull shit. Obama is "Slavery for all", but he doesnt; even know it. He is a empty vessel for Marksism and Communism from all over the world.--and you drank the aid also. have you ever done any critical thinking, in line with what you intuitively know as human nature? Do you have a need to be free--or is that national ID card (transmitts a radio signal with your personal information--and is being pushed on our citizens) going to be OK with you?

Sit on your ass--and don't do a thing (as Michelle Obama was pretty much preaching to our youth)--I am going to work for you now---fucker!
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The reason Don Q challenged Thor is because Thor tried to say that liberals hate the handicapped and disabled.

But Don pointed out that his handicap is much less of a problem because of the work of liberals to make access to public places possible.

It has nothing to do with actual politics. It is that Thor hates Darla. Nothing more and nothing less.
Who taught you that? Liberial does not mean small and limited government. How much of that fucking kool-aid did you drink? let me educate you on the history that your university ignored. The closest philosophy we have that is the orgional premise of this nation is liberitarian/consertative. Consertative means---to conserve the idealisms of our founding fathers--and they definatly did not believe in a nanney state, big government. It was based on the individual--not a socialistic society. This country was formed to get away from those opressive societies. Was it grape--or strawberry?

Seriously--I don't know how anybody can call themself a American with thought processes like yours. It is dispickable, and bordoring treason!!---unless you don't actually know the difference between a typical consertative and a typical liberial---freedom or Marksism. If you cant tell Obama is Marksist---you have been taught poorly--with a agenda to Change America to the loosers they (your college professors) orgionate from.

If you want to talk fascism--Consertatives don't tell me what kind of car to drive, what to eat, how warm to keep my home in the winter. Read my Obama quote in my sig man. PUT THE KOOL-AID DOWN! You think Obama is "good for the all"--Bull shit. Obama is "Slavery for all", but he doesnt; even know it. He is a empty vessel for Marksism and Communism from all over the world.--and you drank the aid also. have you ever done any critical thinking, in line with what you intuitively know as human nature? Do you have a need to be free--or is that national ID card (transmitts a radio signal with your personal information--and is being pushed on our citizens) going to be OK with you?

Sit on your ass--and don't do a thing (as Michelle Obama was pretty much preaching to our youth)--I am going to work for you now---fucker!

You just quite simply know what your talking about and your ignorance of American History, The American Revolution, The principles of Federalism and Republicanism (as Jefferson defined it) is profound. You need to read up buddy.
Seriously--I don't know how anybody can call themself a American with thought processes like yours. It is dispickable, and bordoring treason!!---unless you don't actually know the difference between a typical consertative and a typical liberial---freedom or Marksism. If you cant tell Obama is Marksist---you have been taught poorly--with a agenda to Change America to the loosers they (your college professors) orgionate from.

Typical right wing fascism from a wing nut ignorant of his own countries history. Ya'll love giving mouth service to freedom and liberty until some one actually practices that or liberty or critical thinking then you insular niave fools accuse them of treason. You wouldn't know the principles this nation was founded on if they fell on you and fucked you like a twenty dollar whore.

Go read a book and come back when you can talk intelligently.

Hell you don't even know what liberalism is. It's the principle that the American revolution was founded on. It's why our nation is called a "liberal democracy". You don't even know what conservatism is and, like Dixie, consistently confuse conservatism as being a reactionary.

You reactionary wingnuts won't be happy until were ruled by King George again (Oh fuck...I forgot..we are!).

If there's any group of people who are traitors to the ideals and principles that this nation was founded on it's reactionary extremist like you.
Yes, it would be easier for you if you could remove all argument for your point of view.

It ain't gonna happen, junior. So you might want to get better at debating.
Typical right wing fascism from a wing nut ignorant of his own countries history. Ya'll love giving mouth service to freedom and liberty until some one actually practices that or liberty or critical thinking then you insular niave fools accuse them of treason. You wouldn't know the principles this nation was founded on if they fell on you and fucked you like a twenty dollar whore.

Go read a book and come back when you can talk intelligently.

Hell you don't even know what liberalism is. It's the principle that the American revolution was founded on. It's why our nation is called a "liberal democracy". You don't even know what conservatism is and, like Dixie, consistently confuse conservatism as being a reactionary.

You reactionary wingnuts won't be happy until were ruled by King George again (Oh fuck...I forgot..we are!).

If there's any group of people who are traitors to the ideals and principles that this nation was founded on it's reactionary extremist like you.

while he likes the first amendment when it comes to posting his rants, he does not like it when people do not agree

real americans support the entire constitution