Those Crappy Touch Screens...


Staff member
Were decertified...

In my county too!


Nobody liked them. Thank god they are gone. The Sequoia machines were the ones we had, but didn't use. We were required to have them at the election site, but we continued to use the Optech Optical scanners that I spoke about and only if people asked to use the Sequoia machines were they used.

Nobody ever asked. Not even once, nobody trusted those pieces of crap. I wonder if Elbert can sue for their money back.
good move.

We've always had optical scanned paper ballots, which seem to work fine.
The optical scanned paper ballots are the only way to go. That way you get an electronic count and paper to back it up. Can't create a 51-49 program for those things.
The optical scanned paper ballots are the only way to go. That way you get an electronic count and paper to back it up. Can't create a 51-49 program for those things.
And they are very easy to recount, even if you have to do them manually. No guesswork or psychic powers needed with dimpled or scratched chads...
Were decertified...

In my county too!


Nobody liked them. Thank god they are gone. The Sequoia machines were the ones we had, but didn't use. We were required to have them at the election site, but we continued to use the Optech Optical scanners that I spoke about and only if people asked to use the Sequoia machines were they used.

Nobody ever asked. Not even once, nobody trusted those pieces of crap. I wonder if Elbert can sue for their money back.

In San Francisco you have a pen and you draw a line from the candidate to their box. Simple as pie.
In San Francisco you have a pen and you draw a line from the candidate to their box. Simple as pie.
Here too. Optechs are optical scanner machines. However, per Federal law you are required to have touch screens because of ADA. No matter how often you say that, the reality is somewhere at each voting area there must be one of those machines.
Were decertified...

In my county too!


Nobody liked them. Thank god they are gone. The Sequoia machines were the ones we had, but didn't use. We were required to have them at the election site, but we continued to use the Optech Optical scanners that I spoke about and only if people asked to use the Sequoia machines were they used.

Nobody ever asked. Not even once, nobody trusted those pieces of crap. I wonder if Elbert can sue for their money back.

In Mississippi you either vote by affadavit or use the Diebold. We've never had optical scanners, we've always used paper ballots, I assume that it's because of cost. Once the feds gave us the touchscreens there really wasn't any reason to print out paper ballots again.
In San Francisco you have a pen and you draw a line from the candidate to their box. Simple as pie.


You guys have some bastard for of IRV, don't you? I think you have to rank the candidates, and then if no one gets 40% everybody but the top two are eliminated and the use the preferences to sort that out. A terrible mutation of the IRV system but that's how most American cities seem to be adopting it.

You guys have some bastard for of IRV, don't you? I think you have to rank the candidates, and then if no one gets 40% everybody but the top two are eliminated and the use the preferences to sort that out. A terrible mutation of the IRV system but that's how most American cities seem to be adopting it.

yeah, pretty close to what you described I believe
I think the real reason they changed the system was to give minor parties even less of a chance than they already had.

With the old system, there were like 10 or so seats and 6 votes. Which meant that the majority didn't necessarily get all of the seats. Not so now. But you get a fancy ranked ballot!

Hell, no REpublican was going to win anyway, so I guess it doesn't make much of a difference.